Chapter 54 - 54: Evaluation Exam Week (1/2)

(Michelle POV)

As the days of the evaluation exam draw nearer, I felt the pressure in the overall school atmosphere become thick. Students, particularly freshies like me were all busy cramming and reviewing every knowledge that they can. The library and the tianhao building were always full, and even on the vast open school grounds, I saw students in groups having their books out.

Given this, I felt like I was the only lazy student around. So, in the end, I gave in to peer pressure and decided to study like some good student again.

On Monday, during my first class, Math 11, our professor gave us a mock exam where I actually did pretty ok, getting a grade of 78. After that, it was ES class where I again saw Steven, Lara, and Andy. The past few days, nothing notable happened between us. We're fast friends, and we eat lunch, talk about some of our subjects, become normal friends that only hang-out during break times when we have the same subject.

Anyhow, we will be hanging out during Andy's birthday and the evaluation exams are coming so it's very much understandable. We're students we go to school and go home. Duh?

Come English period, I was again seated next to Anthony, and I don't know why but I always feel so hyper conscious around him. The moment of confidence last time, gone. I recalled us video chatting yesterday, but he did not mention it. Anyhow, it was a hi- hello- goodbye given our class schedule.

On Tuesday, my 4 ½ hour break, was spent with me hanging out with some of my blockmates. They were all pretty nice to me, don't know if because I have been nice to them, or because they all saw that I'm friends with Andy? Ok, maybe more on because I'm friends with Andy based on how the girls were all asking about him. I just gave them smiles, being mysterious. What? I can't really reveal too much about him, even though I know a lot from social media in the future. Like first, it might not apply to now, and second, what if he hears about it and think that I'm a stalker? No thank you.

Anyway, we had a group project which was announced last week when I was absent. Thankfully, my blockmates saved me and I became groupmates with Marts, Vitto, Camille, and Joanie. They were people that were pretty ok with me in our block, so I was fine with it. Oh, they were so amazed with my knowledge when we discussed about choosing a topic for our paper. Hah! Economics was my forte! They're actually lucky to pick me!

Then came PE, when I looked at the covered courts, I did not see Anthony. It seems like their class had a free cut as the court was empty. Oh well. Too bad.

On Wednesday, my classmates, and other freshies were in a frenzy. Like a state of panic, I understood all too well. I did not of course let the pressure get into my system. Like, what for?


On Thursday, the departmental evaluation exam would finally be held. The schedules and room assignments were all posted outside the department of each respective subject that morning. After Economics class, me and my blockmates all went to see our schedules and room assignment. I saw that my English exam would be at 4:30-6:00 pm, at Sec A, later, while my Math exam would be tomorrow 4:30-6:00pm also at Kostka.

Then, come 12, I went to my ES lab class. Andy and Lara greeted me, while Steven as usual, just gave me a nod of acknowledgement. Although he's not my husband in this timeline, I still hold fondness for him.

There were days when I would feel like he's looking at me like the way Steve did in the past, but then again, it might just be my imagination and wishful thinking. Besides, with Lara who's also my good friend now, I can't possibly think of anything with him. Good thing they're not huge on PDA. I don't even see them holding hands. Like it's super rare. Sometimes, it gives the illusion that there's nothing between them but friendship.

Andy, I don't know what's up with him. I feel like he likes me, but he's not pursuing me. I don't know. Whatever was up with him, he's giving mixed signals. Anyway, I decided not to mind it, I have Anthony to think of.

Lara, she's acting like we have been best friends since forever every time we're together.

After our lab class, I didn't have PE as we have been given a free cut. So, the four of us all went to SOM mall and sat around a table. Each of us brought out our own notes and there was silence amongst us. When the time reached 4:15, we talked about where each of our exams would be held. Funnily, me and Steven would be taking it in the same building just different classrooms while Lara and Andy would take it in different buildings.

Thus, at 4:20, we separated ways while me and Steven walked together to SEC A. I don't know why, but suddenly, I felt nostalgic again. My heart was beating fast, and from time to time, I would try to catch a glimpse of Steven's side profile. He was different but the same. The way he walked straight and tall, when he's all serious, really, he looked like a handsome CEO, well, the young version at least.

I shook my head. No, Michelle, he's not your Steve and whatever imaginary feelings you have for him is just a projection of your feelings to your Steve.