10 Exam part 1 (1/2)

A song of swords rang out in Rei's mindscape flashes of neon blue clashed while Rei and Emiya stared down on each other.

Through these long hard 10 months, Rei had made breakthroughs on how to manipulate the blades for when he uses Unlimited Blade Works. Rays and rays of swords shot out from the group as Rei and Emiya walked towards each other. Through the 10 months of training Emiya Shirou's current personality has started to rub off him, the main change being he has slowly become accustomed to the violence and not giving a shit to it. Not wanting to hold back the two decided to go all out.

>I am the bone of my sword<

”I am the ice of my sword”

They both chanted.

>Steel is my body and fire is my blood<

”Glaciers are my body and ice is my blood”

Rei had slowly developed his trump card by fusing Unlimited Blade Work and his quirk Frost Domain together. He had gotten this idea when he realised that Unlimited Blade works is like a blank piece to paper that is yet to be filled. While it did have the factory and swords. It was a wide expanse of land where he could manifest his powers if so he desired, much like the Rasengan and how Naruto added elements to it making it more powerful.

>I have created over a thousand blades<

”I have frozen over a thousand worlds”

The blades present in the air fought harder than ever, more swords broke each second as they walked closer to each other.

>Unknown to death<

”Forever laid sealed”

>Nor known to life<

”Never should I awaken”

As the chant had progressed Emiya started to have blue fire and wind circulate his body and blue circuits surfaced with every step. Where as Rei on the other hand, had his body pale into a white sheen, snow flakes have started to dance around him while every step he takes leaves a frozen wasteland behind him. His swords seemed to have gained a mysterious energy as they started to be coated by a very thin crystallised armour hardly visible to the naked eye, started to overpower Emiya's swords. Seeing this Emiya flinched as he tried to focused harder.

>Yet those hands will never hold anything<

”Yet these worlds can never hold me back”

>So as I pray....<

”And so I create...”



With a flash of light the two reality marbles crashed. One a hill of swords with gears and factories in the distance, another a world of ice and glaciers with enormous shadows of swords. The two marbles clashed as they tried to overpower the each other. Emiya's breath slowed as the temperature slowly dropped. They were face to face as they stared each other down. Rei's Glacial Blade Works slowly tool over Emiya Shirou's Unlimited Blade Works. Seeing this Emiya knew he had lost. While Rei did have his power, he had added to it and made it his own. Where as he could only create a world that holds swords, never to create new legacies. That is the only magic allowed to Emiya Shirou. The moment he knew he lost, his Unlimited Blade Works wavered. Seeing this opening Rei's Glacial Blade Works spurred on with renewed vigour flash freezing everything in its path and shattering them into icy shards. This didn't exclude Emiya as his body broke down and vanished with a smile.

Standing in victory Rei slowly increased the temperature and dismiss his Glacial Blade Works. While his trump card was strong, if he didn't be careful of the dangers it presented the sudden change in temperature would kill him instantly. After awhile Rei had returned back to normal with exception of being a bit pale in skin colour he saw Emiya watching him with a proud smile.

”So you've really made it your own Rei.” Emiya said while still looking at Rei.

”Yeah....If you didn't help me I don't think I would have the same amount of proficiency with the skill.” Rei responded faintly while still trying to recover from the coldness in his body.

”It pains me to say but my job is done. I have nothing else to teach you anymore. I am not even supposed to exist. Through the 10 months I had made some theories of my own about what I am but no matter what I can only think of one answer. While I am Emiya Shirou I am also you, you had used a portion of your soul to give me this opportunity and with it I was created to teach you. And once my job is done I shall disappear from here and go back to your soul. So even though the Demon we sealed when your were 4 was a crazed battle maniac. You must remember that he is also you and you have to accept him as part of you. Even the worse of you is still you.”

Listening Rei looked down to take in his words. After a while he looked up to see it being empty.

”Heh didn't even say goodbye, that's just like him. Asshole.” Rei said to himself. Tilting his head up at the last remainder of the hill of swords he said, ”Thanks.” before he faded back into reality. Watching him fade away Emiya reappeared looking at the spot.

”Your welcome dumbass”

He said before he dispersed into a bunch of golden lights and disappeared for the last time.

Awakening from his mindscape, Rei went to get a shower before he prepared to jog to the beach one last time. Only this time Midoria didn't call for him. Thinking about what might of happened he realised that Midoria should have cleared out the last piece of trash on the beach before screaming to the sky.

Quickly jogging to the beach he saw All Might and Midoria together and heard.

”Kueh(Eat this)” [Author note: Couldn't find what it actually sounded like so I improvised.]

Watching this Rei decided to let All Might finish his explanation before calling out to them.

”Midoria! Baka Usagi(idiot rabbit)! Hurry up or were gonna be late to the UA exam!”

”Ahh~ Rei shounen good morning and yes you're right. Come Midoria shounen you don't want to be late do you? I believe you guys can pass with flying colours!” He said while he gave a thumbs up in his muscle form. After saying their good byes Rei and Midoria quickly made their way to UA.

”Oh yeah Eve can I give Midoria the Body tempering pills now?” Rei quickly asked in his mind.

[YOU REMEMBER ME NOW??? Oh no Eve's only good for the system~ Eve do this, Eve do that. HMPH!]

”Ahhh don't be mad please I'm trying to not burden you too much since I can't by too relient on the system. But don't worry Eve i'll never forget you!”

[Hmph, you better not. Right then gimme a second while I check. Eto~ I'm afraid you can't I have just been contacted by the main system that the main world laws seemed to reject the pills as the world laws don't allow this sort of item. Only in a world such as a cultivation world or the higher planes are you able to gift these items.]

”EEHHHH! That means I can't help Midoria!”