Chapter 284: Trouble Comes Knocking (1/2)

Their blood was boiling in their veins, as the sparring match they were engaged in took away their breath.

Their entire focus was locked on one another, constantly advancing, retreating, lashing out or defending with their weapons.

They were so engrossed in their fight that they did not even notice that the few people at the sparring field had stopped their own training to stand and observe the epic battle between Xue Wei and Hei Gou.

The Primordial Beasts were all eager to see a thrilling battle; they wanted to expand their own horizons by seeing how others battled, and they were all stunned by what they saw.

The battle was one of speed. Hei Gou was using some innate ability that relied on his black wings, and Xue Wei was utilizing his Forbidden Rush movement technique to its max.

Wounds and cuts had appeared all over Xue Wei and Hei Gou, turning their clothes into rags.

Xue Wei was wearing his red Primordial Beast silks, masking the blood that had seeped into it, while Hei Gou was in his black robes, masking a similar amount.

The glaring cuts were not even visible under their blood-soaked skin, the blood just making their bodies seem dark red or even black under the moonlit skies.

Xue Wei and Hei Gou were wounding one another, but as soon as one had received any serious injury, they would pause the battle to allow for the injured person to take a Returning Spring Healing Pill, addressing the more serious injury, but at the same time, also closing the various cuts on their bodies.

Even the more serious wounds were not something that they would consider an issue. If it was a real battle, they would easily be able to continue fighting, but since it was a simple spar, they stopped from time to time to make sure they didn’t lose anything vital.

The surrounding Primordial Beasts almost had their eyes popping out of their skulls. They saw these two people flashing here and there and fighting at such a rapid speed that it was almost impossible to watch with the naked eye, yet momentarily stopping sometimes to eat some pills as if they were candies.

The moon started to retire as the sun rose in the sky, and yet still a winner had not been declared in Hei Gou and Xue Wei’s battle. Hours had gone by, but they had not even been drained of Qi; their battle had just gotten more and more intense instead.

More and more people had gathered to watch them spar, and now it was not only Primordial Beasts but also spiritual energy cultivators who had casually walked past, and been caught up in what a real battle between Qi cultivators could look like.

They did not stop before a childish voice sounded in the audience, “Big Brother is awesome; he is beating the bad doggie!”

Hearing this, Hei Gou lost his focus, and Xue Wei took the opportunity to quickly maneuver and position his sword at his friend’s throat, a triumphant smile on his face.

“You cheated. You used Luoluo to distract me!” Hei Gou begrudgingly said, but, although he was complaining, a smile was on his face as he looked at the child who had called out.

Xue Wei snickered, “You would have lost either way; this way, it just happened faster.”

“It was obviously me who would have won,” Hei Gou retorted. “I am so handsome; it is impossible for me to lose to someone who is half a head shorter than me!”

Xue Wei was left speechless after hearing Hei Gou’s excuse, and then he started laughing out loud.

“I am afraid you don’t win based on your appearance,” he grinned. “If you want to win, then you have to back up your words with strength, but you clearly did not have as much strength as me, so you were starting to lag behind.”

“Want to go at it again?!” Hei Gou asked as he puffed up his chest like an angry pigeon. Both Hei Gou’s and Xue Wei’s robes had long since been shredded, and when they looked at themselves, they could not help but smile and shake their heads at their ragged appearances.

“Not now,” Xue Wei waved his hand in exhaustion. “We already went at it for hours, and although we had healing pills to assist us, we ought to stop for now.”

Having finished the bout, Xue Wei took out a fresh set of clothes from his storage treasure. He whipped the destroyed robe off, leaving him standing only in his undergarments, wiped as much blood as he could off with the tattered fabric, and swiftly draped the undamaged robes around himself.

When he was fully dressed once more, Luoluo ran towards him and stretched out her arms, “Big Brother, Big Brother, you promised me lots of food!” she exclaimed as she waited for him to pick her up.

Suddenly bearing a doting smile, Xue Wei bent down and carried Luoluo in his arms. He gently bumped her nose with a finger, and a giddy expression appeared on his face.

“Change your clothes, Gou,” Xue Wei said as he threw a glance at his friend who was still raring to continue their battle. “We have to go and eat breakfast; I promised little Luoluo.”

Luoluo grinned happily when she heard that, and Hei Gou smiled too, giving up on the battle he had wished to continue. He took out a replacement black robe and wrapped it around himself, before tying the belt, and then joining Xue Wei and the others.

Bai Tianyi was standing behind Lin Xiao, his eyes slightly narrowed as he gave Luoluo a contemplative stare.

Xue Wei noticed this gaze, and wondered if Bai Tianyi had understood something that he had not—Bai Tianyi was, after all, a much more experienced being than he, so maybe he had sensed something that he did not?

Noticing that Xue Wei had seen his gaze, Bai Tianyi slowly shook his head to indicate that they could not talk about it right now, but a gleam of light shone in his eyes as if he had encountered a treasure.

“Let us get going,” Xue Wei said and started walking towards the area of the academy where the restaurants were located.