29 Chapter 29 - Blood Curse (1/2)
There were no dreams while I slept, only a pleasant warm at settled in my bones. I didn't know how long I had been out, but as my senses stirred, I was laying on something hard, except for my head which was comfortable, and there was the pressure of a body across my chest, a tingling feeling slowly seeping into my body where it touched. I tried to open my eyes a few times before they managed to stay open and look around.
We were underground. I instantly recognized the smoothed dark ceiling lit with the blue glow of light crystal and the rich, earthy smell, but there was also another strange smell that I felt like I knew, I just couldn't place it. Lesedi had pulled out this trick a few times when things got really dangerous and bored us a cave deep underground, escaping most of the possible troubles. My head shifted slightly and a second later a hand stroked my face as Terri leaned over me.
”It's good to see those green eyes again, Becca,” Terri said softly.
I smiled up at her for a moment before the tears started. She made some soothing sounds as she continued to stroke my cheek. Lesedi and Sophia, who was slightly pale, were the next to enter my field of view and smile down at me. I tried to sit up, but six hands quickly shoved me back down as pain exploded through my body. I let out a groan and stopped struggling. The pain was nothing compared to before, but I knew they were probably right.
”How... how long?” I asked, my voice much gruffer than normal.
”Seven hours, it will be dawn soon,” Sophia answered.
”You were in the worst condition and the last to wake up other than Katye.”
”I remember... Did she... stop me?” I asked.
The three nodded.
”What happened at the end? When I fell asleep?”
At my question, Lesedi and Terri both pulled out of my view. Sophia sighed in annoyance as she glared at the other two then said, ”Well about that... we aren't really sure what happened, actually. When she brought you back to the ship, she told us to keep the two of you together then collapsed in the next instant.”
Now, I pushed against their hands long enough to lift my head up and see Katye laying across my chest. I dropped back down into Terri's lap to the surprise of the three. I managed to crack a grin and chuckled, ”Almost dying can change even the stubbornest of minds.”
Their expression softened as Ella and Kiara entered my sights. They both had relieved expressions on their faces which made me feel slightly better since it was clear they weren't blaming me for what happened.
”How are you feeling?” Kiara asked.
”Like someone put me into a jar and shook it up with boulders in it... but it's a lot better than before,” I answered.
”Well, Melissa did say most of your bones were shattered once she finally got a look at you. We were worried that you wouldn't wake up before we had to leave.”
I wrapped my arms around the sleeping Katye and slowly sat up. Terri helped me up and acted as a back rest once I was upright. In the soft lighting, I could see Gustavo, Yue, and Melissa all leaning against the far wall resting. All three of them were deathly pale, but their breathing was steady, so I could only hope that they just needed rest.
”They are just sleeping,” Sophia said as she followed my gaze.
”How much long do we have in here?” I asked.
”If I keep pushing my mana, I can last another hour, but I'll end up like them,” Lesedi said.
”Can they move?”
”Yes, but you shouldn't be,” Melissa said in a tired voice.
”It's not like we have a lot of choices, at the moment. We can't be down another person, especially when that person is the one keeping the roof overhead from collapsing,” I said.
”Becca's right,” Yue said as she yawned and stretched.
”Yue, I'm so...”
”Save it, Becca. We all know it wasn't you and, if you hadn't killed off the Piasa Bird, Gustavo would be dead, and likely the rest of us,” she said, giving me a stern look.
I sighed and smiled as I leaned my head back on Terri's shoulder. Yue shook Gustavo awake, who shot me a grin when he saw I was awake. Everyone, who was still sitting, started to stand while Lesedi picked up the still sleeping Katye and Sophia and Terri helped me to my feet.
With Katye pulled away from me, my body began to ache even worse than before. I reached out to touch her and saw a spark of violet jump between my hand and her. There was a gentle energy that spread into my hand and momentarily eased some of my pain. It didn't take long for me to realize something about that energy that always sparked between us was speeding up my natural regeneration.
”Let me carry her,” I said to Lesedi.
”Becca, you really shouldn't be stressing your body any more than you already have,” Melissa said.
”It helps... I don't understand it, and it's not really the time to figure it out, but the energy she gives off is helping me,” I said as I put my arms under her and shifted Katye's weight to me.
Still asleep, she wrapped her arms around my neck, silencing all protest. Lesedi chuckled as she pulled out her pickaxe and stepped over to the wall. Before she actually started anything, she pulled out a dark blue mana potion and down it with a single gulp. When she raised her pickaxe and struck against the earthen wall, a tunnel, five feet wide all around, was blasted into the wall, stretching nearly ten feet in front of her. She walked in and continued creating us a tunnel back to the surface while we slowly fell in line behind her.
All of us were forced to hunch over as we climbed the gentle slope, but no one complained since we all knew she was just as tired as the rest of us, if not more. Fifteen minutes of walking up the slowly spiraling tunnel, we finally reached the surface. I could see the ocean off in the distance while we stood in a grassy area, midway up the mountain.
Although the sun had started to rise, the sky was overcast with clouds as a massive storm was quickly rolling in. It was already starting to rain with a heavy sprinkle. I tried to cover Katye's body with my own, but the rain still hit her, slowly waking her up.
”Mmm... Where am I? What happened?” Katye asked as she stirred.