6 Chapter 6 (1/2)
Glen, Yang and Ruby is now outside standing face to face looking at Glen with a hint of interest in their eyes. Though, the meaning behind that interest is different to both of the girls. Yang wanted to fight with Glen, while Ruby was interested in seeing his Semblance.
Seeing at the two girls were interested in him, he let out a tired sigh as he felt that it was quite troublesome…
”Uh, Yang, I know it might sound out of place but. How old are you?” Glen suddenly asked to Yang.
”Me? I'm 15, is there something wrong?” Yang asked back. However, there is a smirk on her cute lips as she continued with a playful expression. ”Oh, oh. Are you hitting on me!? I might consider it, if you show me how strong you're~”
”Yaaaannnggg!” Ruby groaned from the side.
Looking at the two siblings, Glen was feeling a bit jealous at how close they were. But dismissed it immediately as he looked at Yang with a smirk of his own. ”Oh? So if I win against you, then you will be my girlfriend?”
This time, Yang face was completely red. She still wore her yellow t-shirt on, but seeing her blushing hard like that made her really beautiful and nice to look at. Glen was pleased when he saw her like that.
”Why don't you hurry up and show us your semblance already!” Yang commanded as she shouted at Glen with an embarrassed expression.
Seeing the two girl were expecting so much from him, Glen could not help but let out another sigh. '…. I now get it why the old man or god? Sigh a lot back then…' Glen thought.
”Okay, but you must tell me your semblance too. It's not fair if I'm the only one who did it.” Said Glen with a frown. No matter what, Glen doesn't want to be the only losing side.
Yang then grinned when she heard that, ”Sure! But we're going to fight after this.”
”Me too! Let me fight too!” Said Ruby as she raised her hand high in the air. She looked really cheerful as always.
Seeing how they burn with excitement at the mere thought of fighting, Glen was shuddering and groaning inside. ”Actually, why don't you two fight each other first?” He suggested as he tried to make some plans to avoid fighting the two girls.
”No!” Said Yang.
”No!” Said Ruby.
They both said that at the same time as they looked at Glen with a narrowed eyes. It looks like he really can't run away from his fate now.
”Fine! I'll show you my semblance first.” Glen said as he materialized dozen of swords that he could remember seeing in game and anime.
When he created the swords, his aura was activated, creating a beautiful particles of light that surrounding Glen. Together with that, a transparent red with a hint of purple lines were connecting the sword with each other.
It looked really beautiful, Yang and Ruby were mesmerized as they looked at the sword (Glen) with a hot gaze.
”As you can see, this is how I create my weapons. But I am sure that this is not the limit of my semblance. There is a theory saying that semblances are able to evolve.” Glen said with his right hand placed on his chin.
”Glen! What kind of sword is that?! What can it do!?” Ruby shouted as she ran toward him with stars in her eyes. She was looking at the swords with a worshiping look. She especially looked at the Engine Blade with heated gaze.
Yang was looking at him with a heated gaze. No one knows what's on her mind, but it sure is not something proper as her cheeks were dyed red from blushing.
Realizing that they were ignoring what he said just now, Glen let out another tired sigh. Shaking his head slowly, not having the drive to talk a long line, he just stayed silent with a deadpan expression.
'Go ahead and look. I'm becoming lazy because you ignoring me, so don't expect for me to say anything else.' He thought with a lazy tone.
Noticing that Glen was staying silent and not paying attention, Ruby then let out her cute but deadly pouting. But Glen was not some random dude with hormonal issue, so he kept his composure and ignored her.