Chapter 51 - 51: We’re Friends Now, Aren’t We? (1/2)

The walk to the library with Anthony was very pleasant. Though he has his next class at bellarmine, he did not rush. Rather, he matched his footsteps with mine. When it was time to say goodbye, he smiled his little smile that makes me swoon as he said, 'see you later'.

Ah, I must really be in paradise. Anyhow, I entered the library, climbed to the second floor, took a seat and opened my notebook. Not really in the mood to study, I started doodling Anthony's name stupidly, and like a teenage girl, I even wrote, my name with his surname. Michelle Ren. Wow, it really has a nice ring to it. haha!

When it was 11:30, I decided it was time to get my other stuff from the car, particularly, the pot, soil, and seed for my ES lab class.


ES lab class went well. Andy, Lara, and Steven were with me, and we learned how to, well, grow a plant. It was a stupid requirement, and we would need to take care of that plant for the whole semester. Water it, record its growth weekly, ensure that it lives. I did it before for the same subject, but that was years ago. I know that it's a good thing to learn, to save the planet whatever, but I just never had the affinity nor the interest in growing plants. Sorry mother nature.

After said class, it was time for PE for me, while for them it's English. We walked to our respective classes and separated at SEC A. Andy and Lara were both friendly to me, while Steven, well, let's just say that he's passive. Don't know whatever was running in his head. Oh well.

Alone, I walked to the covered courts. I chanced to look to my left where I knew Anthony was taking his PE. He was not yet there.

I shook my head and went to the changing area. I will see him again, plenty.

When I went out of the changing room, with my correct assumption, he was already with his classmates, and they were in line while their PE instructor called what I assume must be their attendance.

His classmate saw me looking and he nudged Anthony. It was the same guy from last time.

Anthony looked my way and smiled.

Ah! Bliss! I smiled back and even waved. Should I just confess my love for him later? Then what? Walk in the park, dates, sweet sweet love, then… hmmm… maybe start engaging in premarital relations? Argh! Michelle, stop that. But I can't help myself. He was not just handsome! He was also HOT! Ok, maybe not as hot as Andy's sexiness, but he's not far behind at all! Ah, where's my pure mind and heart?

Fine I admit. It's not so pure, or should I say, it has been completely corrupted since the day I gave myself to Steve? Gosh, when was the last time we had sex again? I can't remember.

When we started engaging in sexual relations, it was like I was suddenly enlightened. I liked it a lot. We had our adventures, then when we got married, the 1st year was like the honeymoon period. We were very active. On the second year of marriage, still good, but not as frequent. Come the 3rd year, of marriage… let's just say that Steve and I, we became busier with our lives and so many things were needed to be done.

Perhaps, our libido was lower because we were already in our 30's or maybe because of the knowledge we can do it anytime and already did it many times. I don't know. It's not like there was a need for me to write frustrated housewives 101. Oh, I'm not a housewife, but you get my drift.

Anyway, I didn't notice it earlier perhaps because of my excitement and elation given the situation I am in, but as the days went by, I started to realize that… well… I am a hormonal teenager. Like literally. Real 18-year-old me, innocent to the world, obviously, no urges. 31-year-old me, inside my 18-yer-old body looking at the hot guys I have crush on… what do you think?

I shook my head as I continued walking. Talk about uncomfortable. The spot between my legs has accumulated moisture.


After PE, I went to the other side of the court and did not see Anthony. I guess he must be taking a shower. I went inside the female's locker room and took one myself. Gods, my dirty mind! I think I need to get some benediction from a priest and be blessed with holy water. Oh. Holy water. Haha! I laughed in my head.

While taking a shower I thought of the possibilities. Was Anthony a virgin? He's just 18, but boys… I don't know. I guess at that age, they should be more perverted than girls are. I think Andy should not be one anymore given his notoriety with the girls. But Anthony? Ugh! When I was with Steve, he was no virgin. I'm quite positive that he gave it to Lara. Gods, why am I thinking about this again?

I closed the shower and went out of the shower cubicle. Some of the other girls were also out with their towel wrapped around their body. I took a hairdryer to dry my hair as I took out my cellphone. Did Anthony text me? Was he waiting for me outside? I unlocked my phone to see no text message.

With my hair now dried, I got dressed. Sprayed from floral perfume, applied some lip tint, and voila! A work of art, that's what I am! Haha! Not that I'm narcissistic, but really, I'm very pretty!

I stepped out of the locker room and looked around. True to my expectations, Anthony was waiting for ME!!! I can't! I can't! I can't! I wanted to shake my body and just giggle like crazy! My heart was going bonkers, but externally, I was just blushing and trying hard not to make obvious how excited I was!

Anthony approached with a smile. He was wearing a plain white shirt and comfortable looking jogging pants. He was tall, white, and handsome. His body, gorgeous. Not bulky, not too slim, just right.  Gods, I really can't!