58 The Basics (1/2)

I only glanced at the task as I was more shocked by what I was seeing.

I was surrounded by what I assume are other players and their avatars. The area we were in appeared to be an abandoned-looking island that had a huge airstrip with a bunch of crates and bunkers around.

I put out my hand and clench it before throwing a combination of kicks and punches. Feeling confident I perform a backflip and look down at my feet excitedly.

I shout excitedly ”Holy Shit I'm in a game!”

”Shut the fuck up!” Shouted an unfamiliar voice

”Who said that!?” I shouted while looking around to see if the perpetrator would come out

In return, the reply I got was people joining and blasting their music.

I try blocking my ears before remembering I'm wearing a headset. While I was looking for a way to mute the people in the lobby I get tapped on the shoulder.

I turn around and see Sophie's avatar with her alias TheRealStep-Mom above it ”Your in-game chat idiot. To go into party chat just have your middle finger touch your palm twice. Just your middle finger nothing else”

”Does it matta what hand I use?” I ask

”No, it doesn't. To go back to game chat do the same thing again” Said, Sophie

Hearing a feminine voice in the lobby most of the guys in the vicinity begin their search.


”Gamer Gurl!!”

”A girl who also games?!!”

”A lady of great standing. Please make way gentleman”

I heard multiple cheesy pickup lines before finally joining the party chat.

I ask ”Is Mary here?”

”Yeah, I watched a walkthrough for the game. I only know the basics” Said, Mary

”Can you explain what's going on?” I asked

”We are. . ” As Sophie was explaining Mary rudely interrupted and explained for her ”. . just waiting on more players to join then the game will begin”

Feeling the girls tyrannical aura again, I quickly try to keep the conversation moving ”What other gestures are there and dose recoil match real-life guns?”

”To pause you can either use a voice command and just say 'Pause' or you bring your thumb to your palm. By the way, you can change the gesture's in the settings. If you point at something a marker will appear for all of us not just for you but make sure it's just your index finger don't want you getting cancel over a Nazi salute. To make the map bigger just bring your index finger to your palm repeat to minimise” Said Mary

While I test out all the gestures Sophie began to explain ”The recoil is vastly different from real-life weapons. For starters, it's not as impactful and much like other FPS games, each gun has its own recoil pattern. There's also the bullet drop that's dependent on the gun. By the way, don't overthink it with the snipers you only need to figure out the bullet drop and that's about it”

”No, the difficulty in the game is the number of players you face. Moving from one area to another leaves you with no cover. Player movement is less predictable and chaotic compared to trained soldiers as they know that it's a game and are able take risks. Depending on the armour you pick you can even eat sniper bullet to your dome. The difficulty doesn't come from marksmanship but the players behaviour” Said Sophie like the veteran player she is.

”So like is there some sort of ranking I can check to see my improvement,” I asked

”Yeah, it's Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Elite, Master and Grandmaster. Currently, the highest rank player in America since the release is Elite” Said Sophie

'Hmm, it seems fairly simple. I'm gonna need to play passively to make sure I win and even maybe use Mary and Sophie as bait. Okay, let's see huh? Skills unavailable during V.R please acquire games skill. Shit, this means I can't use Veterans Awareness and the Aim Assist skill. Wait, this is a good chance to use my new senses. Okay accept task'

”Ooo a countdown is it starting!?” I said excitedly while watching a yellow countdown.



[Lil-CAAN!!]: LETS G0❗❗

[OneShotBro]: HYPE

[Blues-Got_No-Clue]: POG

[BlindingFuture]: He like a child and I fucking love it????

[EnterShityNameHere]: ????????

[DryHumour]: ????????????

[SugerBaby??]: @BlindingFuture So you fuck kids huh? Let's talk about that ????


”Theo please try to maintain some dignity” Said Mary

”Yeah, and don't shout,” said Sophie

The moment the counter hit 0 a feeling of adrenaline and excitement shoots through my body.

”Huh, umm am I supposed to be looking at a green plane?” I ask

Sophie explains ”Remember when I said we get dropped on the map, well this is it. I've already set a marker on the map. You probably haven't noticed it yet but the floor below you has now risen when we drop the anti-gravity will kick in and we'll be floating aimlessly. Your gonna feel a hard cold wind when we drop so be ready. When I say jump, do it then follow after me, Okay?”

”Wait, this thing has anti-gravity? It didn't say that on the site?” I said clearly confused by the new feature

”It's a surprises gimmick. Don't worry about hurting your self. The area below will turn into a squishy solid that will absorb the impact and negate any damage” Said Sophie

”Okay,” I say while opening the map to check where exactly she saying for us to drop.

As I stare at the map I begin to contemplate methods that might increase my survival rate before asking ”What's the most popular place to drop?”

”School, why?” Said Sophie

I quickly switch to in-game chat and shout ”Everyone drop school!”

”Alright, drop school pussy's”

”Fuck off prick I drop where I want!”

”Drop School bitch then tell me to me fuck off”



[Yes Man]: Oh shit cluster fuck at school????????

[xXQuickScope22Xx]: Its gonna be a short game ????

[SettleWithMe]: LMAO ????????

[QuiteNoise]: Well dad is about to die real quick☠

[GIve-A-Dolloar]: @Yes Man not the first time you've said that huh ????

[OtakuFPS]: Your confidence will be your downfall ????


I was barely paying attention to what Chat had to say as I was intently listening to the verbal abuse between strangers.

Hearing an argument suddenly occur out of nothing didn't surprise me or scare me, in fact, I felt a wave of nostalgia hit me.

If you've played an online game then you understand that it's the pure nonsense of game chat that made things twice as fun as shitting on people.

'This is gonna be so much fun'

”Sophie can we drop the Rozhok instead. We'll gear up and then push school” I said casually while marking farm on the map.

”Apartments is much better for that and just so you know there will be other people doing the same” Said Sophie

”Of course but it won't be as chaotic as School. So run me through how I gear up and is there any button press mechanism/gestures that help with shooting and so on” I ask

Sophie once again informed Mary and I ”When we drop, you want to keep your vision near the ground and rely on your hearing for footsteps and other sounds This only for when you don't have any weapons or armour after that you want to try to regroup or take out any players nearby. To pick up any gear just pick it up and it should auto equip unless its an attachment which will go into your inventory. Armour comes in the form of helmets and a bulletproof vest. Armour has 3 levels, level 1 being the weakest and level 3 being the highest. To access your inventory just reach for one of the backpack straps. If you want to switch to a specific weapon on your person then you need to reach for it yourself. Just treat like a real-life if you have any questions just ask. Okay, looks like we're here”

I watch as a cluster of players drop out of the plane and make their way towards School.

”Ready set, JUMP!!” Yelled Sophie

I lightly jump and feel the ground disappear as a strong wind emerges and begins pushing against my body.

I was left temporally deaf as the cold, harsh winds pass by my ears and run through my hair.

After a brief moment of adrenaline, I fix my eyes on Mary and Sophies figure and follow them to one of the apartment buildings.

As we dive closer and closer I hear Sophie's voice ”Look down at your chest and pull the cord that's the parachute”