Chapter 82 (1/2)
“Really!” I shriek, my excitement bringing me to my feet. Feeling awkward to be standing, I hastily sit back down. “That’s so great, thank you so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!” I tell him. This is such great news, I can’t believe he would do this for me.
“It really is my pleasure, Tessa.” He raises his eyebrows with interest. “So, shall I tell him you will come tomorrow?”
I really don’t want to miss any classes, but this is worth it and I am ahead anyway. “Yes, that will be great. Thank you again. Wow,” I say and he laughs.
“Now for the second thing, and if you say no, that is perfectly fine. It is more of a personal request, or favor, I suppose. Your internship at Vance will not be affected in any way if you decline,” he says and I grow nervous. I nod and he continues. “I am not sure if Hardin has told you that Karen and I are to be married next weekend.”
“I knew the wedding was coming up. Oh, and congratulations,” I tell him. I didn’t know it was that close. My thoughts travel to when Hardin crashed their home and drank almost an entire bottle of scotch.
He smiles kindly. “Thank you very much. What I was wondering was if there is any way . . . that you could possibly . . . convince Hardin to come.” His eyes leave mine and he stares at the wall. “I know this is overstepping my boundaries here, but I would hate for him not to be there. And honestly, I believe you are the only one who could convince him to show up. I have asked him a few times and he said no immediately.” He lets out a frustrated breath.
I have no idea what to say to him. I would love to get Hardin to his father’s wedding, but I doubt he will listen to me. Why does everyone seem to think he will? I remember when Ken told me he believes Hardin is in love with me—a thought that’s as absurd as it is untrue.
“I will certainly talk to him. I would love if he went,” I tell him in all honesty.
“Really? Thank you so much, Tessa. I hope you don’t feel pressured to say yes, though I look forward hopefully to seeing you both there.”
A wedding with Hardin? The idea sounds so lovely, but Hardin will be hard to convince.
“Karen is very fond of you, and she really enjoyed having you over this weekend. You’re welcome anytime.”
“I really enjoyed being there. Maybe I can get in touch with her about those baking lessons she offered.” I laugh and he chuckles, too. He looks so much like Hardin when he smiles that it makes my heart warm. Hardin’s father is so desperate to have a relationship with his angry, broken son that it makes my heart ache for him. If I can do anything to help Ken, I certainly will.
“She would love that! Come by anytime,” he booms, and I stand up.
“Thank you again for helping me with the internship. It means so much to me.”
“I have looked over your application and transcript, and they are very impressive. Hardin could learn a lot from you,” he says with hope in his green eyes.
I feel my cheeks heat up as I smile and say goodbye. By the time I get back across campus to the Literature building, I have only five minutes until class begins. Hardin occupies his old seat and I can’t help the smile on my face.
“You held up your end of the deal; so did I,” he says and smiles back. I greet Landon and take my seat between them.
“Why were you so late?” Hardin whispers as the professor begins class.
“I’ll tell you after class.” I know if I bring this up now, he will cause a scene in the middle of class.