Chapter 7 - Elemental Cores and First Trainer Battle (1/2)
”Nidoran, Do you know that your final evolution, Nidorino can further evolve?” Axel said. ”NIDO….!!!” Nidoran was shocked. As it was just 3 months and some days old, it easily believed its trainer. ”Yes, it is called Nidoking. It is one of the king species. It is said to be extremely powerful Pokemon that can also beat powerful dragon type Pokemon.” said Axel looking at the excited face of his Pokemon. ”And I know how to evolve you to Nidoking. But you must be diligent and train harder okay?” asked Axel. ”Nido… Nidoran” it said.
”You are a poison type Pokemon. For your poison to be deadly, You must first form your poison core. Of course, after we train and battle, the poison core will be created slowly, but I have a way to do it faster so that you could be powerful in a short time. This F.Nidoran is also a poison type Pokemon. You have to eat its meat and assimilate the poison bellow your navel while meditating. After you start to eat more poison type Pokemon and do this training, your poison core will be formed and it will get stronger. Your poison attack will also be greater”
Elemental cores are formed in any Pokemon naturally. Only after evolving to its next stage could Pokemon ascend to the rank of 'Elemental Pokemon'. Normally Pokemons cannot ascend to Elemental rank as it is hard to train elemental powers. Axel came with this idea on his own by contemplating a lot of Chinese novels in his previous world.
Nidoran hesitated when it heard its trainer. Apparently, Nidoran doesn't like to eat meat. Its species is not herbivorous but this Nidoran is a vegetarian. Axel already knew that on the first day he met Nidoran so, he had been secretly mixing Pidgey meat in Nidoran food to get it accustomed to meat. Poor Nidoran had no idea about it. But after finding out its further evolution it finally decided to eat it.
Axel wanted Nidoran to eat it raw, cause if it was cooked, the poison in the F.Nidoran body would diminish to great extent. But seeing Nidoran hesitating, he half-cooked the meat. Nidoran started to eat the meat and found the flavor not so different. After eating the meat, it meditated as it was told by its trainer. He didn't want to train its elemental powers right now, but if a poison Pokemon came across, he wouldn't hesitate to form its poison core.
Axel didn't get any notification immediately but he was not disheartened. During their training, They came across 3 Metapods but it was no problem for Nidoran. It quickly defeated the group. Its Focus energy and Horn attack completion percentage increased by 15 and 20 respectively.
After 2 weeks,
They could finally see the city, 'Gringey city'. It was at least 5 km far, but they could reach until 5 p.m. There had been some improvement with Nidoran. Its height has increased to 0.4 meters. Nidoran's standard height is around 0.5 meters. Its height grew by 0.1 meter within 2 weeks. Axel assumed that Nidoran will surpass the standard height as it is just around 4 months old right now. Its horn had also grown and had finally learned horn attack yesterday. Focus energy is at 96% completion rate. Rest's completion rate has also increased to 60%.
Nidoran was extremely happy that it had learned its first move. It had battle a variety of wild pokemons like Pidgey, Ekans, Caterpie, Metapod etc. Its poison core was also in the process of being formed. The poison core may take some time because the progress was very slow. Some of its Stats also increased.
Axel opened Nidoran's status page:
Pokemon name :- Nidoran (Age- 4 months)
Pokemon Nickname :- None
Ability :- Poison point
Health :- 130/130
Attack :- E+
Agility :- D+ *
Defense :- D+ *
Sp. Atk :- F
Sp. Def :- F
Moves :- 1. Chip away (Egg move) (Lvl 3)*