5 Chapter 5 - You Canst Beat a Heros Fate (1/2)
Gustavo was in a set padded training gear sparring against the ”Sword and Shield” golem set at the third level. Typically, it would be at the fourth setting, but Terri had joined in adding another layer of difficulty. She was using the bow from the archer golem to ensure she couldn't hurt him, but energy arrows would still sting.
Gustavo could anticipate the moves of the golem, as he used the same techniques, the problem he was having was with Terri and her shameless attacks. Although Gustavo carried a large tower shield like it was the weight of a small buckler, the shield was only five foot, so hiding his six foot three body behind it wasn't always easy. Terri would target his toes and calves any time his raised his shield, but it was the shots at his face that made him jump.
Katye, Yue, and I walk into the training yard and made our way over them. They stopped sparring by the time we reached the area with Gustavo sending the golem tumbling out of the ring. I could only sigh internally as I rolled my eyes at my brother's attempt at showing off.
”Don't you have already enough women?” I mentally scolded. ”The woman with the bow is Terri and the fool with the sword and shield is my brother, Gustavo,” I said aloud.
”It's nice to properly meet you, I'm Katye,” Katye said with a small wave.
”Likewise... How ya holding up?” Terri asked.
”It's a bit of a roller coster, but I'll manage,” she answered.
”It's crazy, at first... well, it still is crazy, but we can make it work. Once you really see everything we can do, and what you can do, you will see it is possible,” Terri encouraged.
Katye smiled gently and nodded while Yue changed the subject, asking, ”Gustavo, do you want to play a true game of Riktony against Becca?”
”I'm always up for a game,” he chuckled.
”Ooo! I'll replace a golem,” Terri offered excitedly.
”Terri...” I complained.
”What? It's so hard for me to get real target practice and you barely feel the arrows.”
”With you joining, I will have to use my first form. I don't mind letting Gustavo win, but I'm not taking your arrows without my scales,” I said, sticking my tongue out at her.
Before she could respond, Gustavo quickly jumped into the conversation as he demanded, ”What do you mean 'let Gustavo win'? Are you saying I can't beat you in your dragonized form?”
”Pretty much,” I said with a chuckle. ”But, I also would rather not show off that side of me on Katye's first day,” I added.
”I've already grown wings, I can handle your transformation,” Katye said with a smile.
Gustavo laughed and said, ”No excuse when I beat you now.”
I gave a sigh knowing I had goaded my brother this and now I just lost my excuse. Since no one would want to watch the actual procress of me transform, I made a habit of using a weak sandstorm spell to hide everything. I took a few steps away from the other then spun around quickly, dragging my foot through the dirt while silently chanting. I was covered in a barrier of fine sand and dirt that blocked my view of the group as well as their view of my body. I released the hold on my bloodline and, no matter how hard I tried to resist it, a inhuman, guttral roar escaped my lips. My body creaked as my bones harden and my horns and talon grew. Black scales sprouted all over my body, first from where my horns and talons grew then spread out, completely covering me. Although I couldn't see it, my hair was now crimson and my eyes had taken on their dragon form. The transfomation only lasted a moment, so as my roar died away, I released the spell and let the dirt settle.
I couldn't help, but look at Katye for a reaction and, while there was shock, I didn't see any trace of disgust. I never blamed anyone who thought I looked like a monster... hell, I thought I did too, I had met plenty that couldn't stand the sight of me. Alice tried to explain before that I also gave off an oppress aura when I was like this, but even in my ”human” form, the few people I dealt with, outside of the house, still looked at me with those judging eyes.
”Does that mean I can shoot?” Terri said, fiddling with her bow.
I chuckled, ”In the game, yes, not now.”
”Then come on, or you're a chicken,” Gustavo laughed as he ran over to the field.
”Forgive, Gustavo, he gets a bit over zealous about training and competeing,” Yue said, shaking her head.
”It's fine.”
”Let's get over to the field before he starts pacing around. We will be in your care, Yue,” I said as I also walked towards the field while stretching my arms.
Yue and Katye walked towards a small stone platform while Terri jogged over to me. ”So, how is it looking with the new girl?” she asked in a quiet voice.
”Well, she is doing better than you when you first joined,” I teased.
”Becca...” she complained.
”Relax, Terri, she isn't going to be a problem for you and the girls for awhile. Until she can learn to control her power, she can't touch anyone, but me.”
”What? Why?”
”Alice said she has an excess of mana due to her bloodline, so when she tries to touch anyone, she releases a bit of her mana and only I can handled it because I have a Chaos corrputed bloodline as well. I guess it makes since that Alice put her under my care to start with,” I answered.
”'Under your care', huh? And just what care are you giving her?” Terri teased.
”I've got enough going on that I don't need to go chasing after another girl that is bound to fall for my brother.”