29 A Contract is Made (1/2)
Fan MeiLi was holed up in her apartment for the whole day thinking of a way out of her situation. After her little meeting with CEO Li, she found out he did have some connections with the national security bureau and could easily reveal her identity. Sitting in her living room, Fan MeiLi let out a huge sigh, knowing her fate was sealed when she walked into Li Wei's office that day.
The ringing of her phone brought her out of her sad thoughts, looking at the screen she saw that it was Zhang Jing.
”Hey girl, what's going on? You sound a little depressed.” Zhang Jing asked hearing the sadness in her best friends voice.
Fan MeiLi smiled a little when she heard Zhang Jing's question, even without seeing her she always has a sixth sense whenever she was down. ”I'm fine, just some things going on at work. What about you, how are you doing?”
”I'm great! My boss picked my proposal for a huge project that we are undertaking and I'm in charge. It's my first real solo job since I started here and I'm super excited.” Zhang Jing squealed on the phone.
Fan MeiLi was really happy for her friend, knowing how hard she worked to get her name known in her field. Zhang Jing wanted people to know about her accomplishment and not think she got it because of her family's name, so she personally picked a field away from her family's company. She learned many things but came to love designing and worked hard from the bottom. It took two years but it seems her superiors are now seeing the wonderful talent that Fan MeiLi knew her best friend always had inside her.
”I'm so happy for you, I can't wait to see your designs when your project's complete.”
”MeiLi, this could be the start of something big, soon people will be dying to have the collection of Zhang Jing.” She said in a high voice.
After talking for two hours, Fan MeiLi's spirit rose and she wasn't as depressed about her predicament as before. Standing up she felt a new sense of determination flow through her, she couldn't change the situation but she could make it work in her favor. Even though CEO Li is a rude and cold jerk in her opinion, he was still a powerful guy that made people think twice before crossing his path.
Fan MeiLi saw lots of problems that will occur with Li Wei's plan, mostly the crazy ladies that will come to harass her because of her status. Even when Fan MeiLi thought of many cons, she still thought that Li Wei could give her a semi-peaceful life for a short while. With those thoughts in her mind, Fan MeiLi decided accepting Li Wei's proposal was the best idea at the very least she will be able to keep the good as hacker Rose alive.
Hansoo Group