34 Chapter 34 - Three Months (1/2)

When I finally opened my eyes again in the real world, I found myself staring up at a familiar ceiling which made me smile. I was home once again. My body ached and was stiff as I slowly sat up which made me wonder just how long I had been laying here. My room was empty, but a couple of chairs had been pulled over at some point, so I knew there had been people staying by my side. A quick check of the clock told me it was the middle of the night, but I knew one person who would be up as long as she wasn't spending the night with my brother.

While I made my way out of the room, I easily shifted back to my 'human' form with far more ease than I remembered. The hall was dim, but I could still navigate the empty corridor and made my way downstairs. I stopped in front of a familiar door and knocked gently.

A few seconds later, the door opened, revealing a tired-looking Alice. She was wearing a low-cut top that accented her chest and a pair of leggings which hugged all of her curves. She threw open the door the moment she realized it was me and threw herself into my arms. A dampness slowly seeped into my shirt as her silent tears fell and I stroked her hair comfortingly.

”I hate you,” she mumbled into my chest.

I chuckled and kissed the top of her head. ”I know, sweetheart, but hey, I'm still alive, right?” I asked, but before I could say anything else, my stomach gave a loud growl.

Alice chuckled and lightly hit my stomach. ”Way to ruin the mood,” she grumbled as she finally released me and looked at me with tear-filled eyes, but giving me a loving smile. ”Come on, I know you are starving... It's been three months,” she said quietly.

”Three months?!?” I exclaimed.

”Quiet,” she snapped, poking me in the stomach. ”Come on, I've already got the golem started on a stir-fry of your favorites.”

”But three months?!?” I said, quieter this time.

”Come on, we can talk in the kitchen. I'll need to start waking people soon,” Alice said as she pulled me by the hand.

”Can you wake Katye first? I need to thank her for saving my life, among other things...” I requested.

Alice chuckled and replied, ”I don't really have a choice even if you didn't request it... She has staked a claim on you.”

”What?” I asked, confused which only made her laugh more.

”Just do as your told and I promise you will be happy,” Alice said with a mischievous grin.

I rolled my eyes and allowed myself to be pulled into the kitchen. Alice sat me down at the table and made me a drink while grabbing some jerky strips. She passed me the snack and a glass of Kilao which I took happily. Since I knew everyone was fine, my hungry took over my focus as I worked of the stack of jerky while I waited for my food. Alice slipped out of the room when the golem walked over with a large, steamy bowl of stir-fry, that was mostly meat and coated in a tangy, spicy sauce. I dug right in right away, momentarily forgetting that she was likely waking Katye, only satisfying my hunger was in my mind. Only when half the bowl was gone did I finally take a break and drained my cup then, almost as if on cue, I heard the door creak open.

Suddenly remembering who it would likely be, I wiped my mouth with a napkin before I stood up and turned around. Katye stood frozen in the doorway as she looked at me with tear-filled eyes. She only wore a small tank top and a pair of short shorts. It may have been my imagination or her charm abilities, but she seemed even more beautiful than before. Her skin was pristine and gave off a shimmer, not a glow. The very air around her seemed to refract the light, making everything behind her hazy. A single tear started to roll down her cheek before she ran forward and threw herself into my arms.

”I never thought I would see you again!” Katye cried.

”Shhh... I'm here now,” I said soothingly as I wrapped an arm around her waist and stroked her short hair with my free hand. ”I'm sorry to have worried you so much.”

”You nearly died because of me,” she sobbed into my chest.

My hand slid from the top of her head to her chin and I tilted it up to look at me. ”But I am also 'alive' because of you. It was my choice to take that attack and I would do it again. I know I've spent most of our short time together keeping you at arm's length, but I do have feelings for you and I couldn't lose you.”

Katye raise up on her tiptoes as I leaned down and our lips met for the first time. Before, she had been maintaining control over her mana, so I hadn't felt the normal 'spark' between us, but that all change with our kiss. I could already feel her warm body pressed against my own, but now there was literal electricity flowing between us, bring a pleasant, tingling sensation everywhere she touched.

Her arms wrapped around my neck and both of hands found their way to her hips as our kissed deepened. Her lips were soft and there was a light sweet flavor that I couldn't place, but it drew me in all the same. I brushed the tip of my tongue against my lips, savoring the sweetness, but I quickly felt the 'rise' of something else and I pulled away.

”I'm sorry, Katye... I have to be careful. I can't always control myself,” I said.

To my surprise, she actually giggled at that and replied, ”The others told me a bit about it... I guess I should take it as a compliment.”

”What all did they tell you?” I asked suspiciously.

She giggled mischievously as she took a seat at the table and said, ”Quite a bit... You may not be as bad as your brother, but something seems to run in the family.”

”Ugh,” I groaned as sat down across from her while turning red. ”I... I can explain.”

She giggled as she rested her chin on her hand and motioned for me to go ahead with her other hand while giving me an amused look.

Honestly, at the moment, I would rather have to face the skeletal pit than try to explain my relationships with the other girls, but I had already opened my big mouth. ”Well, how to start this...” I said, scratching the back of my head.

”Making her squeam, huh?” Alice's voice came from behind me as she walked in.