8 Chapter 8 (1/2)
The moment they finished eating, Taiyang then brought Glen and the girls to the living room. Of course, it was after Yang washed the dishes as Taiyang ordered. Glen didn't know that Yang actually know how to clean the dishes which came as a surprise for him.
To think that the fierce and always energetic girl know how to do house chores is very surprising for Glen. Though he still didn't know if she knew how to cook? Because he didn't actually seen her cooking yesterday.
He was waiting in the living room first before being asked to come to the kitchen. It was unknown whether it was Yang or Ruby the one who cooked the fish for him yesterday. And by the time he come to the kitchen, then her father and uncle came knocking looking for Glen with a dark face looking really pissed.
That was the start of Glen's hell being stared at as he ate his food. He didn't want to be caught unprepared again! Not again! He will not make the same mistake twice!
So when he was done eating the breakfast, Glen already know that he's going to be questioned by Taiyang. Whether it was about where he javascript:;came from or about his past, he already prepared an answer for that!
In the living room, Glen was sitting on the couch being sandwiched by Ruby and Yang, while the yellow haired girl take the right side and the red themed girl taken his left. Taiyang was sitting alone on the chair at the end of the coffee table.
His expression were cold, it was as if he was trying to hold himself back from lashing out in anger. Glen know that he must've been scolded by Ruby and Yang yesterday after knocking him out.
”Glen, I'm not going to force you to answer me, but can you at least tell me what are you doing here in Patch?” Taiyang started with a normal tone. He was staring at Glen's sky blue eyes with a hard look.
Glen shrugged his shoulder, ”… I'm starting my new live. I was always staying inside my room for a long time now. And I would be very grateful if you don't ask why, I have my reason for staying quite, I'm sorry.” Glen said with a serious face. He technically didn't lie when he said that. It was all true and whatever the others think, it was their own guess and not his fault.
He cannot lie completely, because he know that it will always bite him back in the end. After he said that, he could see that Taiyang expression was turning grave. He must've thought something incredible if he was showing that kind of expression.
'I don't know what kind of bullshit you think about me. But I'll tell you that it was all wrong!' Glen thought to himself with a deadpan expression.
After a moment of silent, Taiyang then opened his mouth. ”What do you mean by starting a new live?” He asked sounding a little unsure.
”It means what it means. This is the first time I came outside and see this world with my own eyes.” Though he said that, his mind were thinking something else, 'Again, I'm not lying! Whatever you thoughts is your own guesses!'
”So yesterday is the first time you go outside?!” Yang interrupted with a shocked expression on her face.
”Yeah. And the first time I fought a Grimm too.” Glen admitted.
”Wow! Then who taught you to fight?! When it was my first time killing Grimm, I was really scared you know! And there was uncle Qrow looking after me too!” Ruby said while blinking her eyes.
”My uncle's the one who teach me how to fight. And he is one hell of a teacher, so I'm kind of badass too.” Said Glen.
Before anyone could say anything, Taiyang glared at Glen and then said, ”Language kid!” He scolded with a stern expression.
”Uuhh… Sorry.” Glen apologized while scratching the back of his head. He could hear that Yang and Ruby was giggling from both of his sides. 'And once again, I didn't lie. Though, this uncle is actually a godlike old man…' He corrected once again in his mind.
”And this uncle is?” Taiyang asked while narrowing his eyes.
”Well he disappeared not long after he drop me here in Patch. He said that I should experience the world on my own.” Closing his eyes Glen said with a little bit of grievance. 'It's true! The old man dropped me here in Patch all alone!' He thought with an angry tone.
”I see…” Taiyang said as he pondered something. ”And his name is?” He asked while focusing his attention at Glen.
Glen was silent for a moment before opened his mouth, ”God…” Glen said with a whisper.