Chapter 177 - 177: Everything Is Permitted. (1/2)

”AHHHHHH!” With a last gesture of strength, the woman severed the head of the last man.

Soon the woman fell to the ground while breathing heavily. She had just killed every man, including the priest in this place, with her bare hands. Her hands were aching from the ice-cold temperature of the sword, her body was covered in blood, she was a total mess.

Her heart was beating so fast, she didn't know what to think or what to do.

”... I-I did it...”

”i... I killed everyone.”

She felt strange, despite having killed these men, she felt that it still wasn't enough, they didn't suffer enough...

She wanted more, her hatred wasn't satisfied, and the desire for revenge burned incessantly inside her body.

But despite being hateful and wanting revenge, she was scared...

She was scared of everything that was happening. She was a 'normal' human a few minutes ago, she was not a 'sinner', she was a nun of god.

It was taught that taking a person's life was a sin, but she just did it. Will she be punished...?

Will God punish her?

”Sniff...I did it...” Small tears started to fall from her face, but despite having several thoughts in her head, she was feeling satisfied.

This time, she wasn't indecisive and did what she had to do; 'I did it, Letícia… I wasn't a coward…'


Suddenly the woman heard the voice of someone that seemed to resonate with her entire existence.

”...?” The woman slowly turned her face towards Victor.

Upon seeing the visage of the Nun covered in blood, with tears streaming down her face, but with a look of determination in her eyes, Victor found the sight quite beautiful. It was like a work of art whose title was:

'The nun who saw hell and decided to fight it.'

Victor knew it was a bad title, but he didn't really care since he rather liked the sight he was seeing now.

”You are not guilty.” Victor knew that to an ordinary human, killing another human was very difficult, especially a Nun who faithfully followed God's scriptures.

Even he himself had doubts, and if not for the encouragement of Scathach, he probably wouldn't have known what to do at that time.

”...Huh?” The woman did not understand what the man was talking about.

”Remember, Nun.”

Victor gazed into the woman's eyes. It was as if he could see the woman's entire existence.

It was as if nothing could be hidden from his eyes.

”Everything in this world is allowed.”

”!!!” The woman felt her whole body shudder as she felt Victor's gaze, and when she heard what Victor said, she opened her eyes a little.

”You are a victim, the culprit are these men you just killed. Never forget that.”

”If someone blames you for what happened here, and the world supports that blame, then the world is wrong. Today, you are the victim, and no one will take that right from you, I guarantee that.”

”Remember, Nun.” Victor's smile grew.

”You are not guilty, the world is guilty. And if the world is wrong, you just need to burn it.” Those weren't words that should come out of an angel's mouth!

”…” The woman opened her mouth wide, her eyes filled with pure shock, hearing that she wasn't guilty from the mouth of an 'angel' was convincing enough. Slowly, her face began to soften, and a small smile appeared on her face.

'I'm not wrong... I'm not wrong!' The women's eyes sparkled with conviction! If an angel said she was correct! It's because she was correct!

The woman was blind...

”...” Victor exhibited a small satisfied smile when he saw the woman's face. He understood that the words he spoke had convinced the woman.

”Nice work, Nun.” Victor snapped his finger, and soon all the bodies started to combust. He knew the woman didn't do a good job, some of these men were still alive, and if not for Victor's Charm, the men would have reacted, and things would not have proceeded so smoothly.

But it did not matter. What mattered was the intention. The woman rose on her own and killed her attackers. From today onwards, she will never be the same as she was before.

She was no longer an innocent nun… She was something else.

Victor looked at the woman and noticed that she was still naked. Earlier, he hadn't cared about that, but now that he had decided that this woman was going to become his Maid, he was not going to let her stay like that for long.

Victor walked to a curtain and ripped a large chunk out of it, and as a kind gesture, covered the woman with the cloth and then lifted her like a princess.

”...?” The woman looked at Victor with a confused look.

He looked into the woman's sapphire blue eyes again:

”Tell me, Nun. Do you want to become my Maid?” He asked in a gentle tone that made the woman shiver.

But it wasn't a bad chill. It was a really good feeling. It was the first time she'd heard the angel speak in such a gentle tone of voice.


”...?” She didn't understand what Victor was talking about. What does he mean by becoming a Maid?

The woman didn't understand anything. Do the angels need Maids?

But despite having several doubts in her head, she was a little curious:

”What happens if I become your maid?”

[...] Kaguya, who was in Victor's shadow, looked at the woman with a piercing gaze.

Victor continued with the same smile, ”You will become the same as me.”

”!!!” She will become an angel!? Is that possible!?

”I will! I will become your Maid!” She quickly accepted!

If she became an angel, it meant she would be able to spend more time with this man who saved her! She would be able to thank him appropriately!

”...” Victor's smile grew, ”Good answer.” His teeth began to change, and then he bit the woman's neck.

”Ahhh~” Unconsciously, the woman moaned when she felt that something was invading her body and changing her entire being.

Despite having no idea how to perform the vampire transformation ritual Scathach talked about, Victor decided to follow his instincts. The moment he bit into the woman's neck, he had only the intention of turning the woman into his servant.

He drank a little of the woman's blood, and soon he felt 'something' secreting out of his fangs and invading the woman's body.

Feeling that it was enough, Victor stopped biting the woman and waited as he looked at the woman whose face was a little red. She was breathing heavily, and it was a very erotic sight.

She really did have a charm that wasn't fit for a Nun.

But that vision didn't affect Victor. He had three beautiful wives and a beautiful mother-in-law; he was used to erotic scenes much more menacing than this one.

'I must break her neck now...?' Victor thought he should do the same thing Violet did in the ritual.

'Violet bit me, and then she broke my neck, so I came back to life? But vampires aren't undead… Is there a reason to break your neck after the ritual?… That's stupid, why am I using the ritual as an example? I'm not doing the ritual. This is a totally different method.'

Victor had a lot of doubt in his head, but his doubts died when the woman's sapphire blue eyes slowly turned blood red, her teeth changed, and as if possessed by something, she bit down on Victor's neck with great fervor.

”Oh?” Victor just smiled and let her do what she wanted for now. He was interested in what was going on.