Chapter 227 – Increased of reputation (1/2)

The next day. Afternoon.

Dong Xuebing had returned to the Family Quarters from the Bureau. The weather is very hot, and his forehead was covered in sweat.

“Oh, Chief Dong, you are back so early?”

“Yes. I am not working these two days.”

“I heard you are given Second Class commendation. Congratulations.”

“Haha, thank you.”

On Dong Xuebing’s way back to his apartment, many family members of the Public Security stopped to congratulate him.

Dong Xuebing’s apartment was like an oven when he returned. He immediately took out the remote controller and switched on the air conditioner. He set the temperature at 22 degrees Celsius and took a bottle of beer from the fridge. He finished the beer and felt slightly cooler. Dong Xuebing sat on his sofa and took out a copy of the newspaper from his bag. There is a picture of him covered in blood, shaking hands with the old lady. Many other officers and villagers were clapping around him.

This report is on the third page of the Provincial Newspaper, and it describes what the County’s Party Secretary and the Public Security’s leaders did. The article did not read a lot on what Dong Xuebing did but gave an outline of the operation to save the hostages. In Dong Xuebing’s bag, there is another copy newspaper. It is the County’s newspaper, and yesterday’s incident was the headlines. The report had described how courageous Dong Xuebing was and how he saved all the hostages.

Dong Xuebing put down the newspaper and gulped beer.

Dong Xuebing had saved the hostages, gained fame and even got the credit. Nothing is better than this!

In the morning, the Bureau held a meeting to praise Dong Xuebing. Not only the County’s Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Huang Li, was at the meeting, but even the Provincial Public Security leader was also present at the meeting to give Dong Xuebing the Second-Class commendation award. “Due to Dong Xuebing’s outstanding performance in the hostage situation, he will be awarded the Second-class Commendation award.” After the wars, very few First-class commendation awards were given out. A personal Second-class award is already outstanding, honorable, and prestigious. This is the confirmation given by the Party, and it’s a significant achievement!

Considering Dong Xuebing had some light injuries during his fight with the escapees, Liang Chengpeng gave him two days to rest at home. Chief Dong’s achievement had made Liang Chengpeng and the County’s Public Security proud. But when asked about how he takes down the escapees, everyone was stunned. Chief Dong claimed he was lucky, but the rescued teachers and students said Chief Dong could dodge bullets. They couldn’t describe it properly. Anyway, Chief Dong had only tilted his head, moved his body sideways, lowered his shoulders, and not a single bullet hit him.

This was too weird, and no one believed it was possible. The only explanation is Dong Xuebing was lucky not to get shot.

But everyone agreed that Dong Xuebing had top-notched fighting skills. There’s no argument on this!

Living room.

Dong Xuebing had lost count on the number of times his phone rang.

Dong Xuebing answered his phone, and this time, it is the County’s Deputy Party Secretary, Cao Xupeng.

Dong Xuebing’s phone had been ringing nonstop since yesterday afternoon. Some calls were from the students’ parents, his colleagues, leaders, and his relatives. Everyone who heard of the incident called him to ask about it. His mother was shocked when she learned about the incident and called to remind him not to put himself in danger in the future.

Dong Xuebing was exhausted after the call with Deputy Secretary Cao.

Not only Dong Xuebing was physically tired, but he was also mentally exhausted. He had killed nine people and will not get over it in a day or two. Just this morning, he had cooked an egg for breakfast. But the smell reminded him of the blood yesterday, and he lost his appetite. Even during the lunch with the County’s leaders, Dong Xuebing did not eat a single piece of meat.

Sigh… he is mentally affected.

Dong Xuebing felt he should relax and laid down on his sofa, listening to some soothing music.

Half an hour had passed.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong. The doorbell rang.

Dong Xuebing stood up from the sofa and switched off the music, before opening the door. “Oh, Sister Hu.”

Standing at the door is Hu Silian, who was suspended from her duties. She was not in her Police uniform and was wearing a light-colored dress with white heels. “Hehe, Chief Dong. I heard you had just returned home, and I am here to congratulate you. Am I disturbing you?”

Dong Xuebing laughed and opened the gates. “No. Come in.”

Hu Silian entered Dong Xuebing’s apartment and laughed. “It’s a pity that I am not at the scene yesterday and couldn’t see your heroic pose.”

Dong Xuebing waved his hand, and his face turned slightly red. “What heroic? I was just lucky. I had almost died yesterday.”

Hu Silian held back her laughter and looked at Dong Xuebing with her big eyes. “You are too humble. If it’s someone else, no… even an elite Armed Officer, cannot suppress nine criminals with both hands handcuffed. You are equivalent to a team of Armed Police Officers. I had read the papers this morning, and everyone in the family quarters is talking about you. Your reputation had increased.”

Dong Xuebing laughed and poured a cup of tea for Hu Silian. “Stop flattering me. I think I had become more notorious.”

Hu Silian took the cup of tea from him, and curiously asked. “Why?”

Dong Xuebing replied helplessly. “Nine people are dead after I entered school. My nickname, God of Plague, will be the talk of the town.”

Hu Silian laughed. “That’s everyone’s respect for you. Hahaha… Now, everyone in Yan Tai County will show a thumbs up when your name is mentioned. What the newspaper wrote is true. Courageous and fearless. You are placing the hostages’ safety before oneself. I think all leaders should learn from you. Chief Dong, I am impressed by you. I even suspect you are one of the secret agents when you are with State Security.”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “Secret agent? My job there is to write speeches and deliver documents. It’s an administrative job.”

Hu Silian was not the only person who asked him this.

After some mindless chatting, Dong Xuebing asked. “Sister Hu, are you here to see me for anything?”

Hu Silian shook her head. “Nothing. I am just here to thank you. Because of the blunder by the Command Center, two lives were lost. I couldn’t sleep for the past two days. Sigh… now, the case is closed, and the criminals are all killed by you. I felt much better. Thank you.

Dong Xuebing waved his hand. “How’s your new job assignment?”

Hu Silian sighed when she heard this. “There is still no news. Maybe I will be transferred to other stations.”

Dong Xuebing looked at her. “Your position?”

Hu Silian smiled. “What position? At most, I will be getting the same treatment as the junior staff. I can never take on the leader role. Chief Dong, I am here also to bid farewell. I guess I will be transferred away these few days, and I am too embarrassed to stay in the Public Security’s Family Quarters.” Hu Silian is only 30 years old and still has a long way to go. But that mistake made by the Command Center had stopped her career advancement. Most likely, she will be wasting her life in a powerless department and will never have the chance to get promoted again.

Dong Xuebing felt this was a waste. “Do you want me to try helping you?”

Hu Silian sighed. “It’s the County Government who decided on my suspension. Even Chief Liang cannot do anything.”

Dong Xuebing patted Hu Silian’s shoulder. He doesn’t wish for her to leave. There were too few women in the government service, and smart women like Sister Hu was rare. Dong Xuebing had seen the danger of being in the government servant. One wrong move, and you lost everything. Sometimes, even when it’s not your fault, you will also get into trouble, and you can only consider yourself unlucky.

Maybe Hu Silian was trying to avoid gossips, and she left after 10 minutes.

After Hu Silian left, Dong Xuebing looked at his watch. He hesitated for a while and picked up his phone to call Xie Huilan. Since Xie Huilan come to Yan Tai County, both of them had not met privately. Dong Xuebing wanted to meet her. After yesterday’s events, he missed Xie Huilan and Qu Yunxuan badly. When the bullet hit him in his head, both their images appeared in his mind.