Chapter 37 - 37: Texting I (1/2)
(Third POV)
Lara just got back home about 30 minutes ago from university. After changing her clothes, she decided to lie on her bed and reminisce the sweet moment between her and Steven earlier. It was not everyday that that happens between them. Continuing the could have been kiss in her imagination, she was disrupted by her cellphone ringing.
She looked at the name of the caller. ANDY. Irately, she answered the phone. ”You really have impeccable timing. Do you hold a grudge against me or something?”
”What did I do?” Andy asked from the other line.
”Ugh. Never mind. Anyway, why are you calling?”
”Michelle's not replying to my text. I've been waiting like, for half an hour now. So… hehe.”
”What does that have to do with me?”
”Can you like text her and see if she'll reply?”
”Why? Did you text her something strange that's why she isn't replying to you? What did you text her?”
”I just said, 'It was raining crazy earlier. Hope you got home safe. See you tomorrow!' I think it was short and sweet. But I think I phrased it wrong. I should have asked if she's home already. Now, I can't like send another one because she might think that I like her or something.”
”Don't you? I don't know why you're going about this the round-about way. Also, your text is ok, as a friend even, she would reply to that. Maybe she's just not that into you. Haha!”
”No way. I think she's quite receptive. Maybe she just hasn't seen it yet, or she's not holding her phone. Anyway, just send her a message and see if she'll reply. I'll send her phone number now. Let's see if she'll reply to you.”
”Grrr! Why am I even friends with you? You're such a nokia!” (Nokia- user friendly haha! Don't know if you guys can relate!)
Andy laughed. ”Ok, call me back after you send her a message.”
Lara opened the text from Andy and saved Michelle's number. Gosh, it's the first time she's even doing this kind of stuff. Normally, scratch that. Always, it's other people who wants to be friends with her and trying to get her number, not the other way around.
She shook her head as she typed her message. Gods, the things she does in the name of friendship. After sending the text, she called Andy back after 5 minutes.
”I already sent the text about 5 minutes ago. No reply yet. Was I snubbed?” Lara informed pouting.
Andy chuckled happily, ”I doubt. Hehe, so maybe she just hasn't seen my message. Thanks Lara, you're the best. When you receive a reply from her, you better call me again!”
Lara did an eyeroll even when Andy can't see it. ”Fine. Bye.”
”Don't worry, I will tell Steven nice things about you. I'll even set you up on my birthday as compensation!”
”You better do!” Lara replied.