Chapter 93 (1/2)
”Do you want to do this?” he breathes, looking down at me intently.
”I haven't signed anything.”
”I know - but I'm breaking all the rules these days.”
”Are you going to hit me?”
”Yes, but it won't be to hurt you. I don't want to punish you right now. If you'd caught me yesterday evening, well, that would have been a different story.”
Holy cow. He wants to hurt me... how do I deal with thisI can't hide the horror on my face.
”Don't let anyone try and convince you otherwise, Anastasia. One of the reasons people like me do this is because we either like to give or receive pain. It's very simple.
You don't, so I spent a great deal of time yesterday thinking about that.”
He pulls me against him, and his erection presses into my belly. I should run, but I can't. I'm drawn to him on some deep, elemental level, that I can't begin to understand.
”Did you reach any conclusions?” I whisper.
”No, and right now, I just want to tie you up and f**k you senseless. Are you ready for that?”
”Yes,” I breathe as everything in my body tightens at once... wow.
”Good. Come.” He takes my hand and, leaving all the dirty dishes on the breakfast bar, and we head upstairs.
My heart starts pounding. This is it. I'm really going to do this. My inner goddess is spinning like a world-class ballerina, pirouette after pirouette. He opens the door to his playroom, standing back for me to walk through, and I am once more in the Red Room of Pain.It's the same, the smell of leather, citrus, polish and dark wood, all very sensual. My blood is running heated and scared through my system - adrenaline mixed with lust and longing. It's a heady, potent cocktail. Christian's stance has changed completely, subtly altered, harder and meaner. He gazes down at me and his eyes are heated, lustful... hypnotic.
”When you're in here, you are completely mine,” he breathes, each word slow and measured. ”To do with as I see fit. Do you understand?”
His gaze is so intense. I nod, my mouth dry, my heart thumping for a way out of my chest.
”Take your shoes off,” he orders softly.
I swallow, and rather clumsily, I take them off. He bends and picks them up and deposits them beside the door.
”Good. Don't hesitate when I ask you to do something. Now I'm going to peel you out of this dress. Something I've wanted to do for a few days if I recall. I want you to be comfortable with your body, Anastasia. You have a beautiful body, and I like to look at it.
It is a joy to behold. In fact, I could gaze at you all day, and I want you unembarrassed and unashamed of your nakedness. Do you understand?”
”Yes, what?” He leans over me, glaring.
”Yes, Sir.”
”Do you mean that?” he snaps.
”Yes, Sir.”
”Good. Lift your arms up over your head.”
I do as instructed, and he reaches down and grabs the hem. Slowly, he pulls my dress up over my thighs, my hips, my belly, my br**sts, my shoulders, and over my head. He stands back to examine me and absentmindedly folds my dress, not taking his eyes off me.