Chapter 63 - 63: Birthday Party II (1/2)

(Michelle POV)

Arriving inside the venue, I noticed that the scene seems pretty tame. Maybe Kate and Lara were only kidding me? It felt like prom. I don't know. Anyhow, I noticed some people looking at me. At first, I felt conscious, but then, I realized that all the girls seem to be wearing similar outfits, not in a way that the dresses look similar, but rather they all leave nothing much to the imagination, except of course, that it encourages the imagination of the opposite gender to drift somewhere else, like what happens when the dress has been taken off.

Ugh. So, they might be staring because I was perhaps the last person to arrive before the birthday boy that is. I already kinda stopped my delusions of being the prettiest girl around. Thank you very much.

I looked around the room to find the group and saw Jeff waving at me. I waved back at him and smiled, then the rest of the group all looked at my direction. Anyway, I just started to walk to join them.

”You're looking damn fine Michelle. You should save me a dance later!” Vince said in greeting.

I could not help but feel a bit embarrassed. I knew I looked fine, but well, to get that compliment from a guy I just met for less than 24 hours…

Lara gave an eyeroll. ”Look who's talking. Michelle, ignore that maggot. Come, sit here!” she invited as she patted the seat next to her, which I noted was between her and Anthony. Ah, very nice.

”Thank you.” I replied as I smiled. I took the seat, then I looked at the other occupants of the table.

Kate winked at me, perhaps knowing that I liked the position of the seat I was given.

Lara, she was looking at Vince as if trying to pick a fight with him.

Vince was also looking at Lara like he's totally annoyed with her. Honestly, if I didn't know any better, I would say that with these two, sparks can actually fly. I'll just keep that detail to myself though. I don't know Vince enough to judge if he's a good character.

Steven, our eyes met for a moment, and I don't know if it's just my imagination but for a second, I thought I recognized that look in his eyes. The one that says we're going to get some action. Ok, maybe really just my imagination coz the next moment he touched Lara's hand as he whispered something on her ear. Don't know what, but Lara stopped her staring contest with Vince and was happy to talk with Steven. Ok, I'm ok with that. Like I'm happy for Lara and Him. Lara is such a sweet girl and Steven… oh well, I don't want to think about him.

Jeff, he was busy looking around the room.

Anthony, as I looked at him, he also looked at me. We were sitting next to each other so I can totally see his every expression. Ever the gentleman, he did not look below my face as he smiled at me. ”Hi Michelle.”

Gods. Don't blush. Don't blush. Don't blush. Don't blush!!!!!! Too late, I felt my ears turn hot and I have no doubts that that's not the only part of me which turned red. Thankfully, he kept his eyes on my face, still covered with some foundation so maybe he did not notice? ”Hello, Anthony.” I replied breathily.

Anthony seemed like he was about to say something, but then, a waiter approached our table asking if we wanted some drinks.

Kate was first to state her order which was a bloody Mary, then Lara followed with an Aperol Spritz, the guys some dry martini and negroni, while I ordered a Daiquiri.

Kate looked at me as if surprised to know that I even knew what to order without looking at the menu. I smiled at her. She nodded her head, perhaps chunking it to me doing my research.

Anyhow, after that, we heard a loud voice over the speaker. We all turned to the stage where a DJ mix set up was and a guy who was the same MC earlier was now standing.

The once dark stage has been brightened by its background which I now figured was a large LCD screen. Even the table used by the DJ mix also apparently has an attached LCD screen. Anyhow, the LCD screen at the back was now showcasing a digital clock, while the other was flashing a text written 'Andy's 19th birthday'. Neon lights stopped moving for a moment as the MC started to speak.

”Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to our celebration for Andy's birthday this evening. Now, if you look at the screen behind me, the time is 11:49, about 6 minutes before our main star would make his appearance. So, as we wait to welcome him, I would first like to introduce you to our DJ for tonight, DJ Khalif. Let's give him a warm welcome.”

The people started cheering, while DJ Khalif who looked like a hip-hopper gave a somewhat hip-hop hand sign while saying 'yo.'

”Alright! So, while waiting for the time, how about we get this party started?” the MC asked in a lively voice.

The crowd started screaming ”Yeah!!!”

The MC smiled, and in a booming voice, he exclaimed, ”DJ, hit it!”

Then, DJ Khalif who has taken position in front of the DJ mix began his work and suddenly, louder and more lively music mix started playing. The neon lights started moving again, and the vibration from the bass began to sip in, even to me. I noticed some people from other tables pulling their friends to join in the dance floor and begin to dance.