Chapter 39:A new path (1/2)
Mack started to glimpse a different way for him. One that could change his current limitations and one that could make him progress much faster.
But he still had doubts. Many doubts. And the path itself was not clear yet. It was like something was missing in all this.
”There is one thing that bugs me. Why runes can influence Essence this way? Why not other languages? Or music?”
[I already told you this before]
[Everything influences Essence. It's just the degree of Influence that changes.]
”Yeap, but is still not clear for me. Why runes?”
[Think this way. If a say to you 'I forbid you' or 'you should avoid doing this'. Wich one of those two sentences you are more likely to obey?]
”The first one. Sure.”
[And what if I scream to you 'DONT']
”Then this last one.”
[Do you comprehend now? Everything has a will, and everything influences Essence, just the degree of it that changes. Runes just happen to be a more strong way.]
”Yes. I think I finally understood. It's like finally everything is connecting.”
Said Mack, coming to a big realization. It was as if everything was starting to make sense for him now.
Just like a missing piece of a big puzzle finally cleared the path for him to put thousand other pieces.
The Essence, the will, the runes, his blood, the gates in his body, the trials, and the mages.
The mages....
”Mages still have the gates in their bodies. So they can't influence Essence outside their bodies. Because their imprinted Essence conflicts with the Essence outside. Just like water and oil that can't mix.”
Said Mack remembering everything he learned about mages until now.
”So they use runes, magic circles, staffs and so on. All to amplify the will inside them to the outside. Forcing the essence to obey while burning the Essence inside them like fuel”
”But my gates are broken, so I don't have Essence of my own. I can't use a staff or whatever. I don't have imprinted Essence to burn. But I can influence Essence be it outside me or inside me to the same degree. Just. It's a very very small degree.”
”That's why all those tests. To make a strong-willed person. All for the sake of making me able to manipulate Essence more easily.”
”But then my body mutated during that test. And the Essence saturation in my body is several more times than outside.”
Said Mack, remembering his self-mutilation session.
”And because of that, I barely can do anything with Essence. Activating that runes I draw on my left hand was the limit already.”
”While normal warlocks would easily pull essence from outside to his fist and make that fist stronger”
[Correct again]
”And it seems the Essence tends to occupy all available space too...”
Mack kept talking aloud to reaffirm to himself all he knew. It was like he was getting to an epiphany. Just a small piece was missing in the puzzle. It was as if he could touch that single thought.
”And it's there where my path deviated from the one planned by my ancestor. That NPC could not teach me because he knew I was a freak.”