35 Arena (1/2)

As soon as the two guards outside heard that shout, wide smiles appeared on their faces as they looked at each other and then rushed inside with glee.

Aaron wondered what was going on, as the atmosphere was akin to a group of Foxes who were excited because their mother had just brought a huge, juicy piece of meat for them to feast on.

This was pretty odd, and with the intention to get to the bottom of it, Aaron patted Woof and the two of them made their way forward.

Only, before they got very far, a flood of people wearing the same attire as the ones he had seen outside the door rushed out and headed in a particular direction into the forest.

They shot odd looks at him and the bowl strung around his neck, but they were too busy chatting eagerly among themselves to spare him any more attention.

There were just too many sounds, so Aaron couldn't clearly make out what they were saying.

However, the excitement in the atmosphere was definitely palpable.

Finally, after the flood stopped, Edmond appeared from the door, but there was a man beside him whose hand was laid on his shoulder.

Edmond had a very unpleasant expression on his face, as if he wasn't happy in what he was undergoing, at all. Meanwhile, the man, who had a bulging potbelly and a long beard that reached his stomach was chuckling to himself merrily.

It was then that Aaron noticed that there was a monkey with red fur sitting on his shoulder.

It was small, at around the size of Aaron's head, but it had a very mischievous expression on its face as it looked around intently.

The word 'monkey' had appeared in his head as he saw it, and now, as he looked closer, he realized that it looked very similar to the Four-Armed Gorilla, albeit being a lot smaller and thinner.

It didn't look very powerful, but Aaron decided to ask AA anyway.

AA was basically like a toy that he wanted to use whenever he got the opportunity, and now, he finally received a satisfactory answer.

”Scanning. One Tera found in host's vision. Scanning TeraTome. Entry found.

Name: Flaming Monkey


-A monkey with vivid, red fur, and a mischievous temperament.

Type: Elemental+Agility


-Capable of extreme feats of agility in its level

-The fur on its body is set aflame when it gets enraged

Potential: Rare

Default Combat Role & Rating: Offense(C), Ranged(D)”

What? That shiny, red-colored fur could be set on fire?

Aaron had to say that he was pretty impressed. Looking at the Tera, he would never have become aware of this very crucial detail which would really come in handy if he ever had to face up against it. With the information in mind, he could change his tactics and deal with it easily. Not just that, even though it was quite apparent that the monkey must be quite agile due to its lithe body, finding out that its agility was something which was worthy of being called 'extreme' by AA meant that he should definitely keep it in his mind, too.

Once again marveling at this incredible piece of technology that had been made possible by the World Government, Aaron followed behind the man and Edmond who walked in the same direction where all those soldiers had headed before.

Edmund had nodded when he saw him, which meant that he still had things under control. They had already talked between themselves that they would have a signal which would indicate that Aaron needed to jump in, as the deal was, after all, that he would help both in the acquisition of the Tera and the freeing of his father.