23 All For One part 2 (1/2)

(I was listening to two step from hell battle tracks when writing. so i recommend to listen if you want or any battle theme.)


The dust cleared to show a injured All For One missing a arm that is burnt and the wound closed up unable to be regenerated.

Rei quickly jumped back while panting from magic over use.

”Haaaa~Hahahaha! Yes! Show me more of your potential HERO!!” All For One shouted in a crazed matter as black and red matter appeared to replace his arm. Recognising the matter as what All For One uses to steal quirks and add them. Rei backed off since if All For One decided to give him a quirk, he will die because he can't handle it.

As he jumped back the black matter was already were he had stood hitting him if he stayed.

”HAHAHAHA!!” All For One laughed as he looked over to where the heroes are.

”Oh fuck! OI SHITHEADS RUN QUICK!!” Rei shouted as he didn't want All For One to get more powerful. However, life had other thoughts as All For One shot his black matter towards the group of heroes.

”ARRGGGGG!!!” They collectively screamed in pain as the red line in the matter glowed brighter.

”Shit isn't that what Nomu did in our fight.”Rei thought seeing All For One slowly morph as the neon red lines appear on his body.

Rei quickly jumped backwards as he felt danger. True to his instinct All For One was already there smashing the ground causing it to collapse. As huge cloud of dust shot upwards as Rei was thrown out holding his mother to protect her while he took on the impact.

”KUAH-!” Rei spat out a mouthful of blood as All For One punched him in the back. Quickly twisting his body, Rei kept his mother safe when he crashed into the building.

”Hahahaha, admirable. Still managed to take the brunt of the attack without letting your mother get hurt. Why do you persist?”All For One said slowly walking out of the dust.

”She gave me life....She still worried for me even when she hadn't seen me for 15years.....She wanted to stay behind for me to run.....If I didn't repay her for all of her kindness....What kind of a son am I?” Rei said standing up weakly body battered and still holding his mother in a way to protect her.

”Why bother with her? You have all this power that can be used with a flick of a finger but you hold back because of this woman?!” All For One asked annoyed.

”Yeah...afterall....she showed me a mothers unconditional love....” Rei said while eating another healing pill leaving him only 2 left.

”So I will use my everything to protect her.” Rei said with conviction.

”Then let me crush your everything.” All For One said about to use his pressure canon.

When suddenly, a blur of red,white, yellow and blue showed up punching All For One away. Rei smiled seeing him.

”Everything is fine now Rei Shounen, Why? Because I am here!” All Might said with his smile looking at Rei.

”Hahaha, took you long enough All Might.” Rei said with a smile.

”Oi gaki! You've gotten strong in the time I haven't seen you.” A cheerful voice said. Looking over Rei could see Gran Torino smiling at him.

”Yeah...indeed I have Sora jichan.” Rei said.

”Hahaha don't call me jichan I still have years ahead of me.” Gran Torino said.

”Hey Sora jichan can you take my mum away from here? I got some payback to deliver.” Rei said showing Gran Torino his mum passed out.

”Sure kid give him a first class express mail.” Gran Torino said trusting Rei and taking her from his hands.

”Yeah. All Might it seems like the first time we fight side by side.” Rei said standing up next to All Might.

”Yeah. Rei shounen let us go take him down.” All Might said.

”Kuhahahaha, All Might so you have come.... I didn't think i'd have to use this so soon but it seems like I have to use this to have a chance against you and the young hero.” All For One said eating something.


”Wait what is that?” Rei questioned hearing Eve's panic.

{A world ranked core is the core of a world rank being by combat level. By eating the core raw, it will boost the user up to world rank combat level for a short time. But if the body is not strong enough they will become a mindless monster that can destroy the world.} Eve quickly explained.

”Un got it.” Rei quickly thought before turning to All Might.

”All Might this is bad. We have to defeat him now!” Rei said in a panic before launching himself at All For One with Kyoki and Tengoku in each hand before he could even get close a shockwave pushed him back. All Might quickly catched Rei as they looked at All For One who's body is writhing as if there was a worm underneath him continuously growing larger.


”Rei shounen what's going on?” All Might asked seeing his arch nemesis slowly grow in size.

”He's turning into a monster All Might, This is much more powerful than you can imagine, if left alone he could destroy the world.” Rei said looking at the colossal beast that is about to take shape. Standing up Rei untraced Tengoku before holding it out.

”BAN-KAI!!” The red pillar shot out to the sky while All Might has to look away because of the brightness.

”Taema Nai Chinokawai” Rei said as the lights disappear to show him in his bankai form with his Guandao.

”All Might, I want you to help evacuate everyone near here. At this point i'll hold him back or he will kill all of us.” Rei said without looking at All Might.

”But Rei shounen that's suicide if he is as strong as you say.” All Might said looking at Rei. Shaking his head Rei looked at All Might before saying,

”All Might right now the people need their symbol of peace. I can almost guarantee that this monster is on live by now, there will be panic so just help the people while I go kill this monster. You can also save people from the effects of our fight, and also promise me this... Keep my mum safe.” Rei said smiling.

”But-” Seeing the iron resolve Rei held in his eyes All Might sighed before saying.

”Just be careful, We don't want your mum to be awake with no one there do we?”

”Thanks All Might...” Rei said before charging to the monster.

”Let's do this Taema” Rei said while the guandao shook in agreement. Compressing energy into his legs Rei took off like a red rocket. Stabbing Taema into the half formed monsters torso he cleaved upwards generating a red sword energy before thewound close. Wielding the Guandao as best as he could, he quickly used trace on the guandao used by guan yu from the three kingdoms to get his experience and techniques.

Swinging the blade Rei made hundred of deep cuts making his way to shoulder. At this point the monster had finished forming. With the wings of a black dragon, 6 pairs of eyes on his face, 3 rows of teeth, 2 legs, a long tail and spiral horns. One can tell that this is a demon dragon.