48 The City Lord End (2/2)
Anissa had been silently watching them till now without saying anything.
It looked like she would follow them, but in the last moment before she walked out of the room, too, the old man moved quickly and closed the door.
”I'm sorry, dear, but I cannot risk you being seen from up close by that man. We can talk about this later, but, for now, you're staying.”
Even before she could finish her sentence, the old man swiftly locked the door with a speed that didn't fit his age and held out his hand, causing a strange creature to appear with a red flash of light.
They had exited into a wide hall, of sorts, so there was enough open area to accommodate for its…mass.
Aaron had no idea how to describe it, as it just looked like a huge lump of mud that immediately covered the door and hardened into a rock-like material.
It had no unique features, and when it was done, it was almost as if someone had physically pasted this weird, brownish rock onto the wall.
Seeing Aaron's confused look, the old man said, ”A support-style Tera. It can do wonders in a team fight. Anyway, let's go quickly. This isn't the first time I'm doing this, but this time, she has that-”
As the majestic cry of an eagle sounded in the room, a loud sound was heard, as if something was trying to break through the door and the Tera.
”-that Eagle. Come on.”
As her screams echoed in the room, the old man began to run, and Aaron also broke into a jog.
Soon, they came upon a huge balcony outside of which another gigantic Eagle with a room-like object on top of it was waiting for them.
At its head was the Mayor that Aaron had seen before, and as he was quickly ushered into the room, he and Woof jumped in, followed by the old man.
Instantly, the eagle set off with a cry, and the loud sounds that came from those enormous wings beating in the air reached Aaron's ears.
The box, or room they were in which had a circular sofa remained stable, though, peculiarly, and soon, they were on their way.
Aaron couldn't look out, as the 'wall's which seemed like they were made of some kind of a light yet strong material were opaque.
To his surprise, though, he detected that they had begun to descend not even 10 minutes after taking off.
”As expected. He arrived, himself, to make sure that no one would escape.”
As the old man said this, Aaron shuddered, as he had been right.
Trying to run away would have been suicide.
After the eagle finally landed, the door opened and the old man stepped out, followed by Woof who was pretty peeved by the sudden flight.
However, the moment it alighted, it growled in a low voice, in the same way that it would whenever it detected a dangerous threat.
As Aaron got off, too, he saw the reason behind this.
A man wearing a red-colored cloak stood in a clearing which seemed to have been newly created, and beside him, was the same damn horse with its flaming mane and tail that had killed him so many times just a few minutes ago.