Chapter 13: ES laboratory (1/2)

What I thought was a glare out of jealousy from Steve was sadly, just false alarm. Apparently, he was just being his normal sour face self.

”Hi Michelle!” Lara who was just standing beside Steve greeted me with a smile.

”Hello Lara.” I greeted back.

The cashier cleared her throat and I remembered that I was in line. I excused myself from the three to face forward. I gave the cashier an apologetic smile and said sorry. Then, promptly presented her my stub and made my payment.

As I received my change, Andy started talking to me again.

”Are you with company? Want to join us?”

While receiving my change, I answered, ”I'm with my blockmates, so I guess I have to decline.”

”I would like to ask if we could join you, but our primadonna here might make a scene again. So, I guess, see you later. We do have the same class next right? ES lab?” he asked as he presented his stub to the cashier as he was next in line.

I peeked at Steve who seems like he has a permanent scowl plastered on his face and couldn't help myself from giggling.

”What?” he asked as he furrowed his brows, addressing me for the first time.

If he was a real stranger to me, I would have scowled back and asked what's his problem, but since he was my husband and just looked too cute, I just smiled at him and shook my head. I faced Andy again, ”Yes, I have ES lab too. Then, see you later. I'll go ahead.”

Andy smiled and nodded.

As I presented my stub and receipt to receive my lunch, I looked back at the cashier and saw that it was Steven's turn to pay. He seemed like he didn't want to, but Lara nudged him forward. He reluctantly moved forward and took out his wallet to pay. Lara giggled as he groaned.

Well, won't you look at that? Aren't they so sweet and chummy? Almost makes me want to go back and throw my lunch at them. Ugh, stop that, Michelle. They have been friends for a long time and you're just an outsider for now.


It was nearing noon and the canteen was getting crowded. My blockmates having a different schedule than mine didn't move from the table and continued playing cards.

”Guys, I'll go ahead. My next class is up.” I said to excuse myself.

”Oh, sure Michelle. See you tomorrow!” They said as I stood up from my seat.
