Chapter 62 - Plans (1/2)

For now, Axel decided to focus on 4 moves. They were:

1. Shadow sneak. This move was selected for 2 reasons. 1, it was Axel and Marcus's favorite move. And 2, it is pretty useful for assassins.

2. Agility. Just so that, Shedinja could increase its speed to a great height.

3. Gravity, for crowd control. If Shedinja could create its own domain like Adam's Scizor with gravity, agility and shadow sneak, it would be unstoppable.

4. And Bug buzz

Shedinja is a bug/ghost type Pokemon. So, Axel would have to harness both of those energies when it ranks up to Elemental Pokemon. He then decided to train Marcus in 'bug buzz'. At first, he wanted Shedinja to train in 'X-scissor' as it is a very popular move but he decided against it. 'X-scissor' is a physical type move and Marcus would have to be in close proximity to use it which would be bad. Axel wanted Shedinja to avoid contact as much a possible. But 'Bug buzz' is a special type move. It is more powerful than 'x-scissor' and had a chance to decrease the opponent's special defense.

Now for Nidoran and Charmander.

Axel had decided to train them with the help of 'Ancient ways' book that he received from MEW. He also wanted to train Shedinja on it but the book only had one condition. And that was, the Pokemon should not have evolved. There were some training tips recorded in the book. But basically, before the first evolution, the Pokemon would have to train their body and bones. They would train their blood vessels when they reached rare ranked.

Axel had already trained their body. As for the bones, he would have to buy some ingredients, prepare them like a paste, and let the Pokemon bathe on it by adding some water. It was like a classic cultivation novel. After that, the Pokemon would have to train hard to absorb the nutrients.

But the ingredients were expensive. The ingredients were different for both Nidoran and Charmander as they had different typing. It cost Axel a total of 8000 points to acquire all those ingredients for 3 months of training. He expected Nidoran and Charmander to evolve at that point in time.

As for the moves of Nidoran,

Nidoran or its evolved form Nidoking, is one of the few Pokemons that could learn a variety of moves. It could learn 17 out of 18 types of moves. Besides the fairy type, it could learn anything. However, time would not let Axel train all those moves to Nidoran. One of the things lacking on Nidoking would be its stats. It had a high stat of 505 but its sp. The defense is low. But that was on the game. Not in real life.

Axel could train Nidoran on all of its stats.

There were 4 weakness of Nidoking; Ground, water, psychic and ice. So Axel thought to train it in 'thunder punch' for water type. Shedinja could handle ground and psychic type and in the future, Charizard could handle ice type.

However, there was a problem. Nidoran could only train in thunder punch after it evolves to Nidorino. So, for now, Axel would focus on 4 of its moves,

1. Horn attack, so it could learn Horn drill in the future.

2. Sludge bomb, as it is a powerful move.