60 Familiar Feeling (1/2)

|Third Pov Theodore: Tuesday Morning|

After last nights exhilarating first game, Theodore and Mary were quickly brought back down to reality with thier second game ending in loss where they were wiped out after only 10 seconds.

20 games later with 9 of them being a win they had built up enough experience to loot alone after landing. Unlike the PC version of PUBG, there is a huge difference in play style.

For instance, close combat gunfights are a viable option as the kill time is significantly longer when there are no headshots involved.

Even though close combat is viable, not many will opt for it unless its an ambush and they have no choice. Sophie explained one of the methods is to have a pan in one hand cover your face and then shoot with the other hand.

Close combat is not limited to just gunfights. Just like real life you can disarm an opponent and have proper hand to hand combat. This includes the use of cold weapons and throwing other items such as ammo, bandages and attachment which gives them another use.

Sophie was one of these individuals she is one of the few female players who are at there best in close combat.

Just like Sophie, Mary had her skills that shocked both Sophie and Theodore. When they died first they witness Mary's incredible quick reactions and pinpoint accuracy.

It was not surprising that Theodore came out as the most skilled player between them but it was less to do with gun skill and more on movement.

Theodore had finally put his parkour skills to the test as he climbed from one roof to the other surprising player and taking lives along the way.

He also found himself taking a liking to running duel pistols as his movement isn't halted by its weight or shaking when holstered. The other weapon that he fell for was the M416 it didn't have the best damage but it was much lighter and had decent range.

At around 10 pm they stopped as Sophie reminded him that he had an interview today.

Both Mary and Sophie slept over unfortunately Theodore didn't get any late-night visits.

He woke up 5 am and started his morning with practising Breath Of Tranquility.

After an hour of meditation, he stopped and left to prepare breakfast. For breakfast, he made French toast with fruits.

He then woke Rose up and had her join him for breakfast.

As Rose, Theodore and Icy we're having breakfast a loud yawn was heard from the hallway.

Following the loud yawn was Mary disgusted voice ”urgh don't yawn in my direction!”

”Sorry,” Said Sophie

They finally sat down and joined them for breakfast.

Hearing my question Rose's eyes widened with joy as she asked ”Shopping, toys and dresses?”

Theodore shook his head and said ”No more toys you more than enough. We'll get some new clothes then do some grocery”

”Yes, more cookie's,” Said Rose while nodding her head

”Hahaha I know we'll get the little piggy more cookies,” Said Theodore while pinching her chubby cheeks

”So what do you think Mary can we” Said, Theodore

”I don't see why not. And I could do with updating my wardrobe” Said Mary happily

”Hey what about me? Can't I go?” Pleaded Sophie

”I kinda just thought you had something to get to” Said Theodore

”Well, I don't, so like can I go? What do you think Rose? Do you want Aunt Sophie to go with you?” Asked Sophie shamelessly

Rose took a second to think about and said seriously ”I want toys”

Theodore stepped into his daughter little negotiation and said ”Sophie you can come and Rose I said you have enough toys”

Rose pouted and sadly ate her breakfast.

Sophie couldn't help but say ”Come on its only one toy?”

”I don't want to spoil her too much. She really has a lot of toys and they are up to date” Said Theodore strictly

”Aren't you being too strict?” Said Sophie