Chapter 11 - The Rookie Tournament 1 (1/2)

Room no. 235, 3rd floor, Pokemon Center

It was 5 a.m. and our protagonist had already woken up and was washing his face. Both of his Pokemon also had their eyes opened. Today was the day of the tournament. Axel didn't want to train Nidoran and Shedinja heavily. So, he came out of the Pokemon Center and told Nidoran to do some running with him. As Shedinja was just introduced to his team, he wanted Shedinja to take things lightly for some time. He was planning to use only Nidoran in this tournament. Shedinja was disappointed when it heard that but Axel convinced it by saying that it needs a bit of training first.

Axel wanted Shedinja to learn the move 'Agility'. It increases user speed rapidly. Axel instructed Shedinja to relax and lightens its body and fly at top speed. Doing it was very hard though. Shedinja had to calm its mind first and then fly at its top speed maintaining control and dodging the obstacles.

While Shedinja was doing its training and Nidoran was doing some normal dodging exercises to refresh its body, Axel was also trying to train his body. After seeing Nurse Joy stats, he felt that he was very weak. Axel also didn't want to be the type of trainer who orders his pokemon to do training while just laying on the ground. So, Axel started doing some shadow boxing, that he had learned a bit in his previous world. After a few hours they did lunch and after resting a bit, they were ready for the battle.

There were 30 participants for the Rookie tournament. There were 3 judges for the tournament. When Axel reached the tournament stadium, he saw a lot of energetic participants. Almost all the participants were around his age. He didn't see Mariana or Lopez among the participants. The room was quite big and participants were scattered around. After he saw the list of participants, he found out that his first battle was with a girl name Luna. His battle was on 4th round.

Stadium of Rookie Tournament.

”Hello!! People of Gringey city. I am James Deen, your host of his exciting tournament. Today we have 3 judges here with us. The 1st one is of course our mayor of the city, Liam Smith. Our 2nd judge is Nurse Joy, Clarie Weddelton. And last but not the least, our last judge is Gym leader of Fuchsia city, Mr. Koga.” The crowd erupted when they heard the name of Koga. The three judges appeared and then took their seats. ”I would like to hand over to our mayor for the rules of this tournament. Give him a round of applause.”

Liam was an old man around 60 years old with white hair which seems to be falling with the passage of time. He was around 6 feet wearing a black suit with a dark blue tie and expensive watch. When he took over the mike, the crowd went silent for some time. Thinking that he had all the attention now, he said ” Welcome my dear citizen of Gringey city and the Rookie trainers in this quarter of Rookie tournament. Every time we try to do something different to spice up the competition and this time is no different. We have Mr. Koga today as a special judge. There are 30 participants and this will be a Knockout tournament. From 30 participants, 15 will be selected. From 15, 8 will be selected. One random participant among the 15 will be automatically advanced to the next stage. From 8 to 4, then from 4 to 2 and finally the 1st. There are few rules for the tournament.

1. Since this is the Rookie tournament, participants can only fight with 1 Pokemon.

3. Until the Pokemon faints or the participant surrender, the battle will continue.

The champion of this tournament will get 1 million Pokedollars. 2nd ranked participant will get 500k Pokedollars and 100k Pokedollars for the 3rd ranked. Another special reward is that the 3 winners can get a personal reward from one of us. The reward will be a mystery and the champion will get to choose first. Okay, without further ado let the battle begin!!”