Chapter 114: Another crazy mother-in-law. (1/2)
”Boy... No. Victor. What do you think will happen when my daughter finds out what happened here?” Natasha slowly began to float towards Victor.
”Huh?” Victor doesn't understand why she's bringing up this subject again.
”What do you think she'll think when she hears her husband hugged her mother and sucked her blood without her permission?” She displayed a seductive smile.
”In our society, that is basically rape, you know?”
'Heh~, so you decided to play this game, Bitch. I wonder how far you're going to take this.' Scathach's eyes weren't pretty now.
Victor exhibited a serious face and totally ignored the bullshit Natasha said, he wouldn't fall into her rhythm:
”Think, Natasha. Think.” He pulled away from Natasha.
”... Think about what?” Natasha exhibited a confused face.
”I know you're not stupid, don't you see? Every time your daughter talks to you, she shows contempt!” Victor gritted his teeth angrily, just remembering Sasha's trembling expression, and remembering when she'd cried over Julia's death, the anger in his heart began to grow.
'Good~. This is my disciple.' Scathach praised him.
”...” Natasha was silent.
”Every time she hears her parents' name, her body shakes, and she feels like crying! When she just wanted a little sentimental comfort from her own parents, who never gave her anything, what did you do? What did you give her?”
”...I.” Natasha didn't know what to say.
”Nothing. Yes, you didn't care. You were more interested in me than your own daughter! You were more interested in a stranger because you wanted to satisfy your curiosity and get rid of your boredom.”
”...” Natasha stopped floating and put her feet on the ground.
”Think! How many times in your miserable life have you cared for your daughter or someone close to you?”
”I bet you're just pissed at me right now, just because I killed something that 'belongs' to you, right? You don't love your husband. You just used him as a tool... He was just someone expendable.”
”Don't talk like you know me! You don't know anything about me!” Natasha stomped on the floor in annoyance.
”You're right, I don't know….” Victor showed a sneer, ”And I don't care either.”
”Even though you are my wife's parents, I know deep down that my wife doesn't care about you.”
”Huh...?” What do you mean her daughter doesn't care about her!? I created her. She is blood of my blood!
”The only, and true family of my wife, Sasha Fulger, was a simple Maid named Julia.”
”The maid...?” Natasha couldn't believe what she was hearing. A maid? How absurd! I am her mother!
”Ironic, isn't it? A maid replacing the role of a mother, but... Julia, that maid who died protecting the place where Sasha lived until the end, she's the only one who has my respect. She's a real mother.”
”You two…” Victor put on a disgusted face:
”You two were just the sperm donor and the incubator for my wife to be born. Nothing more and nothing less than that. Your existence was only to serve for the birth of my future wife, so rejoice! You did a good job!”
[Master... Don't tease her so much. I know you want to create an opening to try to kill her, but if you tease her too much, it can become a very bad thing.]
Victor didn't seem to listen to Kaguya's advice.
”... I-Incubator.” Natasha was feeling deaf all of a sudden. He just denied her existence!? How proud is he? That piece of shit!
”Stop laughing! Do you think this is funny!?”
”Isn't it funny? Actually, this is just a bad joke, but do you know? It's easy to make me laugh~” Victor suddenly shows William's head to Natasha, and using his fingers, he forces a smile on William's dead face:
”Huh? Isn't he dead?”
”What's up, Natasha? Why are you so angry? Just smile, and smile~, everything will be fine as long as you smile.”
”...Y-You...” Natasha was so angry that she didn't even know where to start expressing her anger. She just wanted to kill the man in front of her!
”HAHAHAHA~. Take it.” Victor suddenly throws William's head to Natasha.
”W-William!” Natasha opens her hands and tries to grab William's head, and she manages to catch her husband's head.
Rumble, Rumble!
But suddenly, she felt something beside her.
And as if to prove the point Victor made earlier, Natasha used William's head to defend against Victor's attack.
Victor's claws that were on fire suddenly go through William's head, and it dissolves into blood as his claws go towards Natasha's face, but the woman managed to dodge, and he only caused a small wound on her cheek.
”See?” Victor smiled, but inside, he clicked his tongue; 'Tsk, that didn't work. I missed a chance to kill her, and things are going to get complicated now.'
”...” Natasha looks at Victor with a shocked expression and licks the blood that was falling from her cheek.
”Well...” As if by magic, Natasha's shocked and sad expression disappeared, and a neutral expression came over her face.
”I still have two more husbands.”
”Eh…?” Victor looked at Natasha's face in shock, and suddenly like he'd heard a bad joke.
”HAHAHAHAHAHA~” Victor started to laugh as he clapped his hands.
”I'm considered crazy by the people around me, but you? You're crazier than me, and to make matters worse, you're a sociopath! HAHAHAHA~!” He was laughing like he thought something was hilarious.
But inside, he was very calm; 'This is bad, my time is running out, I need to kill her fast somehow, I'm not a match for her in a straight fight, I need one more distraction.'