Chapter 33:Second Night (1/2)

The Last Warlock kommers 26960K 2022-07-22

After a few more hours of battle, the momentum of the warlock army had stopped and the battlefield became a mess again with both lines of attack struggling to advance a few meters.

Mack was already way better than when he stepped foot on the battlefield. He already didn't feel nervous when going 1x1 against a mage acolyte. But he knew he had a lot to improve. His aim right now was to improve his sword-wielding. But he would not stop following that powerful warlock.

It even seemed that they had a silent agreement, That warlock would take care of the mages while Mack took care of the acolytes.

And just like this, an entire day went by.

When the moon rose, both armies started retreating. But today the warlock army did not retreat to his back-line of supplies, but more as if they met at the middle.

It seemed a minor advantage was done today.

This could be seen as useless by anyone inexperienced in battles like Mack but was very important for the army. The less they retreated, the more injured people they could bring back safely.

The more they saved, the more would live to fight another day.

While retreating with the army, Mack didn't have the opportunity to help and bring anyone back, it seemed all the others retreating before him did what was needed to help others. Even so, Mack took a dead body and helped bring back.

The warlocks didn't leave behind their dead warriors. Mack guessed that was because of their special blood.

When reaching the new camp, Mack threw the body on a pile of dead bodies and moved to clean himself.

One minute later the pile of dead bodies was burning brightly on the full darkness of the night.

Warlocks could see in the dark so they didn't care to have light at night. But used that as their advantage. Even the cooking process was done without fire.

The only exception was the pyre to burn their diseased brothers.

Mack looked at those light constructs behaving exactly like humans and almost could not believe how such an advanced thing could be done using a magic circle.

More than that. His ancestor was a warlock and using mage stuff like the magic circle must for sure be an offense for him. All for the sake of training one man. He wondered why. Just to get his revenge somehow? Seems unlikely.

Mack stopped the useless thinking and focused on cleaning himself.

He could not lose sight of that powerful warlock. He would even sleep side-by-side with him if needed.

Mack left the cleaning chamber, and another warlock entered the same chamber, almost stumbling at each other.

Mack looked around and found that powerful warlock sitting in a small table and eating that white burrito thing.

Mack went to the food tent and grabbed one and started eating too.

He took a bite and the same feeling of something hot yet cold came to his mouth. And then a burning sensation spread in his stomach.

He could not get used to this white burrito thing. The name of it was even worse. So Mack just called this stuff of 'white burrito'.

Mack was seated at the table eating along with a few more warlocks. But was a strange atmosphere because the light constructs behaved like normal warlocks, even talking to each other. But when they opened their mouth to say something no sound came. It was really frustrating.

This absence of voices around him, while in the middle of so many 'people' made Mack felt strange and irritated because gave the warlock camp an eerie aura.

Mack heard the light constructs scream today early in the morning when he pushed the advance but could not understand the principle of why only at that time. And not knowing why bugged Mack even more.

All this magic stuff and will and spells were all too new for Mack. All he had were bits and pieces of information.

Mack took the last bite at the burrito thing and followed the powerful warlock.

That warlock went to pee.


'I'm really ashamed of my current life. Why just don't teach me? All those rules and mysteries and drama!'

Then Mack saw something he would never expect.

The green light construct appeared.