Chapter 10: The Deadlands (1/2)
Viv traveled south for a week, sticking to side roads and evading large population centers thanks to Solfis’ guidance. The undead grew in variety as the background mana lessened. There were undead animals, like bears, and she had to hide from those until they went on. She had a frightful confrontation with a large, bat-like creature with a terrible breath that only left after inspecting her for twenty minutes. That had been a motivating session of training, spent trying to extend the cloak to her feet while shielding Arthur. The creature eventually left.
Many of those, she only noticed from afar in villages that she passed by. There were towering piles of muscle and flesh, tall creatures with tentacles surrounded by crawlers moving like a single entity, and shadowy things she only spotted briefly. Solfis had names for them all, but he was sober in his explanations.
//This unit has access to several bestiaries.
//Those subgenres are known to me.
//This unit will spare you the disturbing tales of their abilities.
//Instead, this unit would like you to place the… ‘nope shield’ at your back.
//Try it now.
It was like having a personal trainer motivated by violence.
The night after the bat, Arthur crawled into the tent to sleep by her side.
The constant training between conversations pushed her manipulation skill further, and she was also rewarded by another landmark. Her attunement had reached 10%.
Normally, such a low number meant little. Most adults reached that level after four or five decades if they cast spells with any regularity. It was still a celebrated achievement amongst young teenage mages.
For Viv, however, it made a marked improvement in her ability to cast because of her black affinity. Her Bzzt! spell was as thick as two fingers when fully charged, and her cloak now reached mid-thigh.
Solfis’ training changed again. He considered that she had a grasp of the basics that only repetition would improve, and had her do various games and activities to that effect. He always varied them. He had her try to curve her bolt, or make it very straight. Those worked well enough. He also tried to have her make her coat smoother because right now she looked like someone had dunked steaming squid ink on a cardboard helmet. That proved more difficult. At least, it was entertaining.
They met the real obstacle just as they were nearing the gap. Viv had found herself on a small plateau overlooking flat plains. She could see the gaps in the mountain range to the south, as well as hints of salvation.
Between the gaps and beyond that, the world was green. The forest was dense and imposing, but most importantly, it was quite obviously alive.
The plains were dotted with dark shrubbery as the black mana was finally fading.
It was also dotted with zombies.
The plains were not uniform and she did not have the eyes to know for sure, but close to her the creatures sat and stood at a density of one every ten paces in any direction. The landscape squirmed in the distance.
“How is this possible?” she muttered.
//Your grace, my sensor range is limited.
//However, I believe that some of those revenants are not from the Harrakan Empire.
Viv agreed. The clothing style between the hundred or so creatures she could clearly see varied a lot from one to another. Even the peasant garbs were not the same. One had a linen shirt that was mostly white, while another had thicker brown coveralls made of a different undyed material. The disparity could be seen in richer clothes as well, although Viv did not know if it pointed to different lands or different eras. Some of the revenants could have been here for a while.
“The important factor here is that I cannot simply pass those by. I cannot maintain the cloak active for that long.”
//This unit believes that you should walk on the mountainside.
“We already had this discussion. I am not leaving you behind.”
//There is little choice, Your Grace.
Solfis was incredibly useful but he lacked initiative, as demonstrated before.
“How fast are those anyway?”
//Fairly slow and fairly weak, Your Grace.
//The problem is that revenants are notoriously hard to kill.
//They can even survive without a head for a minute.
//They will regenerate to the state they are currently in with the ambient dark mana, unless incinerated.
//You would eventually be swarmed.
Viv could not use Bzzt without empowering the things.
Speaking of which…
“Solfis, I can push dark mana into people with my, ahem, elemental bolt spell, yes?”
//Your Bzzt spell.
“You don’t have to remind me every time.”
//Correct. You push mana.
“Is there a way to draw it instead?”
“Can I link with a target and draw out the black mana? It would disable the revenant, yes?”
//Insufficient data.
“There is no spell to drain someone of mana?”
//There is a spell used to draw life mana from a target.
//There are no spells to drag black mana from an undead.
//It would kill every practitioner.
//Except, perhaps, you.
“So, it could work.”
//Only you could do it, Your Grace.
//This unit would not know where to start.
“I do. Tell me about the drain spell.”
//The drain operates with symbols and is quite advanced.
//The basic function is simple.
//The spell worms the caster’s own life mana into the target’s conduits.
//A connection is maintained.
//Then, the caster pulls and draws both his and the target’s life mana in.
//This spell requires the caster to be significantly stronger than the target.
//Or, for the target to be willing.
“Who would willingly submit themselves to that. Would that not be excessively unpleasant?”
//It could be used by exhausted healers to replenish their mana faster.
//Targets reported a deep sense of violation.
//Many volunteer anyway, generally to help the healer save others.
“Ok. Suppose I take the mana in, would that not poison me?”
//Only a little.
//You are poisoned by foreign, ambient mana.
//The drained mana would become yours through the process.
//Mana that is ‘yours’ should not hurt you.
“Ok, so I need to cast a bolt of black mana targeted at conduits, flood the zombie…”
“...whatever, the revenant, with that mana, and once it’s done I just have to pull?”
//Easier said than done.
//But, in essence, yes.
//I know of a symbol that might help you.
Solfis gave a summary explanation on symbols, saying that he would teach her more later. Apparently, there was only one alphabet and it had existed since the dawn of time. It took twenty minutes for Viv to draw the squiggly thing because she had to follow Solphis’ instructions to do so instead of using a model. It only worked because something clicked once she had it mostly correct, as if magic itself gave her pointers. The last few modifications made sense to her on a fundamental level.
She ended up with something like an arrow going through a spiral.
//You need to visualize the symbol when you cast your bolt.
//Instead of invading the flesh, it will pierce the conduits.
//You merely have to will it so.
“Is there a symbol for pull?”
//There is.
//However, the pulling part is the easiest one.
//Using one symbol will already tire you.
//We should focus on efficiency, for now.
“I’m probably going to be pulling a lot.”
//If it works, you will have a surplus of mana to use for additional training.
//I shall monitor your condition.
//You must not go beyond mild poisoning again.
“Fair enough.”
Viv detached herself from the sled, gave a comforting pat to Arthur who squealed timidly, then went on to experiment.
She chose a tall boulder to stand on in case the spell failed and backlashed or something. It would be extremely embarrassing to have survived fantasy nuclear fallout, only to die by having her extremities nibbled by a B-movie prop. That would not do. The boulder would keep the dumb creature at bay for long enough to recover, she hoped. Solfis had said that they were quite dumb.
The next step was to cast the spell on a random target. She chose one of the black-aligned shrubberies.
[Dark fern: a semi-magical plant that absorbs black mana. It can be used as an alchemical ingredient of mild potency.]
Viv pointed her finger dramatically at the innocent shrub. Gestures helped with casting, one of the reasons why Solfis had her practice without it. She visualized the symbol and immediately lost the spell.
The mana dispersed harmlessly into the air.
Solfis had never told her that the thing was in three dimensions! Now it made more sense. It had a two dimensional, flattened version, but that was not as effective.
Encouraged, she tried again.
The usual black bolt crashed into the plant, only this time it had a more elastic quality to it. A bit like a garden hose, but in a horrific tentacular kind of way.
Targeting the shrub was a great idea. It had black mana to steal. She felt her own fill the conduits and—
The plant exploded with the pop of a balloon. Pieces of ashes drifted in the air.
Ok, so ferns had little mana and one very, very small conduit.
“Viviane the dread gardener makes another victim!” the witch mumbled to herself.
Viv had to stop for the next attempt. The piercing rune tired her mind as if she had been writing an essay for half an hour.
Mana manipulation has reached Beginner 8
That was helpful.
She tried again, this time pushing the nearest amount of mana into the next fern. She then pulled, and felt refreshed.
Well, not exactly. Her casting was still messy. The bolt was nowhere close to smooth. She had wasted more mana casting than she had recovered, but, well, that was a plant.
Another pause, and she was ready for the real deal. First, to find a volunteer.
She climbed down from the boulder and walked to the first revenant fifty paces or so away. The ground was sand, rocks, and dust, so she just picked a rock and threw it.
The heavy stone smacked against the creature, braining it. It fell to the ground and stopped moving.
“Well, that works too, I guess.”
She came closer and came to a realization.
With black mana being rarer, microbes or their magical equivalent had made a grand return and the creature smelled like a rotten body. It was that, or the creature had come from outside and the cadaverine had not dried out yet.
It was mild as corpses went. She had experienced worse in Afghanistan before, and some of the old dogs in her unit, those who had been deployed to Serbia, had horror stories about waterlogged mass graves. She could still have done without the stench.
Her cloak, the mundane one not the magical one, had a mask. She put it on. The revenant wore a tattered robe that looked vaguely priestly. She grabbed it by the shoulders and dragged, thanking unknown gods for the hermetic skinsuit. That thing had saved her life, and now it acted as protective equipment.
Once she was up the boulder and the thing was down, she cast the spell again. It went a bit wide and penetrating the conduits was harder, but it turned out that her spell was an overkill. The thing barely resisted at all and she soon felt her own mana join with that its own. Pulling was not just easy. It was fun.
“Yoink! Hahaha. OH SH—”
Too late. Yoink joined Bzzt! in the list of embarrassing terminologies. She felt the golem’s disapproving glare on her back.
Below, the dead priest sort of blackened and fell apart. She could see pieces of skeleton below a dry, ashy substance. Interestingly, the stench lessened.
“Ah well, at least it works.”
She took a few minutes to recover, then cast again aiming at a putrefied young woman in a torn dress. Her target this time had been partially eaten, and there were claw marks on her back. It made Viv wonder how the body had ended up here. In fact, there was no way that all those people had just died here. Was she at the end point of a revenant migration pattern?
The mystery would remain for now.
“It works,” she announced proudly.
//Indeed, Your Grace, an amazing achievement.
//To invent your first spell only two weeks after your arrival!
//It would kill anyone else on the planet, unfortunately.
//Having one’s conduit flooded with black mana is usually fatal, black alignment or not.
“How come that I’m alive then?
//I have no idea, Your Grace.
//I mentioned it before.
//By all accounts, you should be dead.
Viv could not squander such a precious opportunity. She immediately started an approximate rendition of the Thriller choreography. The public was not impressed. Arthur squealed in confusion.
“Tough crowd, huh? Nevermind.”
Not even a dance skill.
//When you are done, we must plan.
“Ok so I can neutralize revenants. What else do I need to know?”
//Revenants follow trends.
//If enough revenants start walking in the same direction, a rush will occur.
//That is why you should eliminate pursuers before they grow too numerous.
//You may not sleep in the open either.
“Are there any caches left on the way?”
//The sand here has spread out more.
//Some of my maps are no longer valid.
//We have to assume that all the underground caches have been buried.
“How about guard towers or similar structures? The stone buildings should be more or less intact here.”
//One memory database includes the location of scout towers across the plains.
//Most of them should be standing.
//We will progress slowly.
//We are almost out of the Heartlands.
“I can see a forest in the distance.”
//My sensors do not extend that far.
//Do you confirm?
“Yes. It's green and extends far to the horizon. I can’t be farther than five days away at normal speed.”
//That is a relief.
//I hope that we find new people to subjugate.
“Yes. Wait, what?”
//To communicate with, Your Grace.
//New people to communicate with.
Viv shouldered the sled harness and descended the short slope onto the vast plain.
Walking across the plain proved a new type of exhausting experience. While she was considerably less sick than before, she could no longer walk freely. Meditative trance had allowed her to surmount her fatigue. Now, she had to stop frequently to cast yoink.
At first, she tried to move between the creatures. Unfortunately, this often resulted in having to cast the spell twice. The best solution proved to walk in a mostly straight line coming close to a revenant, killing it, then moving to the next one. The mana recovered that way allowed her to keep going, but she had to pause frequently.
Mana recovered naturally, and it did so faster during meditation. The saturation allowed her to recover very quickly for someone who was still a novice caster, but it was still hard and slow going. She finally found cause to rejoice at the end of the first day,
“Hold on,” she told Solfis, “I think I saw something good.”
//Your Grace?
Viv dropped the harness, then stopped.
“Tell me, Solfis, you know how the zombies—
//Revenant, Your Grace. Zombies are the products of a specific necromantic spell.
“Necromancy? As in skulls and graveyards and terrible appearance?”
//This is amazingly accurate.
//This unit thought there were no necromancers in your native world?
“Don’t sidetrack me. YOINK! Anyway, you know how the ‘revenants’ sort of turn to ash and bone when they die?”
//This is a known occurrence when undead are killed via intrusion.
//Your… spell… has a similar result to ‘exorcism’ spells used by the priesthood to destroy magically sensitive creatures.