Chapter 17 – Staff members (1/2)


Western District Branch Bureau, General Affairs Department.

Today was Dong Xuebing’s official first day of work. His desk was by a window in a corner. Sun shone brightly on his desk through the window’s panels. It was warm and bright. Pulling the curtains had helped a bit. Directly opposite of Dong Xuebing was Zhuang Zhi’s desk. They were facing each other. In the middle, there were 2 17in monitors and a table calendar separating them.

In the office, other than Dong Xuebing and Zhuang Zhi, the rest of the staffs were very busy.

A cheerful girl standing at the photocopier machine was organizing some documents. She said without raising her head: “Guo Shunfa, I have too many things to do. Help me photocopy some documents. The Bureau needs them urgently.”

Guo Shunfa, in his late 20s, was busily typing on his keyboard: “I am also very busy. Ask someone else to help you.”

The oldest staff in the office, Old Yan was sitting at his desk reading the newspapers. He does not have any intention to offer his help.

Guo Panwei, who looks like a monkey, was looking down, writing something. He shouted: “Let me finish writing this and I will be there.”

The woman, named Changjuan, was holding up a small mirror drawing her eyebrows.

Dong Xuebing looked around and walked over. “Sister Tan, let me help.”

“Ok.” Tan Limei passed a stack of documents to Dong Xuebing and said: “You know how to photocopy? Place the documents here along this line and press that big button. Remember its single side and I need 4 sets. Staple them when it's ready. Oh, what did you call me just now? Sister Tan? Haha…… Don’t call me that. I attended school early and had only just graduated one year ago. I might even be younger than you and Zhuang Zhi.”

“I will also help.” Zhuang Zhi walked over.

Tan Limei casually said: “Fine. One of you photocopy and the other staple. Better be quick. The Leader is waiting.”

While waiting for the copier to print the documents, Zhuang Zhi clumsily stapled the stacks of papers.

When Dong Xuebing and Zhuang Zhi finished with the documents, Guo Panwei, who had been looking down, and Changjuan who was drawing her eyebrows, stood up and said at the same time: “I will send the documents over.” Both looked at each other, and Changjuan smiled seductively: “I will send the documents to the Political Section and the Confidential Department. You can send the documents to the Bureau Chief.” They arranged the documents and Guo Panwei straighten his shirt, while Changjuan touched up her makeup. After that, both of them walked out of the office with the papers at the same time.

Dong Xuebing and Zhuang Zhi were puzzled.

Tan Limei was used to this and grumbled behind their back: “Lazing around at work all the time and only rushed forward when there is a chance to meet the leaders. Hmph!”

Dong Xuebing was new and does not know the characters of the people in the office. He smiled and did not say anything.

Suddenly Guo Shunjie waved: “Xiao Dong, Xiao Sun, come over here.”

Dong Xuebing and Zhuang Zhi walked over: “Yes?”

“Create one more copy for these tables. Do you know Excel? Just use the same format and recreate a table. The data you can get from this Word document. Copy and paste will do. Don’t paste into the wrong table. I need this file before noon. Once completed, print it out.” Guo Shunjie spoke like a leader, and his instructions were clear. When Dong Xuebing and Zhuang Zhi were creating the table, he was free and was drinking tea and surfing net. He was reading some aquarium fish forum.
