Chapter 204 – Chain Reaction (1/2)

The next morning.

Dong Xuebing woke up and looked at the time. It was not even 6 am, and he decided to snooze a while more. But he suddenly remembered he had taken advantage of Yu Meixia while teaching her how to use handphones. From his blurry memories, he remembered that he had his hands all over her. He immediately regretted and gave himself a slap on his forehead. You hooligan! How can you harass Sister Yu after a few drinks?!

Dong Xuebing really regretted his actions. His excellent image in front of Sister Yu is all gone!

Dong Xuebing wondered how Yu Meixia will see him after last night’s incident!

Dong Xuebing climbed out of bed and got dressed, before walking out of his room embarrassedly. He looked at the room door opposite, and it was closed. Yu Meixia and Yu Qianqian should still be sleeping. Dong Xuebing thought for a while and quickly wash up. He left a note saying that he had gone to work and rushed out of the house. It was about 6.30 am, and the Public Security Family Quarters is almost empty.

In the lobby of the Public Security Burea, Dong Xuebing met Executive Deputy Bureau Chief Hu Yiguo.

Hu Yiguo was surprised to see Dong Xuebing and looked at him coldly. “Good morning, Chief Dong.”

Dong Xuebing smiled faintly and said. “I am not as early as you. You are really hardworking.”

Hu Yiguo looked at Dong Xuebing and walked away without saying a word. Hu Yiguo’s direction should be going towards the investigation department.

Hu Yiguo was Dong Xuebing’s biggest rival in the Bureau. Deputy Bureau Chief Zhao Jingsong and City Police Station’s Chief Chang Wantao are in Hu Yiguo’s faction. Hu Yiguo also had the support of the Head of the Publicity Department, Qian Sheng, and it’s not easy for Dong Xuebing to deal with him. During the hacker incident, Dong Xuebing snatched back his credit from Hu Yiguo, their enmity had worsened. After that, the Yan Tai County’s Ministry of Education Director’s incident and the Finance department tried to create trouble for Dong Xuebing, and that’s why Dong Xuebing doesn’t feel the need to show any respect for him.

Back at his office, Dong Xuebing start reading the papers.

After the staff of the Bureau arrived at work, Dong Xuebing overheard something and understood why Hu Yiguo is at the Bureau so early. The child abduction case before the Labor Day Holidays had a breakthrough and the detectives and arrested a suspect. The investigation department is under Hu Yiguo’s jurisdiction, and he had arrived early to try to claim the credit. After all, this case is considered a major case.

1 hour…

5 hours…

8 hours…

When it was almost time to get off work, Dong Xuebing did not get any updates on the child abduction case. He asked around and found out that the suspect refused to reveal anything. No matter how the detectives question the suspect, they could not get any useful information. He kept insisting he is innocent and had nothing to do with this case. Although the detectives knew this suspect is involved in this case, they do not have concrete evidence.

Dong Xuebing packed his things and walked out of the Bureau. But when he thought of facing Yu Meixia at home, he got scared.

Dong Xuebing took out his phone and called home.

“Hello?” A soft voice answered. It was Yu Qianqian.

Dong Xuebing said. “You finish school? It’s me. Errr… what is your mother doing?”

“Brother!” Yu Qianqian said excitedly. “My mother is in the bathroom. I will get her to answer!”

Dong Xuebing quickly says. “No need… Errr… Is your mother alright?”

“My mother? She is fine.”

“Ok. Help me tell Sister Yu that I will not be going back for dinner. I have a dinner appointment.

After hanging up, Dong Xuebing felt relieved and walked to a small restaurant along the street to have noodles. While eating, he thought about how he is going to face Yu Meixia but came to no conclusion. After finishing his dinner, Dong Xuebing settled the bill and returned home.

When Dong Xuebing enters his apartment, he noticed the TV was on, but there is no one in the living room.

Dong Xuebing looked at the bedroom and saw Yu Meixia and Yu Qianqian sitting in front of the laptop, through the half-closed bedroom door. The laptop was playing a pop song. Dong Xuebing hesitated for a while and gritted his teeth as he walked into the room. “Downloading songs? Hu Silian had set up the internet?” Dong Xuebing had asked Hu Silian to set up the wireless router at his home this morning.

Yu Qianqian turned and said. “Brother! You are back! Aunty Hu had just set up the internet and taught me how to download songs.”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “You know how to download songs now?”

Yu Qianqian replied softly. “Not… not yet. But I will master it now. Really…”

Dong Xuebing patted her head. “Clever girl. Just try to download and ask me if you are unsure.”

Yu Meixia was blushing beside and dare not look at Dong Xuebing or say anything.

Dong Xuebing felt embarrassed when he saw Yu Meixia. He tried to strike a conversation to ease the awkwardness. “Err… Sister Yu, what did you all have for dinner?”

Yu Meixia looked down and replied. “I… I cooked two dishes and made bean porridge. Chief Dong, there is some porridge left. I… I will heat it up for you?” Yu Meixia was still wearing yesterday’s dark green dress.

Dong Xuebing nodded. “Ok. Thank you.”

Dong Xuebing couldn’t help himself and sneaked a peep at Yu Meixia as she walked out to the kitchen. After she left, Dong Xuebing moved his chair closer to Yu Qianqian and taught her how to use some of the basic functions of the laptop. Yu Qianqian was still excited since yesterday, and she looked more cheerful than before. Dong Xuebing was happy for her and went back to his room to change his clothes and lay on the bed to wait for his porridge.

The bedroom door was open, and Yu Meixia saw Dong Xuebing’s eyes are closed. She knocked and entered the room.

Dong Xuebing opened his eyes and smiles. “Thank you.”

“It’s alright.” Yu Meixia passed the bowl of porridge to Dong Xuebing carefully. “It’s hot. Please be careful.”

Dong Xuebing nodded and took a sip of the porridge. Hmm… it’s fragrant and tastes good.

“Chief Dong.” Yu Meixia looked at him shyly. “Are you going to soak in the bath today? Should I prepare the water for you?”

Dong Xuebing cleared his throat. “No need.”

“Oh… Then…” Yu Meixia took the empty bowl from Dong Xuebing. “Can I give you a foot massage?”

Dong Xuebing had wanted to reject her because of what happened yesterday. But he still nodded unknowingly as he could not resist the temptation of foot massage.

Yu Meixia bit her lower lips and brought the empty bowl out of the room. She returns after a while and closes the room door behind her, to prevent her daughter from seeing her giving Dong Xuebing a massage. She took a glance at Dong Xuebing and took off her shoes to get on the bed. She kneeled beside Dong Xuebing and start massaging his legs. “I… I had gone to a bookshop to read up on massage techniques. I am not sure if it’s effective.”

Dong Xuebing took a deep breath and replied. “It’s comfortable. Thank you.”

“Let me know if it’s painful.”

“Ok.” Dong Xuebing was moved. He had mistreated her yesterday, and instead of getting angry, she even went to the bookshop to look for books on massage. Dong Xuebing knew Yu Meixia’s education level is not high and does not see a lot of characters. It should be hard for her to read a book at a bookshop. “Sister Yu, when you are free, you can do what you want or go out with your friends. You don’t need to spend time on these.”

Yu Meixia just shook her head.

Dong Xuebing did not try to persuade her and glanced at her long dress and the opening of her collar.

Yu Meixia noticed it, and her body stiffens. Her movements on Dong Xuebing’s leg and slowed down.

Last night, Dong Xuebing was drunk and took a step too far. He had decided not to harass Yu Meixia again, but when he saw her again, he knew he could not reverse her impression of him. Since his good-boy image is ruined and she did not mention anything about it, then… Anyway, Dong Xuebing had already touched her yesterday, and he decided to do it again.

When Yu Meixia was pressing Dong Xuebing’s left leg, Dong Xuebing purposely moved his right leg and positioned it in front of her dress. He slowly inched his leg in between her thighs into her dress and used his foot to caress her inner thighs.

Yu Meixia was stunned and don’t know what to do.

Yu Meixia had wanted to stop Dong Xuebing when he took advantage of her last night, but she was scared. Now, Chief Dong is getting bolder, and she doesn’t know how to react. “Chief… Chief Dong, you… you…”

Dong Xuebing looked at her. “You want to say something?”

Yu Meixia bit her lower lips and shook her head. “No…”

Dong Xuebing cleared his throat and brushed his foot against her thighs. “Sister Yu, I’m sorry.”

Yu Meixia shook her head and gritted her teeth. She moved her hand, which was pressing her dress down and continued with the massage.