Chapter 21:Its a bird? Its a Plane? No! (1/2)
After an entire day of laying on the ground, Mack finally could move his fingers again.
The increase in Essence density really made him heal faster.
And was not only his hands that benefited from that. But his entire body felt better too, and he could feel less pressure from the Essence.
What Mack didn't knew was that his cells being replaced in such an environment made him special.... very special.
Mack put his hand on the floor and forced himself to stand up. But this time the Essence felt less pressuring than yesterday.
He was adapting to the environment, and at a fast pace.
Then, like a psychopath, Mack grabbed the knife on the floor and started to stab himself in several parts of his own body.
He did avoid vital parts when stabbing himself, but even so, the blood gushed from his arms and skin non-stop, just like a dying pig in a slaughterhouse.
Not even five minutes later, the blood stopped flowing out of his body, and was coagulating while healing. Seeing that, Mack restarted his cutting and stabbing session, every time changing or alternating between places he cut himself.
The only way for him to adapt faster was to have more blood being produced.
~Tap Tap Tap~
Increasing, even more, the Essence Density around him.
Mack started to pace around the bloodied floor. Every step or two he would cut himself again in some nonvital part of the body.
~Tap Tap~
Every step made on the bloodied floor carried the sound of someone walking in a street after a rainy day. It was really a rainy day. But what was raining was blood, his own blood.
And just like this, a long day of torture started.
After a few hours of this torturous endeavor Mack stopped counting the steps. But was far from 5 thousand steps already. If he could move he would take another step, otherwise, he would just stab himself and wait until he could move again.
He guessed that his body should be out of blood if was on Earth but here.... He lost in a day more blood than what a few humans could have in their bodies.
”Will I not need to eat anymore?”
Mack could not avoid asking himself this aloud, since this realization made a lot of things easier for him. After all, he had food for only five days.
He initially thought he would be starving by now and extremely exhausted.
But, for his luck or not, he felt energetic and not a bit hungry.
Coming to this sudden realization, Mack went forward with his plan with even more gusto.
~Tap Tap Slash Tap~
If one looked at this scene, one would think it was some bizarre cult ritual.
A man, naked, covered in blood, slowly walking and stabbing himself, and behind him a trail of blood.
Mack was not some super human that did not feel pain. But true to be told. He was numb to physical pain already. He suffered so much over the past weeks that this was literally a walk in the park for him.
After a few more hours of this insane and inhuman training, it was time for a break.
Mack was mentally exhausted.
He walked in the direction of the safe zone, not stabbing himself anymore, and by the time his two feet crossed the line drawn on the floor....
He fell with his face on the ground. Outside the safe zone.