44 Sword of time - Mirai (2/2)

”Yep! I want my sword to help you out in battle as much as it could.” Eve said with a wide smile.

Rei smiled at her gently as he became serious.

”Forge on.....” Rei said as the neon magic circuits drummed to life. Energy started to twist and fuse as it gathered infront of Rei.

”Eve I want you to focus your intent using your soul force at the sword.” Rei said as the sword slowly took shape.

Focusing her soul force towards the sword, a white string of energy started to thread together with the currently forming blade. The formation of the blade has started to effect the surroundings as the grass grew longer while the trees aged and rotted. Sweat rolled down his forehead, as Rei didn't think that creating a Zanpakuto for someone else would be so hard. Eve also had sweat roll down her face as she had to mix her energy with Rei's to try create a stable mix as well as imprint the sword into her soul.

Just as the sword was about to finish forming the mixture of energy started to run amok.

”Shit! Eve try hold it from blowing up while I finish forming it.” Rei said as he tried to finisg the sword.

”On it!” Eve quickly said as she exerted her soul force to wrap up the sword keeping it from destabilising.

”FORM!!” Rei shouted as light erupted towards the sky creating a beacon.

The light cleared as a katana could be seen floating. It had a simple design, a curved pristine blade and a white hilt guard. Information about the sword flowed into the minds of Rei and Eve.

”Sword of time...” Rei said as he saw what the ability of the sword was.

”As the sword of time, I shall name you Mirai(future).” Eve said as the katana flew into her hands.

[Sword of time - Mirai


Increase your speed up to. 30%

Decrease enemy speed up to. 30%

This sword controls the laws of time. By decreasing the time around you, you move faster. By increasing the time around the enemy they move slower.

Stage 1 - ?????

Stage 2 - ?????

Stage 3 - ????? ]

”Well damn, Eve your Zanpakuto uses the laws of time.” Rei said as he looked at Mirai in Eve's hands.

”Yeah.” Eve said smiling as she held her blade.

”Now then I think we should prepare to attack the world government soon.” Eve said as she retracted Mirai into her soul.

”Yeah, after we finish off the world government we can visit mum back in Boku no Hero world.” Rei said as he held Eve's hand walking back to the village.

Arriving, they could see Ace and Garp talking in Makino's bar.

”Yo!” Rei said as he walked in.

”Yo! Rei so where we off to next?” Ace said turning around to Rei and Eve.

”World Government time.” Rei said with a wide grin.

”So it's time.” Ace said as he stood up. But his arm was quickly held by Garp.

”Ace....Don't go.” Garp said with his eyes shadowed.

”Gramps...” Ace said looking at Garp.

”you've already 'died' once. Don't make it a second time.” Garp said sounding tired.

”....Ace, he's right you know. The world government could be too high of a step for you right now.” Rei said after seeing Garp's concern for Ace.

”But...” Ace hesitated.

”How about this, I will take you to Luffy and you join his crew. Go protect your brother Ace.” Rei suggested to Ace.

”Haaaaa~ Fine I'll go look after Luffy.” Ace sighed as he knew that the world government will be too high a level for him.

”Also go to dressrosa when you get a chance with Luffy. There is a nice surprise for you brothers.” Rei said with a mysterious smile.

”Now then Ace shall we go to Luffy?” Rei asked seeing Garp accept the fact that Ace will be with Luffy keeping him safe.

”Yeah.” Ace said while he bid farewell to the village.

Holding Eve in a princess carry, Rei traced out Enkidu and latched it around Ace.

”Wait hold on can't she flyyyYYYYYYYYYY!!!!” Ace shouted as Rei took of flying half way through his sentence. Ace grabbed on for dear life as he swung around on the chain from all the wind that is blowing into him.