Chapter 127 (1/2)
Oh, Miss Steele.
And after our first night together…
“Oh, by the way, I’m wearing your underwear.” And she yanks the waistband up, so I can see the words “Polo” and “Ralph” peeking over her jeans.
I shake my head, and from the armoire I take a pair of my boxer briefs and deposit them on the chair. I like it when she wears my clothes.
She mumbles again, and I think she said “cage,” but I’m not sure.
What the hell is that about?
She doesn’t stir, but remains blissfully asleep while I dress. As I pull on my T-shirt there’s a knock on the door. Breakfast has arrived: pastries, a coffee for me, and Twinings English Breakfast tea for Ana. Fortunately the hotel stocks her favorite blend.
It’s time to wake Miss Steele.
“Strawberry,” she mutters, as I sit down beside her on the bed.
What’s with the fruit?
“Anastasia,” I summon her gently.
“I want more.”
I know you do, and so do I. “Come on, baby.” I continue to coax her awake.
She gripes. “No. I want to touch you.”
Shit. “Wake up.” I lean down and gently tug her earlobe with my teeth.
“No.” She screws her eyes tight.
“Wake up, baby.”
“Oh no,” she protests.
“Time to get up, baby. I’m going to switch on the side light.” I reach across and switch it on, bathing her in a pool of dim light. She squints.
“No,” she whines. Her reluctance to wake is amusing and different. In my previous relationships a sleepy submissive could expect to be disciplined.
I nuzzle her ear and whisper, “I want to chase the dawn with you.” I kiss her cheek, kiss each eyelid in turn, kiss the tip of her nose, and kiss her lips.
Her eyes flicker open.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
And they close again. She grumbles, and I grin down at her. “You are not a morning person.”
She opens one unfocused eye, studying me. “I thought you wanted sex,” she says, her relief obvious.
I suppress my laugh. “Anastasia, I always want sex with you. It’s heartwarming to know that you feel the same.”
“Of course I do, just not when it’s so late.” She hugs her pillow.
“It’s not late, it’s early. Come on—up you go. We’re going out. I’ll take a rain check on the sex.”
“I was having such a nice dream.” She sighs, peering up at me.
“Dream about what?”
“You.” Her face warms.