13 Chapter 13 (1/2)

RWBY: The Observer LonerGod 23480K 2022-07-22

It has been hours since Neo and Glen talking about themselves getting to know each other. Glen knew that Neo was just trying to survive and not feeling lonely, but it seems that her childhood is not the best of experience a child should have.

And her not talking even though she could is because she thinks that talking with what she thought as trash is not worth her time.

But as Glen listened to her past, he noticed that there is a hint of doubt in her eyes. Glen know that gaining her trust will need time, but he was confident that as long as he being honest about everything she will understand.

However, Glen was still hesitant about telling her that he was not someone from this world. So he just told her the same thing like with Taiyang. But he added some lie that he was some kind of a shut in that was trained for combat since childhood.

Glen knew that it was sure going to bite him back in the future but he doesn't have a choice but tell something.

It was true that he was good in battles, he was given the knowledge how to fight really good by the god. So saying that he was trained since a child is not actually wrong either, since he could use his power like he used it all his lives.

Saying that he was good is an understatement since he has a mastery to battle anything. And his Overpowered skills and abilities is just broken, at least to some peoples he was a broken character.

Fortunately that Glen was a lazy ass in this world or the world would be in chaos already.

Some might think that he was lazy, but no one knows just how hard he worked back when he was still in Earth. And when he was telling his lie to Neo, she then asked an unexpected question about his other wives, but he knew that it was just a spur of the moment thing because of his jealousy.

But it's not a lie either, since he just decided to have a harem in this world. He just realized just how much he missed in his previous live, he didn't know that having women by his side is just so comforting.

So with some sweat drop on his forehead Glen answered nervously. ”W-well… th-there will be another in the future… f-for now.. you're the only one…”

Hearing what he said made Neo laughing quite hard as she clutched her stomach in pain. Although Glen was feeling embarrassed, but her laughter is so nice to hear that he just stared at her in a daze.

That's just how nice her voice is, it would be really a waste for her not to talk like she used to. ”You know, I don't mind if you have another woman other than me.” Neo said with a small chuckles in between her words. ”But… I will still be your number one, right?” She continued with a cold tone.

Her expression turned into a freezing cold of winter as she stared at Glen straight in the eye. Glen could only smile nervously while rolling his eyes to the side, but he still nodded his head nonetheless.