Chapter 41.3: The Stalker intermediary s rashness (1/2)

Chapter 41.3: The [Stalker (intermediary)]'s rashness

TL: flarewk

[Stalker (intermediary)]'s rashness:

I'm so sad, I'm so sad, I'm soo saadd............

He actually ignored me already, directly ignored and walked past me!

Even though just for his sake, I purposely woke up early from bed and requested my jiejie to help me make a new hairstyle, even putting on makeup as well, and using a perfume which doesn't have any strong scent at all. By right, I should have become even more prettier by two times!

On the way to school today, all those men were looking at me, hum? It's like as if they want to peel and eat me alive, as they used their scorching hot eyes to gaze at me.

But these aren't the gazes that I wanted, what I desired were the glances that come from him...........

All of this was just to attract his attention, wanting him to look at me, wanting him to focus onto me, wanting to receive his attention, wanting him to be interested in me...........just like me being interested in him!

But efforts dished out doesn't necessary mean there would be reciprocation in return.

Although I understood that logic, I still couldn't accept it.

That spectacles maniac, Xiao' Liang was better than me?

Why would he rather greet him, than to be willing to look at me for a longer period of time?

Am I that scary?

Why did you not look at me!

Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why...........

Was it because he had a girlfriend already?

Because of that girlfriend's sake, hence he won't look at other women already?

Lian Bing.........Ji Lian Bing...........Ji, Lian, Bing...........!

...........Don't be rash, Lan Hua.

It had nothing to do with Ji Lian Bing.

Because I knew, that Jun Cheng still hadn't fallen in love with her. That's not a look of falling in love with someone.

Even after going out with other woman, Jun Cheng still hadn't have any changes occurring to him, being the same as usual.

So his going out with Ji Lian Bing must be because of another reason.

Going out with a woman he doesn't like definitely must not be of his own will, he must have been threatened already...........that's right, Jun Cheng definitely must have some kind of blackmail being wielded by Ji Lian Bing, hence he would be going out with her unwillingly.

And so, those intimate actions that they did today must definitely be fake, it's all acted out to other people just for show.

Heh heh heh heh, that's true too, how could Jun Cheng be possibly liking onto other people as well?

The one who liked Jun Cheng the most is only me, only I am always looking at him, way earlier than anyone else!

That's right, the person who loved him the most is only me, the person who understands him the most is also me, I'm then the one who's most suitable for him!

Jun Cheng belongs to only me!

But even though I so exquisitely dolled myself up, he still ignored me just like that, it's really too much already...........

It's too much already!

I want to get my revenge!

If I don't do anything towards him, I won't be able to be appeased!

I've been looking at Jun Cheng for the whole day of today, enjoying the whole process of gazing at him, understanding about him, and recording about him............Mn, but it's too much of a pity just by only looking. Looks like I'll need to obtain a few devices already.

I'll invest in all those previously saved up allowances and New Year's money then. For Jun Cheng's sake, spending these bit of money is also worth it.

But other than me, there also seemed to be a few dubious women all looking at him too...........humph, you people were considered to have a little eyesight.

Heh heh heh, my Jun Cheng is then the most outstanding, so this matter was finally being noticed by other women as well.

Felt a little prideful.

Hee heee expected, my Jun Cheng is then the best.

The time looking at Jun Cheng would always be gone very quickly. Lesson had ended already, school had ended already, he's about to go home already, I can't see him depressing...........

Why isn't it 24 hours a day always staying inside the school? That way I could always, always, always look at him already...........

As long as he always stayed at a place...........

No, I can't, what am I thinking, of course I can't do that.

I'm not that kind of pervert who would imprison the person that I liked at a place.

Jun Cheng probably wouldn't like that sort of woman too. I can't let him feel terrified, as long as it's like that, I believe that there would be one day when he will accept me.

Right now I'll just...........first possess onto his belongings then~

After the afternoon's class had ended, those people that were supposed to go home went home; those people wanted to eat went to eat; the classroom's people had all left already.

After Jun Cheng had left the classroom, I immediately came out from the locker and walked towards Jun Cheng's seat.

From a long time ago, I wanted to do a little of this already, but had always endured, endured..........right now there's no need to endure any longer.

That's right, this is also a way to understand Jun Cheng, as only through his items I would then be able to feel onto his presence.

Thinking about it right now, I'm really such a fool as well, why am I pondering too much about it for?

This was all because of Jun Cheng's sake~ It's not because I wanted to satisfy my own lusts at all.

I took out a few brand new textbooks from my bag, and walked towards Jun Cheng's desk.

Those were from me going to the library during the afternoon, looking for that ugly woman who had a not bad relationship with Jun Cheng and wanting these books from her; right now it became useful already.

Usually, Jun Cheng would only take away that day's assigned homework subjects textbooks, while the rest of the textbooks and notebooks will be stored in his desk.

Although being unable to take away his notebook felt quite pitiful and regrettable...........but the textbooks were still possible.

Jun Cheng won't write anything else on the textbook other than his name, not even highlighting important points, as all would be recorded onto his notebook, hence his textbook had always maintained a look of being issued from the start.

So it gave me a chance to swap them.

As long as I write Jun Cheng's name on the new book, I'm able to obtain Jun Cheng's text book alreadyyy~

I've written Jun Cheng's name over tens and hundred thousands of times already, the handwriting similarity were about 99.8%, no matter who it was, they wouldn't be able to tell it apart.

Haa, haa, haa...........Jun Cheng's textbook, the textbook that he used his hands to flip before, leaving the sensation of his fingertips behind............I remembered that he even slept during language classes too, right. When I thought that his face...........

”Jun Cheng, Jun Cheng, Jun Cheng, Jun Cheng, Jun Cheng, Jun Cheng, Jun Cheng, Jun Cheng, Jun Cheng!!! Haa ahh uuu mmm!!! Kyaa yiii ahhhh!”

If it's right now, there won't be anyone who would hear it.

Able to willfully scream out his name to my heart's content.

I placed Jun Cheng's textbooks within my embrace and rubbed against them. Deep within my abdomen there's a warm liquid leaking out, and my fingers unresistingly groped downwards..........

Ah, I can't, right now it's still not the time for self consolation.

Don't be rash, Lan Hua!

There's still other things that I'm able to take away, I can't forsake a watermelon just for the sake of a sesame*.

There were still so many things that belonged to Jun Cheng, mechanical pencil, pencil lead, ruler, charcoal pencil, compass, set square; I'll swap off everything then~

I had always been using the same stationary as Jun Cheng, so I'll only just need to swap mine off.

A pity was that I'm unable to swap off the eraser...........Umu, the squarish eraser could actually be used till it's a circlish shape............tomorrow I'll also make one too then.

For today I could only regretfully give it up.

I've collected~ so many~ so many~ things that belong to Jun Cheng~

I felt that I'm being filled up with Jun Cheng already~

Fufufu~ oh right, I might as well make a Jun Cheng sachet, and keep all those things that belong to him together then?, I might as well decorate my entire room fully, this way it'll feel like as if I've been to Jun Cheng's room, fufufufu...........

In the deepest reaches of the desk I've found an S ranked item!

There's still the sports jacket that were being used during physical ed lessons, inside the desk...........

I really want to take it awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

I really want to put it onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

No, don't be rash, Lan Hua, you must endure, right now you don't have anything to substitute with it...........

But, if it's only trying to put it on right now, it should be enough already, right?

Yeah, that's right, if it's only just putting it on, it should be fine...........

I wanted to take off my clothes and change into Jun Cheng's jacket, when the doors of the classroom were being opened.

I lightning boltedly placed Jun Cheng's jacket back into his desk and sat onto my own seat.

Who is it! The nerve, at such a crucial period...........tch, I hate it! Such a hindrance!

A boy with curly hair and thick dark circles along with a brown colored porcupine hairstyle boy who wore earrings walked into the classroom.

”Oioi, Ai Di, have you seen it already? Just now, an extremely beautiful lady was standing by the school gates, eyy!”

”Ahhh, I know, it's that white haired beauty, right. That should be Ji Lian Bing's maid, I often saw her coming to pick up Ji Lian Bing.”

”Ahh! I knew it, there's just the feeling that I've seemed to have seen her before! So it is that maid! The f**k, not wearing a maid outfit, I can't even recognize her already! But, hadn't Ji Lian Bing already boarded a car and returned home? Who is she waiting for then?”

”Just now, I saw that legendary boyfriend going back together with the maid already...........what do you think...........”

(TL: 'what do you think' is not a question, it's a ”sarcastic” response)

”The f**k, as expected, it's that brat Jun Cheng, huh! Attaining both Master and Servant, huuh! Aaaaaa, who in the hell is that brat exactly!! Earlier, he also didn't tell me when I asked him the secret onto becoming popular!”

What? Are they talking about Jun Cheng?

”Who the hell knows...........speaking of which, you actually knew that fellow?”

”Ahhh, got to know him in the toilet just earlier. He's a rather straightforward fellow, not fearing me also, but it's just that he suddenly became so popular, I'm so enviousssssssssss!”

”It's exactly because of that, which is why you're a grand wizard...........”

”I'm a Mahou Magister, not a grand wizard! Although I am indeed still a virgin though! Speaking of which, aren't you this little brat a virgin as well!”

(TL: Joke here was the rearrangement of his 'title' in chinese, which could mean either ”mahou magister” or ”grand wizard” aka virgin4life)


”W, why didn't you speak, don't tell me..............”

”Mm, you got it.”

”What! No, impossible! Who is the other party! There's a traitor within us alreadyyyyyyyyy!”

So noisy.

It's annoying to death, that idiot.

But I heard a very important piece of news.

Jun Cheng, and Ji Lian Bing's maid walking together?

Attaining both Master and Servant?

It can't be............

My heart gave birth to an ominous prediction; it can't be, it can't be, that actually whom Jun Cheng really liked was Ji Lian Bing's maid, which was why he would pretend to be going out with Ji Lian Bing?

No way, I'm going to take a look! I must go and take a look!

Night self-revisions and whatever I just don't give a crap about it!

My Jun Cheng's then the most important of all!

Immediately running outside, following Jun Cheng's route home and chasing after him, I afterwards saw a white haired tall woman walking together with Jun Cheng...........

What's the matter with that woman!!