29 Feas (1/2)
Ernst had been so agitated on seeing C+ grade Body Potential… So, Aaron couldn't even imagine what he would say if he found out that it was actually A+, not C+.
At the moment, although he knew that Body Potential was something very important, he still didn't know exactly what each grade signified. Yet, he did understand one thing: this was definitely something that he should keep to himself, just like the fact that he was capable of speaking to Teras.
Putting aside the risk of the organizations that Ernst had just spoken about, Aaron knew that calling attention to himself was definitely something that wasn't advisable.
The predator which slithered silently through the grass and struck a killing blow was always the one which succeeded the most times and survived the longest, when compared to those which blatantly assaulted their prey and oftentimes found themselves in tricky situations because they would attract other predators who could mince them to shreds.
In other words, the tree which stood the tallest was always the one which was blown away first in the event of a storm.
His only objective was to reach the top, and unveil the mystery behind who he was. For that purpose, he didn't see any reason right now which would justify him telling others about this.
Shaking his head, Aaron walked out of the metallic room to find Woof faithfully waiting there, guarding the door and making sure that it could respond in a moment's notice if he faced any danger.
As soon as he laid his eyes on the husky, Aaron felt like testing A.A to see what it would say about Woof. He wondered for a moment how he was supposed to do that, but after that, he figured that he would just ask.
”A.A, I want you to scan the Tera in front of me.”
”Scanning. One Tera found. Searching in Teratome. No entry found. Searching in pre-apocalyptic animal database. Entry found. Retrieving entry.
Name of species: Siberian Husky.
Traits: intelligent, faithful, can quickly adapt to situations, has the natural instincts of a predator.
It is likely that this is a high potential Tera, but as no entry has been found in the Teratome, this is all the details that I can give you. New entry has been made in local Teratome. Data shall be updated as soon as it is processed.”
With a sigh, Aaron started to wonder whether it really was as practical and useful as he thought.
Yet, Ernst had said that humanity was still in the midst of exploring all Teras, and that the Teratome was constantly being updated by the World Government.
So, it seemed that Woof was a new kind of Tera that hadn't been recorded by humans before.
As for the traits of the Siberian Husky, they really did match Woof.
Yet, there was something that had bothered him since he'd been had given that explanation about Teras.
Teras usually had unique abilities, like the ability of the Flame-Tongued Viper to spit out flaming balls of poison.
Woof had no such thing. Even though it was faster, more agile and probably had more bite strength than most common Teras that they encountered in the forest, any of these didn't qualify as unique abilities.
What could that mean? Could it be that there was something that even Woof, itself, didn't know about and hadn't used in all these years? That was definitely out of the question, as they had gotten in multiple situations where Woof had pulled out everything it had. If there was some terrifying ability that it possessed, it would definitely have put it on display to save them.
Then, the other possibility was that Woof wasn't a Tera at all, but even this didn't make sense as Woof was definitely highly intelligent and incomparable to those common beasts which only had instincts to guide them.
Patting Woof on the head, Aaron decided to put this matter aside for now, and think about it later when he had more information.
Heading in the direction of Edmond's room, he heard snoring before he entered, meaning that the guy must've fallen into a deep slumber to recover from all the blood loss.
Changing direction, he headed to his own room, where he fell on the soft bed and enjoyed the feeling for a moment before opening the red leather book he had obtained as a part of the rewards.
This book had four sections, with identical headings.
The first section read: Ordinary Grade Tera Master Manual – Part One.
The other three sections were the same: they were Ordinary Grade manuals for the other three paths.
With excitement, Aaron first checked the globes in his mind. On seeing that they were already a quarter of the way full, he placed his full attention on the booklet and started going through each and every section.