Chapter 110 The Main Character of Planet Aquamarine (1/2)
Someone once said that if one reviewed one's previous life, one would realize that one's wrongdoings in the past would come back to haunt one.
If those words were true, Han Xiao felt that he was bound to become a haunted house owner, surrounded by hateful specters, since every enemy that he killed stared hard at him with vengeful, angry eyes.
At the most critical juncture, Han Xiao used his amazing sniping skills to stabilize the battle situation. He gave the mercenaries time to regroup, and the rest of the surviving snipers also made use of the opportunity to head to new hideouts.
The mercenaries made Han Xiao the main fighter, and all of them provided support for him. The enemy's plan to suppress Han Xiao with heavy fire failed badly. The troops working with Han Xiao managed to relieve his stress and pressure. In turn, this brought out the best of his strength and made his fighting easier.
You are currently sniping while on the move.
You learned a [Moving Snipe] technique. (100/100)
You successfully grasped [Moving Snipe]!
Moving Snipe Lv.1 (0/4,500): Reduction of the loss of accuracy from shooting in motion, +2% explosive firing accuracy, +1% fire rate when equipped with sniper rifles.
Han Xiao realized that [Moving Snipe] did not require large sums of EXP points. He channeled his additional EXP points into the skill and raised the skill to Lv.4. He became more comfortable with operating a sniper rifle and could use the weapon to the best of its ability.
After the enemy's initial strong push, the situation was back in the defenders' favor. The incoming enemy troops were fatigued. They wanted to use explosives to blow a hole in the exterior walls of the garden and follow-up by driving their vehicles into the compound. However, the tough steel plates and concrete with the urgent repairs going on made the exterior impossible to blow up.
The enemies then changed their plans and wanted to wipe out the guards of the base directly, but instead, they were stopped by the powerful Han Xiao, who suddenly emerged before their eyes. The enemies realized their assault was going down hill. They started their retreat and left piles of dead bodies.
The Y-5 Snake helicopter turned back and flew away from the site. The helicopter did not have the audacity to fly close to the ground. The pilots were afraid that Han Xiao could fire at its fuel-tank and ammunition storage, which would limit the helicopter's fighting ability, making it less of a threat.
The battle is finally over. Han Xiao heaved a sigh of relief. His HP had dropped by over 600 points. The endurance level of the magnetically-controlled retractable armor was reduced by a great deal, but he had brought some mechanical parts with him, so he could conduct repairs on the damaged item.
The mercenaries by his side were all exhausted. They collapsed to the ground in fatigue. Chen Li walked toward them. He was curious about Han Xiao's abilities. He wanted to find out Han Xiao's full fighting capability and asked, ”Mr. Black, are you alright?”
Han Xiao waved his hand to indicate that he was doing fine at the current moment.
Although Chen Li appeared relieved, he was in fact slightly shocked. He did not expect the Scorpion-level assassin to be more reliable than the Hornet brothers.
Shooting the enemies under such powerful concentrated enemy fire was not a feat that was attainable by a Scorpion-level individual.
Chen Li suspected that Mr. Black was a new member of the Dark Web, which would explain his rather low level. Based on his performance in the previous battle, as long as he survived, he could easily attain 'Ghost' level.
Third round completed. You gained 150,000 EXP.
Change in Quest Requirement
Fourth Round Requirement: Defend against five waves of attacks.
Reward: 40,000 EXP per wave (Accumulated EXP will be kept if the mission fails.)
Special Reward: 100,000 EXP
Han Xiao felt helpless. Why is it another defense mission? Can there be more variety?
Three forts have been destroyed, and many mercenary troops have also perished. Is the whole mission going to be an endless defense against enemy attacks‽
The only consolation is probably the experience and the special reward. Perhaps the special reward is the reason behind all the hidden requirements for the mission. What special tactics are they going to run this time round?
Han Xiao made his way to the logistics zone to start the repairs of the damaged equipment and replenish the exhausted ammunition. On his way there, he was met with looks of respect given by the mercenary troops. Their looks seemed like they had given the 'green light' to let Han Xiao be the leader of all the snipers in the force instead of the Hornet brothers.
Those troops with injuries spent the night having themselves treated while the troops who were not injured had a peaceful night of sleep.
The rain stopped at twilight. The ground was muddy, mixed with blood and bullet shells. A strange pungent smell was also emitted by the ground.
Han Xiao was prepared to close his eyes to take a short nap when he heard a commotion emerging out of the communication device.
”The targets have appeared!”
Han Xiao opened his eyes and looked toward the mansion.
The bald old man and a fine-looking gentleman appeared behind the fences of the mansion. All the mercenary troops were alarmed, and they stared curiously at the targets that they were supposed to protect.
When all the mercenary troops and assassins arrived before him, the bald open man started speaking. ”Thank you for the protection you guys have offered for the past few days. I will now call out the names of some of the guys whom I want to speak with.”
The bald old man chanted out a list of names. The names belonged to the commanders of the mercenary troops and assassins with outstanding performances in the mission. Mr. Black, which was Han Xiao's code name, was also mentioned.
”… please enter the mansion in ten minutes. I have something to discuss with you guys.”
The condition for the mission to fail has changed.
The condition of no entrance into the mansion, which would directly lead to mission failure, was no longer there.
The appearance of the two mysterious characters created an intense discussion between the curious and puzzled troops.