87 10 Commandments (2/2)
Derieri flashed near him as she was 30 hits through her combo star. Turning his body to mist, Rei dodges easily before slmming her in the sides with all of his tails causing her to crash through the forest. Monspeet fired magic towards Rei to which Rei opened his mouth and ate it before firing it back at Monspeet shocking him.
Drole tried to use giant magic to manipulate the earth to attack Rei, using his concept of nature. Rei stopped Drole using his magic before flashed near him and punched his in the chest causing Drole of kneel down in pain.
Jumping backwards Rei dodged Zeldris' sword strike before countering with his own attack. The two swords clashed causing sparks to appear in the air with Zeldris slowly getting more and more wounds on his body.
Estarossa flashed behind Rei as he cut down with multiple swords that he had summoned.
”You're not the only one that can do that.” Rei said as he summoned multiple noble phantasms blocking Estarossa's sword before hitting him with his tail launching Estarossa away.
Taking this chance, Melascula tried to extract Rei's soul but a sudden explosion of fire surprised her.
”Sunshine.” Rei said simple as he used Escanor's power burning Melascula as she cried out in pain.
Rei sent a shockwave out around him as he felt time was soon going to be up.
”That was a little greeting from me to you. See ya.” Rei said simply as retracted his 14 swords to float around him once more as he disappeared leaving a group of wounded commandments angry at what had just happened.
Rei soon reappeared in the druids location and saw a group of shocked people looking at him. Turning off all of his abilities, Rei sat down heavily as he is mostly drained of his magic.
”Rei! That was amazing!! How were you able to fight those monsters like that!!” Gilthunder said shocked as Howzer nodded.
Rei only shrugged because he couldn't be bothered to explain it.
”Oh yeah, Merlin. I should be able to release you of the commandments pretty easily.” Rei called out to Merlin.
”That would be helpful.” Merlin said as she smiled.
King stayed silent as he didn't know what to do with the fact that Rei was both demon and angel.
”Say dad, where is Diane nee san and Ban nii san.” Rei asked.
”Diane has lost her memories of us because of Gowther.” King gnashed his teeth in anger.
”I can sort that out but what about Ban nii san.” Rei said causing King to widen his eyes in anticipation.
”Not sure, apparently last time he was at the fairy kings forest.” Meliodas said.
'It should be time for Ban and Elaine to meet again soon which means Escanor is next.' Rei thought as he nodded.
”Well I'm gonna go sleep for a bit, wake me up when you guys are done.” Rei said as he waved goodbye and went to rest to recover his mana.