Chapter 1 – An accident and the ability to turn back time (1/2)


It hurts…...

Am I dying?

The strong smell and taste of blood could be felt in the nose and mouth. Dong Xuebing could not move even his fingers, and it was total darkness. He tried to move his neck, but there was no reaction. He finally mustered all his strength to open his eyes, but he could only open a slit. He could make out a blurry vision of an overloaded dump truck. Beside him, there was an old man in his 70s or 80s and a beautiful woman in her late 20s lying in a pool of blood motionless. There was a crowd of onlookers. From their mouth movements, they seem to be shouting something. However, Dong Xuebing could not hear anything.

The old man was dead. Aunt Xuan was dead. He was badly injured…… Most likely he would not make it.

Looking at the pretty face of the woman he secretly admired, Qu Yunxuan, Dong Xuebing felt like his heart was being stabbed by a knife.

Neighbour Qu Yunxuan was a kind woman. Earlier at the traffic junction, she saw the old man having difficulties walking and offered her help to help him cross the road. Despite the traffic lights in their favor, a truck came speeding towards them. The driver might be drunk or had fallen asleep on the wheel. Dong Xuebing, who was some distance away saw the danger and came running towards Qu Yunxuan. He wants to push her out of the way of the truck. But he was too late, and he was also knocked down by the truck.


Dong Xuebing had never regretted so much in his life.

If Dong Xuebing noticed the out-of-control truck earlier and rushed out to save them, the 3 of them did not need to die.

But now…… It was too late.

Dong Xuebing could feel his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. He could no longer bear to see the twisted bodies or Qu Yunxuan and that old man. He shut his eyes and waited for his time to be up.


There was a loud thunderclap. It was so loud that it could shatter someone’s soul.

The next moment, Dong Xuebing felt his vision blurred, and he felt jumped out of the darkness.

Dong Xuebing could feel his strength, hearings, and vision coming back to him. He was in a dazed and looked around him. He noticed that he was all fine and standing in front of the traffic junction. Around him was the traffic in Beijing. Cars, taxis, and vans were zooming past him. Under the dim lightings of the streetlights, people were walking as if nothing had happened.

“Sir, let me help you cross the road.”

“It’s fine. Thank you, young lady. I am fine by myself.”

“I am just staying opposite, and it is not a hassle. Come, let me help you.”

Dong Xuebing turned around towards the voice in shock. A smiling Qu Yunxuan was at the pedestrian crossing not far away. She also saw Dong Xuebing and said: “Xiao Bing, you are back? Are you out with your friends?” The person beside her was the old man who had just passed away. The old man also looked at Dong Xuebing and coughed.

“Ah… Ya… I am back.” Dong Xuebing was looking around him and answered unconsciously. He was still trying to figure out what had happened.

What happened? I am not dead? Aunt Xuan was not dead? The old man was also not dead?

Dong Xuebing slowly lifted his hand up and opened his palm. He clenches his fist and then opened it up again. There was no blood or wounds.

Was he dreaming? There was no accident? Everything was only a hallucination?

The traffic lights changed from red to amber, and then the traffic lights opposite the road turned green and showed the green pedestrian man. The pedestrians start to cross the road. The old man with his walking stick was the slowest, and Qu Yunxuan was helping him to cross the road.

This was familiar.

This was a very familiar scene.

Suddenly, there was the roar of an engine, and Dong Xuebing instantly turned towards the engine sound. A truck was moving on the right turning lane from another road. The truck was overloaded with gravels and was not traveling very fast, at about 40 Km/h or 50 Km/h.

Dong Xuebing rubbed his eyes. He was shocked. Wasn’t this the scene before the accident?

What was happening? Time had rewinded? That was not a hallucination?

Dong Xuebing had no time to think and immediately shouted: “Stop, look out for that truck!”