Chapter 89 (1/2)

“I’ve been in Portland on business. Speaking of which, I should get going—I have an important call tomorrow and I need to prepare.”

“But you’ve not had dessert. And it’s apple cobbler.”

Hmm…tempting. But if I stay they’ll quiz me about Ana. “I have to go. I have work to do.”

“Darling, you work too hard,” Grace says, as she starts from her chair.

“Don’t get up, Mom. I’m sure Elliot will help with the dishes after dinner.”

“What?” Elliot scowls. I wink at him, say my good-byes, and turn to leave.

“But we’ll see you tomorrow?” Grace asks, too much hope in her voice.

“We’ll see.”

Shit. It looks like Anastasia Steele is going to meet my family.

I don’t know how I feel about this.

SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011

* * *

With the Rolling Stones’ “Shake Your Hips” blasting in my ears, I sprint down Fourth Avenue and turn right on Vine. It’s 6:45 in the morning, and it’s downhill all the way…to her apartment. I’m drawn; I just want to see where she lives.

It’s between control freak and stalker.

I chuckle to myself. I’m just running. It’s a free country.

The apartment block is a nondescript redbrick, with dark green painted window frames typical of the area. It’s in a good location near the intersection of Vine Street and Western. I imagine Ana curled up in her bed under her comforter and her cream-and-blue quilt.

I run several blocks and turn down into the market; the vendors are setting up for business. I dodge between the fruit and vegetable trucks and the refrigerated vans delivering the catch of the day. This is the heart of the city—vibrant, even this early on a gray, cool morning. The water on the Sound is a glassy leaden color, matching the sky. But it does nothing to dampen my spirits.

Today’s the day.

AFTER MY SHOWER I don jeans and a linen shirt, and from my chest of drawers I take out a hair tie. I slip it into my pocket and head into my study to e-mail Ana.

* * *

From: Christian Grey

Subject: My Life in Numbers

Date: May 29 2011 08:04

To: Anastasia Steele

If you drive you’ll need this access code for the underground garage at Escala: 146963.

Park in bay five—it’s one of mine.

Code for the elevator: 1880.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

A moment or two later, there’s a response.

* * *

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: An Excellent Vintage

Date: May 29 2011 08:08

To: Christian Grey

Yes, Sir. Understood.