Chapter 81 - 81: Morning After V (1/2)

(Third POV)


Hearing the doorbell, distinguishable from the mix of music playing in the background, the boys who were playing billiards shifted their attention from the game to the door.

Andy who had the butler and the staff leave earlier walked to open the door. He has been looking forward to seeing Michelle again. Honestly, last night was a horrible mistake. When he and Elizabeth got in his cabin, she was eagerly kissing him and trying to get his clothes off, but just recalling what he did in front of Michelle got his libido drowned out. So, he told Elizabeth to stop and pulled away from her. Then, he apologized and told her that he didn't want that kind of relationship with her and whatever shit he could come up with so he can get rid of her and not hurt her feelings too much. His style when dumping a girl was ghosting (suddenly disappearing), not shaming directly.

Anyhow, when he asked Elizabeth to leave so he can go back to the venue, she got into a weeping fiasco. She begged him not to go as she would be a laughingstock to everyone. Thinking about it, he felt bad for her, after all that she has done, this was the result. She did not even get laid when she so gifted herself to him. So, with some conscience he holed up in his room and just asked her to leave. That time, Michelle leaving with some guy did not even pass his thoughts.

When Steven mentioned Michelle left with Anthony earlier, he did not know what to feel. He was a little disappointed, but he also knew that he had no right to be. Again, they were not in a relationship and although they did flirt and he believed she likes him, they had no claim to each other. He also sent mixed signals, so he has no one to blame but himself.

Now, strangely, despite the knowledge, his feelings for her did not change. He still liked her. Maybe because she was faultless to begin with, or maybe because he thinks that Anthony was telling the truth. Again, it does not matter. He was not a chauvinist as that would be hypocritical of him.

Anyhow, he said that he was not pursuing her still, because first, with what she saw last night, she would only think him fickle if he does so now. Second, chances of getting rejected was at all-time high. Third, he still rather enjoys his lifestyle. Last, they were still young. Relationships come and go. Thus, he doesn't feel the need to rush.


(Michelle POV)

After our conversation, we walked to the door of the owner's cabin and Lara pressed the doorbell. My heart was thundering in my chest as we waited. Gods, it has only been an hour and a half since I woke up with Anthony naked beside me, now we're meeting again.

”Relax…” Kate reminded me as she gave me a smile.

”Thanks.” I replied smiling back.

When the door opened, it was Andy's bright smile that welcomed us.

”Hello ladies, please, come in!” He said as he stepped to the side to let us in.

When Andy did so, I was able to see the interior of the cabin. It was very luxurious and modern. Just like a presidential suite in a hotel. The floor to ceiling windows provided ample lighting to the spacious room and it even has a billiard table. Then, I saw him.

The sunlight filtering inside the cabin was like a spotlight on Anthony and he was almost luminous. He was so handsome and perfect and… gods, he was mine just a few hours back. My heart started beating fast like crazy again, and then as if feeling my gaze on him, he stopped talking to Vince to face our direction.

I quickly averted my gaze to look at Andy instead. I can feel my ears turn heated and I knew I was blushing. Ugh Michelle, you two just had sex and now you're back to square 1.


(Third POV)

Lara who was not totally over about what happened the night before, what with Andy announcing a tie between Elizabeth's group and theirs, gave Andy an eyeroll then grunted in greeting.

Andy just chuckled, ”Hey don't be like that, it's my birthday.”

Lara harrumphed. But then, she recalled what happened between Michelle and Anthony. She tried not to smirk. Ok, she'll consider them quits. ”Fine. Happy birthday, hope you had a blast last night.” the words 'coz someone totally did' was at the tip of her tongue, truly, she wanted to rub it on his face, but ok, she can't do that.

Andy smiled thinking that all's cool between them again. He wanted to explain that nothing happened between him and Elizabeth, and that he regretted last night so that Michelle would hear, but since no one spoke about it, mentioning it would be weird.

Then he looked at Kate who seemed to have already moved on from what happened at the party.

”Don't mind Lara. You know how she is. Happy birthday.” Kate greeted.

”Thanks.” Andy replied. Then finally, he looked at Michelle. Their eyes met, and he could see that she was blushing. He could not help but interpret it as her reacting to his presence. His heart suddenly felt full, and his smile reached his eyes.