Chapter 495: Death Energy (1/2)

Bai Tianyi glanced at Luoluo, who was freezing people one after another. She held a slight smile on her face, and he could see the excitement in her eyes. It was clear that her emotions were active, so why was he so unlucky to be emotionless?

While he was not totally emotionless, the emotions had a dampener on them, so he could not feel anything extreme, neither happiness nor sadness. It was as if he was an outsider to everything, looking at it from the sidelines, never fully engaged in the world.

He had long felt a few pangs of envy towards the rest of Xue Wei's friends and companions because they could let go of their emotions as they pleased, but he was unable to do so.

To him, the offer that Lan had given was indeed very tempting, and he was instantly hopeful. But as always, the feelings were faint, and did not cause many ripples in neither his expression nor his heart.

Lan looked at Bai Tianyi with a bit of pity. He understood that this sword spirit really wanted to unseal the emotions. Otherwise, he would not have any reaction at all, but he was unable to show it.

”Once upon a time, I too sealed off my emotions,” Lan said with a sigh. He did not care that Xue Wei and the others were battling; he knew that they would be fine even without Bai Tianyi participating, so he decided to speak with this artificial spirit instead.

Bai Tianyi was interested when he heard the words of Lan, and he glanced at the deity.

Lan saw his interest, smiled, and continued talking. ”When I lost Zhiqing, I was unable to handle the blow. I wanted to destroy everything around me, I wanted no one to be happy since she had died so tragically, but due to the promise I had given her, I knew that I had to guard the world that she valued so much.

”To be able to handle the feeling of loss, and stay true to my promise, I sealed the majority of my emotions for a full two thousand years. It was not that the emotions became less; I just gained the ability to control them.

”Even now, I feel the same heart wrenching sadness whenever I think about the loss I suffered when Zhiqing left me.”

Bai Tianyi was thinking deeply. He was unsure why Lan had decided to speak with him about his experiences, but he was listening intently.

”When your emotions become unsealed, they might become hard to control,” Lan continued to explain. ”You did not experience many emotions the last many thousands of years, so when they return in full bloom, your heart will clench, and you will feel that life is truly vivid.”

Bai Tianyi nodded his head. He could imagine that it was so, and he was happy that Lan had made him aware of this so that he could prepare for it.

While Bai Tianyi and Lan were engaged in conversation, the rest were fighting. Their Luan birds, which were still juvenile, were able to work together in a flock, and their abilities proved lethal against the ordinary soldiers.