1 The Bestfriend (1/1)

Two years, it has been two years since her parents passed. Still, a beautiful angel like woman sits at their graves. With raven black hair, beautifully tied in a bun. Clear deep blue eyes, eyes that were her fathers, carried drops of tears in each corner. Her skin usually carries the glow of the summer sun, now pale as freshly laid snow. Although it has been two years since her parents passed, Chloe still comes evey year on the anniversary of their death to visit with them.

Little did Chloe know, she was being watched. For, several rows over, was a tall, exquisite, mysterious man. He stood there thinking to himself, watching her, feeling her loneliness, fighting the urge to go up and kiss away her tears. For him, he felt it was a sad sight to see an angel cry.

”Miss.... are you ready to go?” Chole looked up to see a man that stood just over 5'6”. His gray hair neatly laid on his head. By his looks you can tell the years havent been very good to him. He was Nathaniel her driver and housekeeper.

”I'll be right there. Thank you Nathan.” She looked up at the crimson orange sky, before standing. Said a little 'Thanks for listening' prayer. After she got up she could swear she saw a glimpse of someone standing under a tree watching her. However, when she focased her eyes no one was there. ”Miss, is something bothering you?” Nathaniel said stairing at her confused look. ”No. Lets go Nathaniel. Sally and Phillip must be worried. I fear we may have stayed a bit too long. I just wanted to update them (her parents) on how everything has gone this past year.”

Indeed, so much has happened. After her parents tragic accident, she did her best in trying to fulfill their wishes. She tried to keep their company 'Company A' afloat the first year. However it was a lot harder than she originally thought. In the last year she sold her parents company to an unknown buyer. She bought a little cafe, which she runs with her best childhood friend Sally. She did her best to be a good girlfreind, but lately her boyfriend phillip has been growing distant. She can't remember the last time that she spent some time with him. As she gazes out the window, lost in her deep thoughts, the car pulls up to their destination.

No sooner than Chloe steps out; a thin, fragile looking woman, runs up to her. It was Sally, with her brunette hair tied in a messy bun hair sticking out every where, her dark brown, almost black, eyes looking like she is guilty of something.She stood about 5'2, shorter than Chloe, yelled ” WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I've been looking everywhere for you. I called you several times, in which I got no answer. We were busy, up to our ears, and just slowed down. Now you show up, I know you are technically the boss but I cant manage this place without you.” At this point Chloe has stopped listening, Sally has a habit of dramatizing everything. So Chloe didnt think much of it being busy. Instead she just simply said ”Looks as though you survived. Besides, Sam was here to help you wasn't she?”

Sam was their employee. She stood about 5'3 and had hazelnut hair, and hazel eyes, slim to medium build. All-in-all pleasing enough to look at. Sally hired her, said she would do, because she doesn't out shine Sally. Chloe likes her all the same, she has a nice relaxing personality.