Chapter 91 - 91: Should I Text Him First!? II (1/2)
'Wait and see if he texts you first.
If you're feeling really uncertain, there's an easy, low-risk strategy; you can just wait for him to text first.
There are advantages and disadvantages to this option. The good; it keeps you from overwhelming him, makes you look cool, and could convince him he needs to chase you.
Now here's the bad; he might assume that you're not interested., and not text you first. If this route sounds appealing to you, anyway, and you're worried you might not hear from him again, we suggest waiting for a day or two, and then take the initiative by texting him if he hasn't reached out to you.'
Uhm… I checked my phone again. It was already 9 in the evening. No text yet. HUHU.. I think I should strike while the iron is hot! Tonight, is time for me to make a decision. I mean, if I wait for another day or two… maybe Anthony would think I'm not interested. I can't make him suffer. He already showed me that he likes me right!? If he's not interested, he won't do what he did all day!!!!!
Next option.
'Send him something light and flirty.
Want to build a relationship with him post hook-up, but don't want to come across as desperate? This is probably your best options.
Send him a text that's light hearted with just a hint of flirty. Don't make it overly sexual, which shows him the physical isn't all you're interested in.
Of course, this could work if you're looking for more hookups, too. There isn't any reason you couldn't have conversations with someone you're hooking up with, but it does have the potential to send the wrong message.
Example: Just wanted to let you know I had an amazing time with you. I can't get your handsome face out of my mind.'
Uh... That's exactly what I'm feeling but… let me read more first.
'Compliment him on his technique (or anything else related to the hookup)'
Ok, this one is definitely just for casual sex, not what I want. Next.
'If you felt a real connection, tell him.
Anyone telling you to be open about your feelings will probably make you roll your eyes. You've likely heard it before.
But one of the most important things in any relationship (especially romantic ones!) is communication. So if you felt sparks like crazy, believe us when we say you should tell him.
However, don't go over the top. This isn't the time to confess love to him, try to tone it down while getting your feelings across.
Examples: I haven't been able to get you out of my head all day. I'm surprised at how much I've been missing you.
So, were those fireworks between us last night, or just my neighbors lighting up some next door again?'
Isn't these texts same as already confessing!? No, I can't do that. NEXT!
'Send him a selfie.
You know what they say, 'a picture is worth a thousand words'.
Imagine just how much a selfie can get across. The options are limitless here.
Examples: A sultry picture of your in your lingerie or a selfie of you and your pet or your smiling face.'
I imagined myself sending Anthony just that and… ok, never mind. Next.