Chapter 40: Violet arrived, and two wives meet their father-in-law. (1/2)

Victor's house.

”So...” Leon puts his hand on his head as if he has a bad headache:

”Are you telling me my son has two more wives, and you are them?”



Sasha stuttered a little when she spoke, she was very embarrassed. Ruby managed to respond in a more neutral tone and keep her face cool.

”...” Even though Leon had heard the confirmation from the two women, he still couldn't believe what he was hearing.

”…And do you agree with that? I mean, aren't you guys jealous or something?” he asked again.

”...” Ruby and Sasha look at each other, then the two women look at Leon.

”I feel jealous, but since Ruby and Violet are my childhood friends, I don't really care that much? I feel like a lot hasn't changed, and that Victor has just joined the group?” Sasha spoke with a confused expression on her face.

It was her honest feelings, and even though she didn't understand that feeling completely, being with Victor soothed her a lot, she felt very comfortable; it was the same feeling as when she was with Julia…

”Indeed… I feel the same. I'm sure if we weren't childhood friends, this situation would be much more problematic.” Ruby spoke as she thought; 'if they were other women, I would never have let them get close to my Darling.'

”...” Leon just looked at the two women with a shocked expression.

”So jealous...-” Leon suddenly felt a shiver in his body; he looked at his wife, and seeing the glow in her eyes, he pretended to cough, ”Cough! I mean, I feel jealous of how you three get together well with my son; I hope you can take care of him!”

”Oh! Thank you.” Ruby spoke.

”Thanks?” Sasha thanked him, a little confused.


”Y-Yes, honey?” He spoke with a strained smile on his face.

”How was your work?” Anna asked with a small smile on her face.

”Huh…? Oh! The work was good, I had little problems, but it's the usual.”

”Anyway, I'm glad my son has two more lovely wives like you to look after him.” He smiled at Ruby and Sasha.

Sasha and Ruby's faces lit up, and they smiled happily.

”Thanks, Father,” Sasha said.

”Thanks...” Ruby said.

Leon couldn't help but be enchanted by the two women's smiles, but when he felt his wife's gaze intensify as if she were stabbing him in every inch of his body, he made the wisest decision he could make in this kind of situation. :

”I have something to solve, you know, work calls!” He got up from the couch and calmly walked up the stairs, ”I'll see you guys another day.”

He ran-away...

”Nice job, Father. Don't work too hard, or you might get sick.” Sasha was kind.

Leon stopped walking, and replied looking at Sasha, ”I'm not going to, and thanks for your concern, Sasha.”

Leon went upstairs, and the moment he didn't feel his wife's gaze anymore, he crouched down on the stairs and put his ear to the wall, then he thought; 'when did my son become a chad? I know he inherited my bricklayer genes, but even I can't do something like that! A woman is already a big problem, imagine having two more!? Hell no!'

After the initial problems and Anna's shock to learn that her son has two more wives, she accepted this situation more easily when she found that the two personalities of the women were quite agreeable.

Ruby was very quiet and had a cold expression on her face all the time, but she could see that there was a very kind woman behind that cold face.

Sasha was more talkative than Ruby, but she was more easily embarrassed by heartfelt compliments, and, when she called Sasha her daughter, Anna thinks she's found a new hobby of teasing Sasha. However, she will try very hard not to go overboard.

That was Anna's initial impression of Sasha and Ruby.

What about Leon's opinion on this subject...? It doesn't matter, and Anna planned to talk to him later...

Leon felt his body shiver again...

Anna was a little upset with Leon, but she wasn't angry with him or anything... She was just a little frustrated with her son's sudden change, and she knew exactly how to resolve that frustration, she was thinking it would be an excellent time to give Victor a brother or sister.

Leon was a very simple man; he lives life simply, and if he likes something, he accepts it; if he doesn't like something, he shows his middle finger and says, ”Fuck you.”

Leon is not very good with words like his wife; he prefers to work things out with his fist. But, he's sensitive enough to see when his son is in trouble, and help him whenever possible; he'd rather act than talk, an honest man.

And, from past experience, Leon could see from the moment he looked at Ruby and Sasha that the two were very nice women and had good personalities; they weren't women who would cause trouble for his son. Besides that, he didn't care too much.

His thinking was simple; My son is an adult, and I trust him. But if I see he is going down a wrong path, I will advise him.

And that same thought was shared by Anna, Victor's mother.


Basement of Victor's house.

”...Somehow it worked out,” Sasha sat on the couch, she was mentally drained:

”I never want to do this again… I never thought it would be so tiring…” She seemed to be melting on the couch.

Ruby sat on the couch and crossed her legs elegantly, ”Y-Yes, everything went according to plan,” She stuttered a little.

Sasha looked at Ruby out of the corner of her eye, she didn't even feel like pointing it out to Ruby right now.