Chapter 22: The Local Flavor (1/2)
“I apologize for disturbing you. Your… drake… is exploring the Feather. We are concerned.”
“Ah, shit!”
She had completely forgotten about Arthur!
Viv jumped out of the bed and rushed out, only to realize that she did not know where to go. Fortunately, her dragonling could be easily found from the piteous squeals she let out. Viv rushed downstairs and fell nose to nose with a powerfully-built man with a thick beard. He was only wearing leather trousers.
Their eyes met.
[Temple guard, very dangerous, follows a path dedicated to righteous combat. Expert sword fighter.]
The man must have done the same, because his eyes widened slightly. He bowed a bit before retreating into his room.
That was another strange thing specific to Niyl. Back in her world, a trained man with this physique could have overwhelmed her. Here, one look at her and he could see that she was a caster, therefore, more dangerous. It was no exaggeration either. No matter how strong he was, she could simply use a fully powered Bzzt! to the face, and the horrible pain of ravenous black mana tainting his body would instantly disable him. He would eventually die from it too.
Viv shook her head and followed the squeaks to a panicked Arthur. One of the younger employees was keeping an eye out at a safe distance.
“Arthur! I’m so sorry. Come here.”
The worried thing was coming out of a storage space. She jumped to Viv who receptioned the flying pet out of habit.
“Ow ow ow.”
Arthur readjusted her posture. The claws had almost pierced Viv’s skin even without the creature trying. That was another thing. Here, monsters were the ultimate danger to civilization.
Except Arthur, of course, she was just too cute.
The girl who had followed Arthur babbled what sounded like an apology, with Yan adding to it. Viv did not use that opportunity to act all imperious. The tiny monster getting all fussy was her fault, after all, so bitching about it would have been a major dick move.
Five minutes later, she was back in her room with Arthur sleeping soundly on a couch and Solfis’ silent frame placed against a wall. A table had been set in the center, with dishes being brought one by one by Yan. There was fresh dark bread, a broth made with salty meat and tubers which turned out to be quite savory, grilled greens that were rather tasteless and a strange dish made of rehydrated pickled fish she found absolutely fucking vile.
“It’s a staple food in the northern city-states,” the courtesan offered as a way of apology.
The poor things.
He also served her a beer equivalent in a small glass, which she drank in moderation. She really could not afford to get tipsy and let things slip.
Dessert was fruits in a syrupy sauce. Some were sweet and tangy, others very smooth and reminded her of apricot. She recognized the peculiar almondy taste of the red one.
“Church rations often include permonn, Lady Bvibviane. They own many orchards across Enoria.”
She guessed now was a good time to ask about the local landscape.
“Tell me about Kazar.”
“Of course. Kazar started as a temporary settlement around the millennial tree standing at its center. The ancient being made the air purer around itself, chasing away the black mana. Nowadays, the deadlands have retreated a bit and border stones prevent most of it from passing through so it does not matter that much anymore, however, Kazar has not forgotten its origins and even now bears its benefactor on our official coat-of-arms. The current population stands at around two thousand, with more than half living on a thin band of arable land between the forest and the desert. You must have seen many farms on your way here, if you came from the north?”
“Hmm, yes.”
Damn, she did not expect the full encyclopedia entry. Was the courtesan really in tune with her? Was that what she was looking to hear?
Actually, yes. He proved it by continuing exactly in the direction she wanted.
“Our main productions are food and ‘cotton’.”
It was not cotton but a plant equivalent. That’s just how it appeared in her mind.
“As well as earthenware. We are far from most trading routes, and passing through the forest can only be done every month or so with a heavy escort. We are still the largest place at the edge of the deadlands, so we get a lot of high-ranking people stationed around visiting for relaxation and to receive orders or intelligence from the church office.”
“As for notables, we have four major players you will meet if you stay here for a while.”
Viv did not ask why they would do so. If they had only one true caster in the city, then another one would obviously be of interest to, well, everyone.
“Captain Corel is the head of the guards here. He is mostly interested in keeping the monsters at bay and the town secured. His task is made delicate by the coming and going of powerful fighters from many different lands. It doesn’t help that some of them are currently at war. Next, uh, mayor Ganimatalo. Her family was from the north originally. They love their long names.”
Indeed, that was a mouthful. Yan took a break in the conversation to top up her water, his gestures calm and graceful.
“She has been our headwoman for two decades now, and done a good job of it. I swear that she has the blessing of Sardanal, the god of wealth, himself. Or perhaps Emeric. We have grown quite a bit thanks to her initiatives. The next is the authority of the church here, master Farren. He is no fighter, actually, but a brilliant administrator. His job is to make sure that no fort remains unmanned and no soldiers unfed. Though, his greatest achievement could be how he manages so many massive egos. Many of his troops are volunteered from nearby regions, you see.”
“Not all of them are willing?”
“It is, forgive my words, a shit assignment. So, no.”
“I see.”
“Last but not least, Lady Vvarska. Forgive me, we Baranese do not usually say that sound. She is a court mage, quite far in her path and as dangerous on the battlefield as she is on the negotiation table. Seeing as you two have much in common… Forgive me, I do not mean to presume. You are both travelers who came here rather than local mages. Her circumstances are unfortunate.”
“How so?”
For the first time since they met, Yan displayed signs of unease.
“It is no secret that she was exiled here from Helock on penalty of death. She has acquitted herself of her duties very well, however. No complaints.”
“What are her duties, anyway?”
This line of questioning clearly made the man uncomfortable. She could tell from the way he considered every answer before replying, and she suspected that it might be due to two things. Either gossiping about a spellcaster in front of another one was considered bad manners, or Lady Varska frequented this establishment. Possibly both.
“A court mage would normally advise rulers on matters of magic on top of being proficient themselves. They have a more general approach to magic, or so I was told. In this specific case, Lady Varska does meet with mayor Ganimatalo on occasion. Besides that, she handles and repairs enchantments and defensive spells around the city. Sometimes, she goes on purges with the rest of the church if they need to clear dangerous undeads. Besides that, I would not know. I suppose that you can ask her yourself when you two inevitably meet.”
“I understand. What about the church? They handle the mercenaries around here, right?”
“Yes. The Church of Neriad is the main employer of the small bands of mercenaries currently present on site. Rowdy bunch. We have three small companies right now, but they come and go with every season. Undead hunting is relatively safe, or so I was told, but it’s not very lucrative and the deadlands’ mana concentration takes its toll on even the heartier line breakers.”
“You mentioned that they also coordinate state troops?”
“State troops, yes. The mercenaries are paid to thin the herd around the largest population centers. The church’s warriors and, errr, volunteers, play a more defensive role. Sometimes, they launch large-scale extermination columns. Those are rare though, on account of the logistics involved. Most of the time they focus on scouting and information gathering. Their main fort holds a retinue of temple guards and holy warriors for when a swift attack is required, like necromancers gathering a large force.”
Where were those fuckers at then? Useless pricks. She would go to the temple and request their wages since she had done their fucking jobs for them.
“Are you considering employment with the church? As an affiliated mercenary?”
She considered hiding the truth mostly out of habit. It took her a second to realize that it would be counterproductive here.
“Yes. I worked with the Baranese and my contract is finished. I was hoping to get some more resources before I leave.”
Yan nodded. She could almost see the gears turning in his head.
“You might want to go to the church office first thing in the morning tomorrow then. I will have someone guide you. Oh, and be advised that a free caster is a valuable rarity in those parts. The church might not be rich but their reach is long. I am sure that they can find a suitable compensation for someone of your rare talents, even if you are still early on your path.”
He could tell? Perhaps the inspection skill revealed quite a bit more to those who practiced it a lot.
The discussion died down after that. Viv asked about local clothiers and got a recommendation, then about smiths and was informed that the local ones only did repairs on account of how difficult it was to procure iron ingots. Some stores did sell weapons and armor, however, and she took note of a few. Viv assumed that the discussion would peter out, however, Yan surprised her once more.
“Would you care for a massage?”
She hesitated, and Yan reacted immediately.
“I remember the boundaries that you set.”
“Hmm. Why not?”
So that was a good idea. Apparently, courtesans had a skill to use little doses of magic to relax muscles and soothe aches. It was like being treated at a super high-end spa facility using state of the art technology at ten thousand euros a pop or something. The stuff of billionaires. Yan soon left her in a puddle on the bed, finally relaxed after weeks of stress. She waited for him to leave before rolling on her back.
“That went better than I expected.”
//Indeed, Your Grace.
//I am pleased to see you doing better.
//You were suffering from battle fatigue, and clearly needed a rest.
//You still do.
//With the funds at our disposal, I suggest that we take it easy for a few weeks, away from the deadlands.
“I wanna visit the forest, and so does Arthur.”
//Yes, Your Grace.
//We should hire a local guide before doing so.
//Learning of the local fauna is the first step in any successful expedition.
//And by successful, I mean that the expedition members actually return.
“Fair enough. First stop, the church and mercenary office. Then I want to buy some knickers!”
//Fascinating, Your Grace.
//We will also resume a more long-term oriented training now that your immediate survival is no longer at risk.
“You think that the locals will give us trouble?”
//They will ask questions, Your Grace.
//However, I came to the realization that both our status are occulted.
“What does that mean?”
//Something powerful prevented a full analysis of the both of us.
//Investigator Tars knows of me, but not of how dangerous I truly am.
//I find it curious, but not unexpected.
//I suspect that the entity responsible for your… unexpected arrival… is keeping you protected from scrutiny.
“Huh. I thought that, you know, they didn’t care?”
//I doubt it.
//The obfuscation and the divine spark of luck say otherwise.
“Yeah, well, can’t they, I don’t know, talk to me? At all?”
//You may not communicate with the divine with a wounded soul, Your Grace.
“Ok. War council. What do I do?”
Viv sighed and stood up. She grabbed a long cut of fresh meat and brought it to Arthur’s nest, now reinforced with a looted towel. A clawed arm lashed out and grabbed the offering, which disappeared in a reptilian maw.
Viv returned to the bed and sat there.
“Ok, war council, what do I do besides feeding her adorableness, the squeaky Arthur?”
//You made no secret that you wanted to learn what had brought you here.
//And possibly return to your world.
It bothered her a bit that Solfis simultaneously agreed to help her leave while also repeating that he would turn her into a local power. The two proposals contradicted each other.
//You either need to heal your soul and ask the gods for answers, or research teleportation and interdimensional travel.
“Can’t I just leverage the fact that I am an outlander and ask for help?”