15 15-Halloween (1/2)

Free Me Kitty4818 37720K 2022-07-22

Walking into school and seeing all the costumes, I feel like a kid, except for all the girls in skimpy clothes. Tempe for once doesn't stand out compared to the other costumes, even though her tight, little crayon dress does show off.

Arriana looks fabulous in her soft, flowing goddess dress and sparkling makeup. It takes a lot of me to not cover her with a jacket every time a guy looks at her. She looks great and is really happy, she has her hair curled perfectly and put on a body spray that makes her skin shimmer. She put a lot into this and it really paid off.

Zayne comes in in his robber outfit, black pants and a black turtle neck sweater. He has a black beanie over his pink hair and a cheap little mask covering his eyes, he just about drops when I come in in my cop costume, even though it's not as ”sexy” as Arriana wanted, I have to admit I look damn good in it.

I pull him close, whispering in his ears, ”Don't make me pull out my cuffs.”

He turns beet red as Arriana gags and Tempe looks hopeful. I smile at his embarrassment, to see him get so shy and reserved is cute.

Arriana spends most of the day handing out candy from in her bag to classmates, she even slips her number to one of the guys who's been checking her out. Zayne snatches one of her lollipops and just stands next to her as the guy walks off.

”Eh, he's ok,” he says titling his head, ”His butt is shaped weird and I think he might be too tall for you. I'll bet his smells like sandalwood, he looks like a football player, they all smell like sandalwood.”

She laughs as she smacks him in the shoulder, he smiles at her and bites the lollipop.

Tempe and Caira help fix each other's costumes before heading to class. Tempe needs her hat straightened so she actually looks like a sharpened crayon while Caira needs help adjusting her puffy blue Smurfette tutu. I don't get why girls feel the desire to dress revealing on Halloween but I guess it makes them happy.

The day drags on with teachers trying to be cool, Mr. Roe almost succeeds with a mad scientist like thing going on in the classroom and a day of mostly goofy science tricks and pranks. Zayne's English teacher almost pulls of Edgar Allen Poe but breaks character because one kid in his second period class kept playing a recording of a crow on his phone.

Lunch is fun as we all dig into Arriana's candy pile, basically making it disappear in under fifteen minutes. She frumps at us and rants about how she planned to use the candy to help flirt with the guy from earlier.

”Arriana, I think he's in my class,” I explain with taffy in my mouth, ”Meaning after this summer, he'll probably be far away at college.”

”I can hope,” she crosses her shimmery arms and pouts at us.

”Girl, I don't think you'll be needing any of this stuff when he's been looking at you like candy,” Caira gestures to Arriana's costume and makeup.

”The only candy he'll be touching will be from a pillow sack,” I snap.

Arriana gives me a hug, ”I love you big brother, even if you are crazy.”

I hug back and tell her I will arrest anyone who touches her, earning myself a major stink eye from her and Zayne.

”The only people in those handcuffs should be you and me, just saying,” he looks me up and down and shakes his head at Arriana.

I lean in close, whispering so only he can hear, ”I should handcuff you. You are a robber, after all, you stole my heart.”

He smiles and takes my hand. He holds on so tight, my palm starts sweating.

And they say guys can't be romantic. I think I've gotten the hang of this relationship thing.

The mood at the table shifts when we hear kids at another table laughing, looking back we see they're laughing at us. Zayne pulls his hand away and puts his head down.

I shoot a glare back at the table behind us and they all shut up. I then try to get Zayne to cheer up again, saying they're jealous we have so much candy. I bribe him up with a grape Jolly Rancher, getting him to give a small half smile.

Arriana, Tempe, Caira, and I all try to keep things light and make Zayne laugh. He's been doing so well and I don't want a few jerks to ruin it. He stays a little reserved but engages in the conversation again until Lunch ends and we have to go our separate ways.

Tonight will help, because we'll get to just sit there and I can hold him every time he gets scared during a movie. In an attempt to guarantee him jumping and holding onto me, I insisted we watch The Possession. Arriana insisted we balance the horror with Nightmare Before Christmas, Zayne eagerly agreed with her.

As class drags on I want to get home more and more so I can get things ready for tonight, my mom is making Halloween snacks to help set the mood.