5 Orientation 1 (1/2)
Slowly, both the husky and the human made their way toward the spot where the large viper had just disappeared from.
After reaching it, they started to circle the area, wondering whether it could have burrowed into the ground…or done something which didn't completely defy common sense.
They had seen a lot of strange monsters and attacks in the forest, but this was their first time seeing something so incredible. The thing could have easily weighed 200 Kilograms! How the heck could it just vanish like that?
Hearing someone chuckling behind him, Aaron turned around to find Mrs. Ernst, who had walked forward.
”Curious, aren't we? Come on. Let's get to the orientation. They'll explain about this, too, there. Did you like the buns, by the way?”
Despite the fact that they had devoured all of that food, there was no anger in Mrs. Ernst's tone.
Instead, she only had a warm expression on her face which made Aaron feel something he couldn't understand.
Why…did it feel as though he shouldn't have done that?
Back in the forest, he had never felt something like this, as the situation was always 'kill or be killed'.
Before he could think more on the matter, Mrs. Ernst reached forward to pat his head, and this time, Aaron didn't react like before. He still became more alert, ready to move and roll backward if needed, but he didn't spring away like the last time.
Mrs. Ernst was almost as stocky as her husband, but she didn't look overweight at all. Instead, it appeared that her body itself was more or less thickset.
She was wearing a green dress over which she had draped an apron, which had stains of flour on it.
The moment she touched his head, the smell coming from Aaron finally hit her.
Frowning, she said, ”You haven't bathed in ages, right? Come on. We have time for a quick shower before we reach the spot.”
Saying so, Mrs. Ernst led the way, causing both Aaron and the husky to follow.
Woof still kept looking around suspiciously, as if it was sure that some or the other threat might be hiding behind one of the wooden structures.
Aaron, on the other hand, paid attention to the structures and people.
Each structure looked almost the same: there was a rectangular base, over which a roof made of two angled wooden planks was present. The empty area between the top part and the bottom part were unique for each house: although they were also filled with wooden plans, the decorations on each were different. Some had placed flowers, while others had carved words into the area.
”The Campbells.”
”The Summerbys.”
”The Shahs.”
”The Yois.”
Names like these were present on the largest structures, inside which Aaron spotted tens of people.
Everything was fascinating, but his mind was still hung on the case of the disappearing viper and the 'Path to the Stars'.
After a few seconds, they reached a spot where a row of wooden stalls was present, each having enough space for a man or woman to stand in.
Opening one of the doors, Mrs. Ernst nodded while smiling, which made Aaron cautiously step inside as it was one of the most dangerous places anyone could be in: a place with only one entrance and one exit.
As soon as he entered, Mrs. Ernst pulled a branch-like lever on the side, which made it rain.
How the…
No, it wasn't raining. Above him, there was a metallic circle with holes. Water streamed through the holes, falling on him and making him think it was rain.
”Clean yourself well. Use the green leaves to scrub your skin like this.”
On a small pedestal in the corner, a bunch of palm-sized green leaves had been placed. Picking one up, Mrs. Ernst demonstrated the 'scrubbing'.
Seeing Aaron nod, she went out and closed the door.