Chapter 95 - 95: Evaluation Exam Results II (1/2)

(Third POV)

When Michelle entered the classroom for their Environment Science class, the professor just finished calling attendance. He looked at her and she smiled at him. He pulled out her index card and she assumed that he must have marked her late.

Walking to her seat, she saw Lara who waved at her enthusiastically, Steven who seemed to be in a bad mood as always, and Andy who was smiling at her like the heartthrob that he was.

She smiled back at them.

Andy who noted that Michelle obviously made the effort to look nice today couldn't help but assume that she did it for their date later. His heart was happy and doing summersaults. As Michelle took her seat, he placed his elbow on her table then leaned sideways so she can hear his voice which was lowered, ”you're late. Told you I should have picked you up from your house.”

Michelle blushed with the remark and Andy's proximity.. She can smell his perfume and their shoulders were touching. She noted that the superstar has no sense of personal space. Not that she thinks he's doing it deliberately with some romantic thought about her. If she were any other girl, she would think he was hitting on her. Well, fine, last week, she assumed he did, now she just knew he was only being friendly. Not that she wants him to have that thought about her any longer. Her heart was already set on Anthony.

Anyhow, thinking that that's just how their friendship worked, like flirting with each other without giving any special meaning to it, she just answered, ”Just for this class. I was on time for my 7:30 class. Thanks for calling me earlier by the way.”

Andy chuckled, ”Anytime. So, which mall do you think we should visit later?”

”Daman mall?” Michelle asked. She selected Daman mall so she can look around before having her date with Anthony there on Saturday. She wanted to familiarize herself to the place somewhat, and maybe buy advance tickets for the movie on Saturday.

Andy nodded his head, ”Ok, Daman mall it is.”

”By the way, who's joining us?” she asked, thinking the more the merrier.

”Just you and me. Lara and Steven have something to do after class so they can't join us.” Andy excused. Actually, he just did not invite them. Thankfully, after this class they have a meeting with their groupmate for their class project for another subject, so Michelle won't get to ask.

Michelle nodded her head not thinking much about it. ”Then I'll just meet you in the mall later.” She said as she started taking notes while their professor continued with the lecture.


(Michelle POV)

After our Environmental science class, Lara, Steven, and Andy had to meet with their blockmates for their group project. With that, I decided to leave and have my lunch. By noon I was done, and so, I went to the restroom to brush my teeth and check my appearance. Ok, I still look great, but I have to use oil control on my face coz it became a little oily. Then, I took out a bottle of perfume from my bag and sprayed it on myself. What? I don't think I smell that great after eating in the canteen!

I'm so nervous and excited to see Anthony. I checked my watch. It's 12:15 pm. Ok, so it's time to walk to my English class.

As I got nearer, I immediately noticed Anthony even when he was facing the other direction. Yes, I was such a stalker that I can recognize even just his behind. Anyhow, a girl from our class was talking to him. Walking closer, I recognized the girl as Loraine. She was taller than me by 2 inches, had a nice built and quite pretty too. I noticed that she was smiling as she talked to him and… ok, she's totally flirting!

I knew it was irrational because even in the past, Anthony did not have a girlfriend, well, I thought he didn't but I'm not too sure now! I mean, maybe he did, and I just didn't know! For example, I never thought that he attends, ugh!!! I mean, participates in parties and could even dance like the way he did with me! Also, so many girls always hit on him, and he just lets them! Thinking about it what if I'm not the only one!!?? I know that I'm his first, but now that he has been enlightened… would it be possible for him to look for it with other girls!? NO!!!!!!

Ok, I know he's not my boyfriend yet and I don't want to appear clingy, but Anthony's mine! Gods! I just realized that at this age, love is like a battlefield. It's not like the mature dating where people would somewhat keep distance, these people were hormonal teenagers! I need to stake my claim on my man!!!

He likes me and I like him. It's as good as we're already dating! If he allows other girls to cling to him, what more me!?

With that stupid line of reasoning, I walked fast and suddenly wrapped my two arms around his left arm.
